use std::collections::HashMap; use reqwest::{Method, Response}; use crate::{ImgurClient, Result}; /// Send request to a Imgur API pub async fn send_api_request( config: &ImgurClient, method: Method, uri: String, form: Option>, ) -> Result { // get http client let client = &config.client; // create Request buidler let mut req = client.request(method, uri.as_str()); // add `Authorization` and `User-Agent` to Request req = req .header("Authorization", format!("Client-ID {}", config.client_id)) .header( "User-Agent", format!("Imgur/{:?}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")), ); // if exists add HashMap to Request if form != None { req = req.form(&form.unwrap()) } // build Request let req =; // send Request Ok(client.execute(req).await?) }