use crypto_utils::sha::{Algorithm, CryptographicHash}; use serde::Serialize; use uuid::Uuid; /// SQL user entry #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize)] pub struct User { pub id: String, pub username: String, pub password: String, } impl User { /// The function create a unique UUID and compute SHA-512 hash from salted user password /// and returns the [User] type. /// /// **Note**: This function **does not** create a user in database! pub fn new(username: &str, password: &str, gen_uuid: bool) -> Self { // change username to lowercase let username = username.to_lowercase(); // salting the password let password = format!("{username}${password}"); // hash the password using SHA-512 algorithm and encode it into String. let password = hex::encode(CryptographicHash::hash( Algorithm::SHA512, password.as_bytes(), )); // generate UUID let id = if gen_uuid { Uuid::new_v4().to_string() } else { "none".to_string() }; Self { id, username, password, } } /// The function returns the directory where the user files is located. pub fn user_dir(&self, storage: &str) -> String { format!("{storage}/{username}", username = self.username) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; /// Check if the username is in lowercase. #[test] fn test_username_is_lowercase() { // example user data let username = "MeDZiK"; let password = "password"; // expected username let username_expected = "medzik"; let user = User::new(username, password, false); // username validation assert_eq!(user.username, username_expected) } /// Check if the password is hashed. #[test] fn test_password_hashed() { // example user data let username = "username"; let password = "password"; let user = User::new(username, password, false); assert_ne!(user.password, password) } #[test] fn test_user_dir() { let storage_dir: &str = "/storage"; let user = User::new("medzik", "whatever", false); let user_dir = user.user_dir(storage_dir); assert_eq!(user_dir, "/storage/medzik"); } }