use std::{fs, path::Path}; use axum::{extract::rejection::JsonRejection, Extension, Json}; use axum_auth::AuthBearer; use homedisk_database::{Database, Error}; use homedisk_types::{ config::types::Config, errors::{AuthError, FsError, ServerError}, fs::upload::{Request, Response}, }; use crate::middleware::{validate_json, validate_jwt}; pub async fn handle( db: Extension, config: Extension, AuthBearer(token): AuthBearer, request: Result, JsonRejection>, ) -> Result, ServerError> { let Json(request) = validate_json::(request)?; let token = validate_jwt(config.jwt.secret.as_bytes(), &token)?; // `path` cannot contain `..` // to prevent attack attempts because by using a `..` you can access the previous folder if request.path.contains("..") { return Err(ServerError::FsError(FsError::ReadDir( "the `path` must not contain `..`".to_string(), ))); } let response = match db.find_user_by_id( { Ok(res) => { // get file content let content = base64::decode(request.content) .map_err(|err| ServerError::FsError(FsError::Base64(err.to_string())))?; let path = format!( "{path}/{username}/{filepath}", path =, username = res.username, filepath = request.path ); let path = Path::new(&path); // check if the file currently exists to avoid overwriting it if path.exists() { return Err(ServerError::FsError(FsError::FileAlreadyExists)); } // create a directory where the file will be placed // e.g. path ==> `/secret/files/images/screenshot.png` // directories up to `/home/homedisk/{username}/secret/files/images/` will be created match path.parent() { Some(prefix) => fs::create_dir_all(&prefix).unwrap(), None => (), } // write file fs::write(&path, &content) .map_err(|err| ServerError::FsError(FsError::WriteFile(err.to_string())))?; Response { uploaded: true } } Err(err) => match err { Error::UserNotFound => return Err(ServerError::AuthError(AuthError::UserNotFound)), _ => { return Err(ServerError::AuthError(AuthError::UnknowError( err.to_string(), ))) } }, }; Ok(Json(response)) }