
77 lines
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package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.providers.AniListApi
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.providers.MALApi
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
interface OAuth2API {
val key: String
val name: String
val redirectUrl: String
// don't change this as all keys depend on it
val idPrefix: String
suspend fun handleRedirect(url: String) : Boolean
fun authenticate()
fun loginInfo(): LoginInfo?
fun logOut()
class LoginInfo(
val profilePicture: String?,
val name: String?,
val accountIndex: Int,
companion object {
val malApi = MALApi(0)
val aniListApi = AniListApi(0)
// used to login via app intent
val OAuth2Apis
get() = listOf<OAuth2API>(
malApi, aniListApi
// this needs init with context and can be accessed in settings
val OAuth2accountApis
get() = listOf<AccountManager>(
malApi, aniListApi
// used for active syncing
val SyncApis
get() = listOf(
SyncRepo(malApi), SyncRepo(aniListApi)
const val appString = "cloudstreamapp"
val unixTime: Long
get() = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L
const val maxStale = 60 * 10
fun secondsToReadable(seconds: Int, completedValue: String): String {
var secondsLong = seconds.toLong()
val days = TimeUnit.SECONDS
secondsLong -= TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(days)
val hours = TimeUnit.SECONDS
secondsLong -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(hours)
val minutes = TimeUnit.SECONDS
secondsLong -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(minutes)
if (minutes < 0) {
return completedValue
//println("$days $hours $minutes")
return "${if (days != 0L) "$days" + "d " else ""}${if (hours != 0L) "$hours" + "h " else ""}${minutes}m"