
80 lines
2.1 KiB

use imgurs::api::ImgurClient;
use clap::{Command, IntoApp, Parser, Subcommand};
use clap_complete::{generate, Generator, Shell};
use log::error;
use std::io::stdout;
use crate::cli::{credits::*, delete_image::*, info_image::*, upload_image::*};
const VERSION: Option<&str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const NAME: Option<&str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
name = NAME.unwrap_or("unknown"),
about = "Imgur API CLI", long_about = None,
version = VERSION.unwrap_or("unknown")
struct Cli {
command: Commands,
#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Commands {
#[clap(about = "Print API Rate Limit")]
#[clap(about = "Upload image to Imgur")]
Upload { path: String },
#[clap(about = "Delete image from Imgur")]
Delete { delete_hash: String },
#[clap(about = "Print image info")]
Info { id: String },
#[clap(about = "Print shell completions (bash, zsh, fish, powershell)")]
Completions { shell: String },
fn print_completions<G: Generator>(gen: G, app: &mut Command) {
generate(gen, app, app.get_name().to_string(), &mut stdout())
pub async fn parse(client: ImgurClient) {
let args = Cli::parse();
match &args.command {
Commands::Credits => {
Commands::Upload { path } => {
upload_image(client, path).await;
Commands::Delete { delete_hash } => {
delete_image(client, delete_hash.to_string()).await;
Commands::Info { id } => {
image_info(client, id).await;
Commands::Completions { shell } => {
let mut app = Cli::command();
match shell.as_str() {
"bash" => print_completions(Shell::Bash, &mut app),
"zsh" => print_completions(Shell::Zsh, &mut app),
"fish" => print_completions(Shell::Fish, &mut app),
"powershell" => print_completions(Shell::PowerShell, &mut app),
_ => error!("Completions to shell `{shell}`, not found!"),