
141 lines
5.2 KiB

package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins
import android.content.Context
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.getKey
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.setKey
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.apmapIndexed
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.suspendSafeApiCall
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.extensions.REPOSITORIES_KEY
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.extensions.RepositoryData
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
data class Repository(
@JsonProperty("name") val name: String,
@JsonProperty("description") val description: String?,
@JsonProperty("manifestVersion") val manifestVersion: Int,
@JsonProperty("pluginLists") val pluginLists: List<String>
* Status int as the following:
* 0: Down
* 1: Ok
* 2: Slow
* 3: Beta only
* */
data class SitePlugin(
// Url to the .cs3 file
@JsonProperty("url") val url: String,
// Status to remotely disable the provider
@JsonProperty("status") val status: Int,
// Integer over 0, any change of this will trigger an auto update
@JsonProperty("version") val version: Int,
// Unused currently, used to make the api backwards compatible?
// Set to 1
@JsonProperty("apiVersion") val apiVersion: Int,
// Name to be shown in app
@JsonProperty("name") val name: String,
// Name to be referenced internally. Separate to make name and url changes possible
@JsonProperty("internalName") val internalName: String,
@JsonProperty("authors") val authors: List<String>,
@JsonProperty("description") val description: String?,
// Might be used to go directly to the plugin repo in the future
@JsonProperty("repositoryUrl") val repositoryUrl: String?,
// These types are yet to be mapped and used, ignore for now
@JsonProperty("tvTypes") val tvTypes: List<String>?,
@JsonProperty("language") val language: String?,
@JsonProperty("iconUrl") val iconUrl: String?,
// Set to true to get an 18+ symbol next to the plugin
@JsonProperty("isAdult") val isAdult: Boolean?,
object RepositoryManager {
const val ONLINE_PLUGINS_FOLDER = "Extensions"
suspend fun parseRepository(url: String): Repository? {
return suspendSafeApiCall {
// Take manifestVersion and such into account later
private suspend fun parsePlugins(pluginUrls: String): List<SitePlugin> {
// Take manifestVersion and such into account later
val response = app.get(pluginUrls)
// Normal parsed function not working?
// return response.parsedSafe()
return tryParseJson<Array<SitePlugin>>(response.text)?.toList() ?: emptyList()
* Gets all plugins from repositories and pairs them with the repository url
* */
suspend fun getRepoPlugins(repositoryUrl: String): List<Pair<String, SitePlugin>>? {
val repo = parseRepository(repositoryUrl) ?: return null
return repo.pluginLists.apmapIndexed { index, url ->
parsePlugins(url).map {
repo.pluginLists[index] to it
suspend fun downloadPluginToFile(context: Context, pluginUrl: String, fileName: String, folder: String): File? {
return suspendSafeApiCall {
val extensionsDir = File(context.filesDir, ONLINE_PLUGINS_FOLDER)
if (!extensionsDir.exists())
val newDir = File(extensionsDir, folder)
val newFile = File(newDir, "${fileName}.cs3")
// Overwrite if exists
if (newFile.exists()) {
val body = app.get(pluginUrl).okhttpResponse.body
write(body.byteStream(), newFile.outputStream())
// Don't want to read before we write in another thread
private val repoLock = Mutex()
suspend fun addRepository(repository: RepositoryData) {
repoLock.withLock {
val currentRepos = getKey<Array<RepositoryData>>(REPOSITORIES_KEY) ?: emptyArray()
// No duplicates
setKey(REPOSITORIES_KEY, (currentRepos + repository).distinctBy { it.url })
suspend fun removeRepository(repository: RepositoryData) {
repoLock.withLock {
val currentRepos = getKey<Array<RepositoryData>>(REPOSITORIES_KEY) ?: emptyArray()
// No duplicates
val newRepos = currentRepos.filter { it.url != repository.url }
setKey(REPOSITORIES_KEY, newRepos)
private fun write(stream: InputStream, output: OutputStream) {
val input = BufferedInputStream(stream)
val dataBuffer = ByteArray(512)
var readBytes: Int
while ( { readBytes = it } != -1) {
output.write(dataBuffer, 0, readBytes)