use std::{fs, path::Path, sync::Arc}; use async_std::task; use libloading::{Library, Symbol}; use tracing::{info, span, trace, Level}; use crate::{ commands, plugins::{ manager::{PluginsManager, PluginsManagerType}, prelude::*, }, }; pub fn loader(plugins_dir: &str) -> anyhow::Result { // if plugins directory doesn't exists, create it if !Path::new(plugins_dir).exists() { fs::create_dir_all(plugins_dir)?; } // get all files from the plugins directory let plugins_files = fs::read_dir(plugins_dir)?; // init a plugins manager let mut plugins_manager = PluginsManager::new(); // add default commands plugins_manager.commands = commands::register_commands(); for plugin_path in plugins_files { let path = plugin_path?.path(); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); // add span to logger let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "", plugin_path = path_str); let _enter = span.enter(); info!("Loading plugin {}", path_str); // loading library from .so is unsafe unsafe { // Box::new and Box::leak must be there because // if it isn't there it throws an segmentation fault let lib = Box::leak(Box::new(Library::new(&path)?)); trace!("Finding symbol `plugin_entry` in {}", path_str); let func: Symbol ()> = lib.get(b"plugin_entry")?; // execute the function `plugin_entry` to load the plugin (possible segmentation fault) trace!("Running function `plugin_entry` from plugin {}", path_str); func(&mut plugins_manager); } } for plugin in plugins_manager.plugins.iter() { // execute the `on_load` function from the plugin task::block_on(async { plugin.on_load().await }); info!("Loaded plugin {}.",; } Ok(Arc::new(plugins_manager)) }