package stats import ( "fmt" "math" "os" "runtime" "" ) type StatCPU struct { // Percent of CPU Usage Usage string // NumCPU returns the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process. // // The set of available CPUs is checked by querying the operating system at process startup. Changes to operating system CPU allocation after process startup are not reflected. Num int // GOARCH is the running program's architecture target: one of 386, amd64, arm, s390x, and so on. Arch string // Process ID PID int } // Get CPU stats func CPU() (StatCPU, error) { pid := os.Getpid() stat := StatCPU{ Num: runtime.NumCPU(), Arch: runtime.GOARCH, PID: pid, } sysInfo, err := pidusage.GetStat(pid) if err != nil { stat.Usage = "error" return stat, err } stat.Usage = fmt.Sprint(math.Round(sysInfo.CPU*100)/100, "%") return stat, nil }