
16 lines
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2022-04-16 18:19:38 +00:00
host = ""
httpPort = 8080 # http server port (recommended 80)
enableHttps = true # if true start https server and http will be redirect to https
httpsPort = 8443 # https server port (recommended 443)
cors = [ "localhost:8000" ] # CORS domains
tlsCert = "./cert.pem" # TLS certificate file
tlsKey = "./cert.key" # TLS key file
2022-04-19 13:14:17 +00:00
secret = "secret key used to sign tokens" # jsonwebtoken secret string used to sign tokens
expires = 24 # token expiration time in hours (default one day)
2022-04-24 19:31:50 +00:00
2022-09-26 19:41:37 +00:00
path = "storage" # path to directory where user files will be stored