use serde::Serialize; use thiserror::Error; use tracing::error; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)] pub enum Error { // auth error #[error("Too many request, please slow down.")] RateLimit, #[error("User not found")] UserNotFound, #[error("User already exists")] UserAlreadyExists, #[error("Failed to generate access token")] GenerateToken, #[error("An error occurred in database request")] Database, #[error("Username is too short")] UsernameTooShort, #[error("Username is too short")] UsernameTooLong, #[error("Password is too short")] PasswordTooShort, #[error("Invalid token")] InvalidToken, #[error("`{0}` header is missing")] MissingHeader(&'static str), #[error("`Authorization` header must be a bearer token")] MissingBearer, // fs error #[error("Invalid `path` query parameter")] InvalidPath, #[error("Failed to read files from directory")] FailedReadDirectory, #[error("Failed to create directory")] CreateDirectory, #[error("Failed to create file")] CreateFile, #[error("File or directory already exists")] AlreadyExists, #[error("File or directory does not exists")] NotFound, #[error("Failed to delete directory (directory is not empty?)")] DeleteDirectory, #[error("Failed to delete file")] DeleteFile, #[error("Multipart error")] Multipart, #[error("Write to file failed")] WriteFile, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] enum ResponseError { Error(String), } impl axum::response::IntoResponse for Error { fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response { use axum::http::StatusCode; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] error!("Error: {:?}", self); let status = match self { Error::RateLimit => StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, Error::GenerateToken => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Error::Database => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, _ => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, }; let mut response = axum::Json(ResponseError::Error(self.to_string())).into_response(); *response.status_mut() = status; response } } pub type Result = std::result::Result;