use hex::encode; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::crypto::CryptographicHash; #[derive(Debug, sqlx::FromRow)] pub struct User { pub id: String, pub username: String, pub password: String, } impl User { /// Create a new User type (note **this doesn't create a new user in the database!**) /// /// This function creates a unique UUID for the user and creates a password hash using SHA-512 /// ``` /// use homedisk_utils::database::User; /// /// let user = User::new("medzik", "SuperSecretPassword123!"); /// ``` pub fn new(username: &str, password: &str) -> Self { // create user UUID let sha1_name = CryptographicHash::hash("SHA-1", username.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let id = Uuid::new_v5(&Uuid::NAMESPACE_X500, &sha1_name).to_string(); let username = username.to_lowercase(); let password = encode(CryptographicHash::hash("SHA-512", password.as_bytes()).unwrap()); Self { id, username, password, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::User; #[test] fn check_username_is_in_lowercase() { let user = User::new("MEdzIk", "SuperSecretPassword123!"); assert_eq!(user.username, "medzik") } #[test] fn check_password_is_hashed() { let password = "Password"; let user = User::new("test", password); assert!(user.password != password) } }