use super::Config; use anyhow::Error; use colored::Colorize; use dirs::config_dir; use log::warn; use std::{ fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File}, io::{self, Write as _}, path::Path, }; use toml::from_str as toml_from_str; const CONFIG_DIR: &str = "/imgurs/config.toml"; pub fn parse() -> Config { toml().unwrap_or_else(|err| { let mut stdout = std::io::stdout(); write!(stdout, "{}", "The configuration file could not be opened. Do you want to create/overwrite with DEFAULT values? (Y/n): ".yellow()).unwrap(); stdout.flush().unwrap(); let mut value = String::new(); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut value) .expect("failed to read line"); if value.to_lowercase() != "n\n" { warn!("Parse toml config: {err}! Creating config file..."); let default_config = include_str!(concat!("../../config.toml")); let sys_config_dir = config_dir().expect("find config dir"); let config_dir = format!("{}{CONFIG_DIR}", sys_config_dir.to_string_lossy()); let config_path = Path::new(&config_dir); let prefix = config_path.parent().unwrap(); create_dir_all(prefix).expect("create config dir"); let mut file_ref = File::create(config_path).expect("create failed"); file_ref .write_all(default_config.as_bytes()) .expect("failed write default config to file"); toml().expect("parse toml config") } else { panic!("New config creation cancelled!") } }) } fn toml() -> anyhow::Result { let config_dir = config_dir().unwrap(); let file_dir = format!("{}{CONFIG_DIR}", config_dir.to_string_lossy()); let toml_str = read_to_string(file_dir).map_err(Error::new)?; let decode = toml_from_str(&toml_str).map_err(Error::new)?; Ok(decode) }