doc: add readme

This commit is contained in:
MedzikUser 2022-06-11 12:50:31 +02:00
parent cdb7a78f83
commit a99807848d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: A5FAC1E185C112DB
2 changed files with 59 additions and 1 deletions

50 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# crypto-utils
[![crates-io]]( )
[![docs-rs]]( )
Cryptography Utils for Rust
### Importing
The driver is available on [crates-io]. To use the driver in
your application, simply add it to your project's `Cargo.toml`.
crypto-utils = "0.1.0"
### How to use?
#### Compute a Sha hash
Add `sha` features (is enabled by default)
crypto-utils = { version = "...", features = ["sha"] }
Quick and easy Sha1, Sha256 and Sha512 hash computing.
use crypto_utils::sha::{Algorithm, CryptographicHash};
// input data for a hasher
let input = "P@ssw0rd"; // &str
// compute hash
let hash_bytes = CryptographicHash::hash(Algorithm::SHA1, input.as_bytes()); // Vec<u8>
// decode hash to a String
let hash = hex::encode(hash_bytes); // String
assert_eq!(hash, "21bd12dc183f740ee76f27b78eb39c8ad972a757".to_string())
License: MIT

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@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
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//! [github]:
//! [crates-io]:
//! [docs-rs]:;base64,PHN2ZyByb2xlPSJpbWciIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDUxMiA1MTIiPjxwYXRoIGZpbGw9IiNmNWY1ZjUiIGQ9Ik00ODguNiAyNTAuMkwzOTIgMjE0VjEwNS41YzAtMTUtOS4zLTI4LjQtMjMuNC0zMy43bC0xMDAtMzcuNWMtOC4xLTMuMS0xNy4xLTMuMS0yNS4zIDBsLTEwMCAzNy41Yy0xNC4xIDUuMy0yMy40IDE4LjctMjMuNCAzMy43VjIxNGwtOTYuNiAzNi4yQzkuMyAyNTUuNSAwIDI2OC45IDAgMjgzLjlWMzk0YzAgMTMuNiA3LjcgMjYuMSAxOS45IDMyLjJsMTAwIDUwYzEwLjEgNS4xIDIyLjEgNS4xIDMyLjIgMGwxMDMuOS01MiAxMDMuOSA1MmMxMC4xIDUuMSAyMi4xIDUuMSAzMi4yIDBsMTAwLTUwYzEyLjItNi4xIDE5LjktMTguNiAxOS45LTMyLjJWMjgzLjljMC0xNS05LjMtMjguNC0yMy40LTMzLjd6TTM1OCAyMTQuOGwtODUgMzEuOXYtNjguMmw4NS0zN3Y3My4zek0xNTQgMTA0LjFsMTAyLTM4LjIgMTAyIDM4LjJ2LjZsLTEwMiA0MS40LTEwMi00MS40di0uNnptODQgMjkxLjFsLTg1IDQyLjV2LTc5LjFsODUtMzguOHY3NS40em0wLTExMmwtMTAyIDQxLjQtMTAyLTQxLjR2LS42bDEwMi0zOC4yIDEwMiAzOC4ydi42em0yNDAgMTEybC04NSA0Mi41di03OS4xbDg1LTM4Ljh2NzUuNHptMC0xMTJsLTEwMiA0MS40LTEwMi00MS40di0uNmwxMDItMzguMiAxMDIgMzguMnYuNnoiPjwvcGF0aD48L3N2Zz4K
//! Cryptography Utils for Rust //! Cryptography Utils for Rust
//! //!
//! ## Importing //! ## Importing
//! The driver is available on []( To use the driver in //! The driver is available on [crates-io]. To use the driver in
//! your application, simply add it to your project's `Cargo.toml`. //! your application, simply add it to your project's `Cargo.toml`.
//! //!
//! ```toml //! ```toml