use std::collections::HashMap; use reqwest::{Client, Method}; use crate::{Error, Result}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] /// The Null Pointer instance for pub struct NullPointer { client: Client, url: String, } impl NullPointer { /// Create a new [NullPointer] instance. /// ```rs /// use imgurs::NullPointer; /// /// let client = NullPointer::new(""); /// ``` pub fn new(url: &str) -> Self { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); Self { client, url: url.to_string(), } } /// Upload image to Imgur /// ```no_run /// use imgurs::NullPointer; /// /// #[tokio::main] /// async fn main() { /// let client = NullPointer::new(""); /// /// client.upload("path/to/file.png").await.expect("failed to upload image"); /// } /// ``` pub async fn upload(&self, path: &str) -> Result { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); // check if the specified file exists if not then check if it is a url if std::path::Path::new(path).exists() { bytes = std::fs::read(path)?; } // validate url adress else { Err(Error::InvalidUrlOrFile(path.to_string()))?; } // send request to imgur api // get http client let client = &self.client; // create Request buidler let mut req = client.request(Method::POST, &self.url); // add `Authorization` and `User-Agent` to Request req = req.header( "User-Agent", format!("Imgur/{:?}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")), ); let part = reqwest::multipart::Part::bytes(bytes); let form = reqwest::multipart::Form::new().part("file", part); req = req.multipart(form); // build Request let req =; // send Request let res = client.execute(req).await?; // get response http code let status = res.status(); // check if an error has occurred if status.is_client_error() || status.is_server_error() { let body = res.text().await?; return Err(Error::ApiError(status.as_u16(), body)); } Ok(res.json().await?) } }