use async_trait::async_trait; use crate::{ plugins::{Command, PluginManagerType, Result}, tcp::Client, }; pub struct CommandHelp; #[async_trait] impl Command for CommandHelp { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "/help" } fn help(&self) -> &'static str { "Display all available commands" } async fn execute( &self, client: &mut Client, _args: Vec<&str>, plugin_manager: &PluginManagerType, ) -> Result<()> { // Vector which will contain help messages of the commands let mut help = Vec::new(); for command in plugin_manager.commands.iter() { // add a help message for the command help.push(format!("{} - {}",,; } // send help message to the client client.send(help.join("\n\r")).await?; Ok(()) } }