
445 lines
16 KiB

package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioSafe
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLinkType
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorUri
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper2
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.log2
const val MAX_LOD = 6
const val MIN_LOD = 3
interface IPreviewGenerator {
fun hasPreview(): Boolean
fun getPreviewImage(fraction: Float): Bitmap?
fun release()
var durationMs: Long
var loadedImages: Int
/** PreviewGenerator that hides the implementation details of the sub generators that is used, used for source switch cache */
class PreviewGenerator : IPreviewGenerator {
/** the most up to date generator, will always mirror the actual source in the player */
private var currentGenerator: IPreviewGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
/** the longest generated preview of the same episode */
private var lastGenerator: IPreviewGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
/** always NoPreviewGenerator, used as a cache for nothing */
private val dummy: IPreviewGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
/** if the current generator is the same as the last by checking time */
private fun isSameLength(): Boolean =
currentGenerator.durationMs.minus(lastGenerator.durationMs).absoluteValue < 10_000L
/** use the backup if the current generator is init or if they have the same length */
private val backupGenerator: IPreviewGenerator
get() {
if (currentGenerator.durationMs == 0L || isSameLength()) {
return lastGenerator
return dummy
override fun hasPreview(): Boolean {
return currentGenerator.hasPreview() || backupGenerator.hasPreview()
override fun getPreviewImage(fraction: Float): Bitmap? {
return try {
currentGenerator.getPreviewImage(fraction) ?: backupGenerator.getPreviewImage(fraction)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
override fun release() {
lastGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
currentGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
override var durationMs: Long
get() = currentGenerator.durationMs
set(_) {}
override var loadedImages: Int
get() = currentGenerator.loadedImages
set(_) {}
fun clear(keepCache: Boolean) {
if (keepCache) {
if (!isSameLength() || currentGenerator.loadedImages >= lastGenerator.loadedImages || lastGenerator.durationMs == 0L) {
// the current generator is better than the last generator, therefore keep the current
// or the lengths are not the same, therefore favoring the more recent selection
// if they are the same we favor the current generator
lastGenerator = currentGenerator
} else {
// otherwise just keep the last generator and throw away the current generator
} else {
// we switched the episode, therefore keep nothing
lastGenerator = NoPreviewGenerator()
// we assume that we set currentGenerator right after this, so currentGenerator != NoPreviewGenerator
fun load(link: ExtractorLink, keepCache: Boolean) {
when (link.type) {
ExtractorLinkType.M3U8 -> {
currentGenerator = M3u8PreviewGenerator().apply {
load(url = link.url, headers = link.getAllHeaders())
ExtractorLinkType.VIDEO -> {
currentGenerator = Mp4PreviewGenerator().apply {
load(url = link.url, headers = link.getAllHeaders())
else -> {
Log.i("PreviewImg", "unsupported format for $link")
fun load(context: Context, link: ExtractorUri, keepCache: Boolean) {
currentGenerator = Mp4PreviewGenerator().apply {
load(keepCache = keepCache, context = context, uri = link.uri)
private class NoPreviewGenerator : IPreviewGenerator {
override fun hasPreview(): Boolean = false
override fun getPreviewImage(fraction: Float): Bitmap? = null
override fun release() = Unit
override var durationMs: Long = 0L
override var loadedImages: Int = 0
private class M3u8PreviewGenerator : IPreviewGenerator {
// generated images 1:1 to idx of hsl
private var images: Array<Bitmap?> = arrayOf()
private val TAG = "PreviewImgM3u8"
// prefixSum[i] = sum(hsl.ts[0..i].time)
// where [0] = 0, [1] = hsl.ts[0].time aka time at start of segment, do [b] - [a] for range a,b
private var prefixSum: Array<Double> = arrayOf()
// how many images has been generated
override var loadedImages: Int = 0
// how many images we can generate in total, == hsl.size ?: 0
private var totalImages: Int = 0
override fun hasPreview(): Boolean {
return totalImages > 0 && loadedImages >= minOf(totalImages, 4)
override fun getPreviewImage(fraction: Float): Bitmap? {
var bestIdx = -1
var bestDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE
synchronized(images) {
// just find the best one in a for loop, we don't care about bin searching rn
for (i in 0..images.size) {
val diff = prefixSum[i].minus(fraction).absoluteValue
if (diff > bestDiff) {
if (images[i] != null) {
bestIdx = i
bestDiff = diff
return images.getOrNull(bestIdx)
val targetIndex = prefixSum.binarySearch(target)
var ret = images[targetIndex]
if (ret != null) {
return ret
for (i in 0..images.size) {
ret = images.getOrNull(i+targetIndex) ?:
private fun clear() {
synchronized(images) {
images = arrayOf()
prefixSum = arrayOf()
loadedImages = 0
totalImages = 0
override fun release() {
images = arrayOf()
override var durationMs: Long = 0L
private var currentJob: Job? = null
fun load(url: String, headers: Map<String, String>) {
currentJob = ioSafe {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
Log.i(TAG, "Loading with url = $url headers = $headers")
//tmpFile =
// File.createTempFile("video", ".ts", context.cacheDir).apply {
// deleteOnExit()
// }
val retriever = MediaMetadataRetriever()
val hsl = M3u8Helper2.hslLazy(
streamUrl = url,
headers = headers
selectBest = false
// no support for encryption atm
if (hsl.isEncrypted) {
Log.i(TAG, "m3u8 is encrypted")
totalImages = 0
// total duration of the entire m3u8 in seconds
val duration = hsl.allTsLinks.sumOf { it.time ?: 0.0 }
durationMs = (duration * 1000.0).toLong()
val durationInv = 1.0 / duration
// if the total duration is less then 10s then something is very wrong or
// too short playback to matter
if (duration <= 10.0) {
totalImages = 0
totalImages = hsl.allTsLinks.size
// we cant init directly as it is no guarantee of in order
prefixSum = Array(hsl.allTsLinks.size + 1) { 0.0 }
var runningSum = 0.0
for (i in hsl.allTsLinks.indices) {
runningSum += (hsl.allTsLinks[i].time ?: 0.0)
prefixSum[i + 1] = runningSum * durationInv
synchronized(images) {
images = Array(hsl.size) { null }
loadedImages = 0
val maxLod = ceil(log2(duration)).toInt().coerceIn(MIN_LOD, MAX_LOD)
val count = hsl.allTsLinks.size
for (l in 1..maxLod) {
val items = (1 shl (l - 1))
for (i in 0 until items) {
val index = (count.div(1 shl l) + (i * count) / items).coerceIn(0, hsl.size)
if (synchronized(images) { images[index] } != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Generating preview for $index")
val ts = hsl.allTsLinks[index]
try {
retriever.setDataSource(ts.url, hsl.headers)
if (!isActive) {
val img = retriever.getFrameAtTime(0)
if (!isActive) {
if (img == null || img.width <= 1 || img.height <= 1) continue
synchronized(images) {
images[index] = img
loadedImages += 1
} catch (t: Throwable) {
val buffer = hsl.resolveLinkSafe(index) ?: continue
val buff = FileOutputStream(tmpFile)
val frame = retriever.getFrameAtTime(0L)*/
private class Mp4PreviewGenerator : IPreviewGenerator {
// lod = level of detail where the number indicates how many ones there is
// 2^(lod-1) = images
private var loadedLod = 0
override var loadedImages = 0
private var images = Array<Bitmap?>((1 shl MAX_LOD) - 1) {
override fun hasPreview(): Boolean {
synchronized(images) {
return loadedLod >= MIN_LOD
val TAG = "PreviewImgMp4"
override fun getPreviewImage(fraction: Float): Bitmap? {
synchronized(images) {
if (loadedLod < MIN_LOD) {
Log.i(TAG, "Requesting preview for $fraction but $loadedLod < $MIN_LOD")
return null
Log.i(TAG, "Requesting preview for $fraction")
var bestIdx = 0
var bestDiff = 0.5f.minus(fraction).absoluteValue
// this should be done mathematically, but for now we just loop all images
for (l in 1..loadedLod + 1) {
val items = (1 shl (l - 1))
for (i in 0 until items) {
val idx = items - 1 + i
if (idx > loadedImages) {
if (images[idx] == null) {
val currentFraction =
(1.0f.div((1 shl l).toFloat()) + i * 1.0f.div(items.toFloat()))
val diff = currentFraction.minus(fraction).absoluteValue
if (diff < bestDiff) {
bestDiff = diff
bestIdx = idx
Log.i(TAG, "Best diff found at ${bestDiff * 100}% diff (${bestIdx})")
return images[bestIdx]
// also check out
private val retriever: MediaMetadataRetriever = MediaMetadataRetriever()
private fun clear(keepCache: Boolean) {
if (keepCache) return
synchronized(images) {
loadedLod = 0
loadedImages = 0
private var currentJob: Job? = null
fun load(url: String, headers: Map<String, String>) {
currentJob = ioSafe {
Log.i(TAG, "Loading with url = $url headers = $headers")
retriever.setDataSource(url, headers)
fun load(keepCache: Boolean, context: Context, uri: Uri) {
currentJob = ioSafe {
Log.i(TAG, "Loading with uri = $uri")
retriever.setDataSource(context, uri)
override fun release() {
override var durationMs: Long = 0L
private fun start(scope: CoroutineScope) {
Log.i(TAG, "Started loading preview")
val durationMs =
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad video duration")
this.durationMs = durationMs
val durationUs = (durationMs * 1000L).toFloat()
//val width = retriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH)?.toInt() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad video width")
//val height = retriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT)?.toInt() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad video height")
// log2 # 10s durations in the video ~= how many segments we have
val maxLod = ceil(log2((durationMs / 10_000).toFloat())).toInt().coerceIn(MIN_LOD, MAX_LOD)
for (l in 1..maxLod) {
val items = (1 shl (l - 1))
for (i in 0 until items) {
val idx = items - 1 + i // as sum(prev) = cur-1
// frame = 100 / 2^lod + i * 100 / 2^(lod-1) = duration % where lod is one indexed
val fraction = (1.0f.div((1 shl l).toFloat()) + i * 1.0f.div(items.toFloat()))
Log.i(TAG, "Generating preview for ${fraction * 100}%")
val frame = durationUs * fraction
val img = retriever.getFrameAtTime(
if (!scope.isActive) return
if (img == null || img.width <= 1 || img.height <= 1) continue
synchronized(images) {
images[idx] = img
loadedImages = maxOf(loadedImages, idx)
synchronized(images) {
loadedLod = maxOf(loadedLod, l)