# [Pingbot](https://pingbot.cf/) - Backend [![Repo Size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/MedzikUser/go-pingbot)](https://github.com/MedzikUser/go-pingbot) [![Build](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/MedzikUser/go-pingbot/release/main)](https://github.com/MedzikUser/go-pingbot/actions/workflows/release.yml) This application "pings" websites every few minutes (to be set in config). It can be used to keep the application alive on e.g. [glitch.me](https://glitch.com/) or [repl.it](https://replit.com/). ## Install Pre-Compile binary * 💻 Linux amd64 * [Download](https://github.com/MedzikUser/go-pingbot/releases) latest version * Unpack file `tar xzf pingbot_*_linux_amd64.tar.gz` * Done your binary is `pingbot.out` ## Compile from Source Code Not recommended because automatic updates don't work ### Requirements * [Go](https://golang.org/dl) (recommended latest version) ### Compile * Download source code `git clone https://github.com/MedzikUser/go-pingbot.git --depth 1` * Go to folder with source code `cd go-pingbot` * Download dependencies `go mod tidy` * Build `go build -o pingbot.out` * Done your compined binary is `pingbot.out` ## Configurate * Complete .env according to .env.schema * And fill in config.toml according to config.schema.toml ## Run * `./pingbot.out`