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package com.lagradost.cloudstream3
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders.DubbedAnimeProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders.ShiroProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders.TenshiProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders.WcoProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders.HDMProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders.MeloMovieProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders.TrailersToProvider
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import java.util.*
const val USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0"
val baseHeader = mapOf("User-Agent" to USER_AGENT)
val mapper = JsonMapper.builder().addModule(KotlinModule())
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false).build()!!
object APIHolder {
val unixTime: Long
get() = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L
val allApi = AllProvider()
private const val defProvider = 0
val apis = arrayListOf(
//LookMovieProvider(), // RECAPTCHA (Please allow up to 5 seconds...)
fun getApiFromName(apiName: String?): MainAPI {
for (api in apis) {
if (apiName ==
return api
return apis[defProvider]
fun LoadResponse.getId(): Int {
return url.replace(getApiFromName(apiName).mainUrl, "").hashCode()
fun Activity.getApiSettings(): HashSet<String> {
val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this)
return settingsManager.getStringSet(
)?.toHashSet() ?: hashSetOf(apis[defProvider].name)
/**Every provider will **not** have try catch built in, so handle exceptions when calling these functions*/
abstract class MainAPI {
open val name = "NONE"
open val mainUrl = "NONE"
/**If link is stored in the "data" string, so links can be instantly loaded*/
open val instantLinkLoading = false
open val hasQuickSearch = false
/**Set false if links require referer or for some reason cant be played on a chromecast*/
open val hasChromecastSupport = true
/**If all links are m3u8 then set this to false*/
open val hasDownloadSupport = true
open fun search(query: String): ArrayList<SearchResponse>? {
return null
open fun quickSearch(query: String): ArrayList<SearchResponse>? {
return null
open fun load(slug: String): LoadResponse? {
return null
/**Callback is fired once a link is found, will return true if method is executed successfully*/
open fun loadLinks(
data: String,
isCasting: Boolean,
subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit,
callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit
): Boolean {
return false
fun parseRating(ratingString: String?): Int? {
if (ratingString == null) return null
val floatRating = ratingString.toFloatOrNull() ?: return null
return (floatRating * 10).toInt()
fun MainAPI.fixUrl(url: String): String {
if (url.startsWith("http")) {
return url
val startsWithNoHttp = url.startsWith("//")
if (startsWithNoHttp) {
return "https:$url"
} else {
if (url.startsWith('/')) {
return mainUrl + url
return "$mainUrl/$url"
fun sortUrls(urls: List<ExtractorLink>): List<ExtractorLink> {
return urls.sortedBy { t -> -t.quality }
fun sortSubs(urls: List<SubtitleFile>): List<SubtitleFile> {
val encounteredTimes = HashMap<String, Int>()
return urls.sortedBy { t -> t.lang }.map {
val times = encounteredTimes[it.lang]?.plus(1) ?: 1
encounteredTimes[it.lang] = times
SubtitleFile("${it.lang} ${if (times > 1) "($times)" else ""}", it.url)
enum class ShowStatus {
enum class DubStatus {
enum class TvType {
fun TvType.isMovieType(): Boolean {
return this == TvType.Movie
data class SubtitleFile(val lang: String, val url: String)
interface SearchResponse {
val name: String
val url: String // PUBLIC URL FOR OPEN IN APP
val slug: String // USED FOR INTERNAL DATA
val apiName: String
val type: TvType
val posterUrl: String?
val year: Int?
data class AnimeSearchResponse(
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val slug: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
val otherName: String?,
val dubStatus: EnumSet<DubStatus>?,
val dubEpisodes: Int?,
val subEpisodes: Int?,
) : SearchResponse
data class MovieSearchResponse(
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val slug: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
) : SearchResponse
data class TvSeriesSearchResponse(
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val slug: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
val episodes: Int?,
) : SearchResponse
interface LoadResponse {
val name: String
val url: String
val apiName: String
val type: TvType
val posterUrl: String?
val year: Int?
val plot: String?
val rating: Int? // 0-100
val tags: ArrayList<String>?
val duration: String?
val trailerUrl: String?
fun LoadResponse?.isEpisodeBased(): Boolean {
if (this == null) return false
return (this is AnimeLoadResponse || this is TvSeriesLoadResponse) && (this.type == TvType.TvSeries || this.type == TvType.Anime)
fun LoadResponse?.isAnimeBased(): Boolean {
if (this == null) return false
return (this.type == TvType.Anime || this.type == TvType.ONA) // && (this is AnimeLoadResponse)
data class AnimeEpisode(
val url: String,
val name: String? = null,
val posterUrl: String? = null,
val date: String? = null,
val rating: Int? = null,
val descript: String? = null,
data class AnimeLoadResponse(
val engName: String?,
val japName: String?,
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
val dubEpisodes: ArrayList<AnimeEpisode>?,
val subEpisodes: ArrayList<AnimeEpisode>?,
val showStatus: ShowStatus?,
override val plot: String?,
override val tags: ArrayList<String>? = null,
val synonyms: ArrayList<String>? = null,
val malId: Int? = null,
val anilistId: Int? = null,
override val rating: Int? = null,
override val duration: String? = null,
override val trailerUrl: String? = null,
) : LoadResponse
data class MovieLoadResponse(
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
val dataUrl: String,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
override val plot: String?,
val imdbUrl: String?,
override val rating: Int? = null,
override val tags: ArrayList<String>? = null,
override val duration: String? = null,
override val trailerUrl: String? = null,
) : LoadResponse
data class TvSeriesEpisode(
val name: String?,
val season: Int?,
val episode: Int?,
val data: String,
val posterUrl: String? = null,
val date: String? = null,
val rating: Int? = null,
val descript: String? = null,
data class TvSeriesLoadResponse(
override val name: String,
override val url: String,
override val apiName: String,
override val type: TvType,
val episodes: ArrayList<TvSeriesEpisode>,
override val posterUrl: String?,
override val year: Int?,
override val plot: String?,
val showStatus: ShowStatus?,
val imdbUrl: String?,
override val rating: Int? = null,
override val tags: ArrayList<String>? = null,
override val duration: String? = null,
override val trailerUrl: String? = null,
) : LoadResponse