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package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Rational
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.subtitles.SaveCaptionStyle
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.EpisodeSkip
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorUri
enum class PlayerEventType(val value: Int) {
enum class CSPlayerEvent(val value: Int) {
enum class CSPlayerLoading {
interface Track {
* Unique among the class, used to check which track is used.
* VideoTrack and AudioTrack can have the same id
val id: String?
val label: String?
// val isCurrentlyPlaying: Boolean
val language: String?
data class VideoTrack(
override val id: String?,
override val label: String?,
// override val isCurrentlyPlaying: Boolean,
override val language: String?,
val width: Int?,
val height: Int?,
) : Track
data class AudioTrack(
override val id: String?,
override val label: String?,
// override val isCurrentlyPlaying: Boolean,
override val language: String?,
) : Track
data class CurrentTracks(
val currentVideoTrack: VideoTrack?,
val currentAudioTrack: AudioTrack?,
val allVideoTracks: List<VideoTrack>,
val allAudioTracks: List<AudioTrack>,
class InvalidFileException(msg: String) : Exception(msg)
const val STATE_RESUME_WINDOW = "resumeWindow"
const val STATE_RESUME_POSITION = "resumePosition"
const val STATE_PLAYER_FULLSCREEN = "playerFullscreen"
const val STATE_PLAYER_PLAYING = "playerOnPlay"
const val ACTION_MEDIA_CONTROL = "media_control"
const val EXTRA_CONTROL_TYPE = "control_type"
const val PLAYBACK_SPEED = "playback_speed"
const val RESIZE_MODE_KEY = "resize_mode" // Last used resize mode
const val PLAYBACK_SPEED_KEY = "playback_speed" // Last used playback speed
const val PREFERRED_SUBS_KEY = "preferred_subtitles" // Last used resize mode
//const val PLAYBACK_FASTFORWARD = "playback_fastforward" // Last used resize mode
/** Abstract Exoplayer logic, can be expanded to other players */
interface IPlayer {
fun getPlaybackSpeed(): Float
fun setPlaybackSpeed(speed: Float)
fun getIsPlaying(): Boolean
fun getDuration(): Long?
fun getPosition(): Long?
fun seekTime(time: Long)
fun seekTo(time: Long)
fun getSubtitleOffset(): Long // in ms
fun setSubtitleOffset(offset: Long) // in ms
fun initCallbacks(
playerUpdated: (Any?) -> Unit, // attach player to view
updateIsPlaying: ((Pair<CSPlayerLoading, CSPlayerLoading>) -> Unit)? = null, // (wasPlaying, isPlaying)
requestAutoFocus: (() -> Unit)? = null, // current player starts, asking for all other programs to shut the fuck up
playerError: ((Exception) -> Unit)? = null, // player error when rendering or misc, used to display toast or log
playerDimensionsLoaded: ((Pair<Int, Int>) -> Unit)? = null, // (with, height), for UI
requestedListeningPercentages: List<Int>? = null, // this is used to request when the player should report back view percentage
playerPositionChanged: ((Pair<Long, Long>) -> Unit)? = null,// (position, duration) this is used to update UI based of the current time
nextEpisode: (() -> Unit)? = null, // this is used by the player to load the next episode
prevEpisode: (() -> Unit)? = null, // this is used by the player to load the previous episode
subtitlesUpdates: (() -> Unit)? = null, // callback from player to inform that subtitles have updated in some way
embeddedSubtitlesFetched: ((List<SubtitleData>) -> Unit)? = null, // callback from player to give all embedded subtitles
onTracksInfoChanged: (() -> Unit)? = null, // Callback when tracks are changed, used for UI changes
onTimestampInvoked: ((EpisodeSkip.SkipStamp?) -> Unit)? = null, // Callback when timestamps appear, null when it should disappear
onTimestampSkipped: ((EpisodeSkip.SkipStamp) -> Unit)? = null, // callback for when a chapter is skipped, aka when event is handled (or for future use when skip automatically ads/sponsor)
fun releaseCallbacks()
fun updateSubtitleStyle(style: SaveCaptionStyle)
fun saveData()
fun addTimeStamps(timeStamps: List<EpisodeSkip.SkipStamp>)
fun loadPlayer(
context: Context,
sameEpisode: Boolean,
link: ExtractorLink? = null,
data: ExtractorUri? = null,
startPosition: Long? = null,
subtitles: Set<SubtitleData>,
subtitle: SubtitleData?,
autoPlay: Boolean? = true
fun reloadPlayer(context: Context)
fun setActiveSubtitles(subtitles: Set<SubtitleData>)
fun setPreferredSubtitles(subtitle: SubtitleData?): Boolean // returns true if the player requires a reload, null for nothing
fun getCurrentPreferredSubtitle(): SubtitleData?
fun handleEvent(event: CSPlayerEvent)
fun onStop()
fun onPause()
fun onResume(context: Context)
fun release()
/** Get if player is actually used */
fun isActive(): Boolean
fun getVideoTracks(): CurrentTracks
* Original video aspect ratio used for PiP mode
* Set using: Width, Height.
* Example: Rational(16, 9)
* If null will default to set no aspect ratio.
* PiP functions calling this needs to coerce this value between 0.418410 and 2.390000
* to prevent crashes.
fun getAspectRatio(): Rational?
/** If no parameters are set it'll default to no set size, Specifying the id allows for track overrides to force the player to pick the quality. */
fun setMaxVideoSize(width: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, height: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, id: String? = null)
/** If no trackLanguage is set it'll default to first track. Specifying the id allows for track overrides as the language can be identical. */
fun setPreferredAudioTrack(trackLanguage: String?, id: String? = null)