use std::collections::HashMap; use reqwest::Method; use crate::{Error, Result, api_url, send_api_request, ImgurClient, ImageInfo}; pub async fn upload_image(client: &ImgurClient, image: String) -> Result { // create http form (hashmap) let mut form = HashMap::new(); // insert image to form form.insert("image", image); // get imgur api url let uri = api_url!("image"); // send request to imgur api let res = send_api_request(client, Method::POST, uri, Some(form)).await?; // get response http code let status = res.status(); // check if an error has occurred if status.is_client_error() || status.is_server_error() { let body = res.text().await?; // if body is too long do not return it (imgur sometimes returns whole Request) if body.chars().count() > 50 { Err(Error::ApiErrorBodyTooLong(status.as_u16()))?; } return Err(Error::ApiError(status.as_u16(), body)); } // return `ImageInfo` Ok(res.json().await?) }