package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders import android.util.Log import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getCaptchaToken import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.unixTimeMS import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addActors import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addDuration import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders.ZoroProvider import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.suspendSafeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioSafe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.getQualityFromName import com.lagradost.nicehttp.NiceResponse import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis open class SflixProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override val hasChromecastSupport = true override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val usesWebView = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, ) override val vpnStatus = VPNStatus.None override suspend fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val html = app.get("$mainUrl/home").text val document = Jsoup.parse(html) val all = ArrayList() val map = mapOf( "Trending Movies" to "div#trending-movies", "Trending TV Shows" to "div#trending-tv", ) map.forEach { all.add(HomePageList( it.key,"div.flw-item").map { element -> element.toSearchResult() } )) }"section.block_area.block_area_home.section-id-02").forEach { val title ="").text().trim() val elements ="div.flw-item").map { element -> element.toSearchResult() } all.add(HomePageList(title, elements)) } return HomePageResponse(all) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/search/${query.replace(" ", "-")}" val html = app.get(url).text val document = Jsoup.parse(html) return"div.flw-item").map { val title ="").text() val href = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) val year ="span.fdi-item").text().toIntOrNull() val image ="img").attr("data-src") val isMovie = href.contains("/movie/") val metaInfo ="div.fd-infor > span.fdi-item") // val rating = metaInfo[0].text() val quality = getQualityFromString(metaInfo.getOrNull(1)?.text()) if (isMovie) { MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Movie, image, year, quality = quality ) } else { TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.TvSeries, image, year, null, quality = quality ) } } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document val details ="div.detail_page-watch") val img ="") val posterUrl = img.attr("src") val title = img.attr("title") ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("No Title") /* val year = Regex("""[Rr]eleased:\s*(\d{4})""").find("div.elements").text() )?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() val duration = Regex("""[Dd]uration:\s*(\d*)""").find("div.elements").text() )?.groupValues?.get(1)?.trim()?.plus(" min")*/ var duration = document.selectFirst(".fs-item > .duration")?.text()?.trim() var year: Int? = null var tags: List? = null var cast: List? = null val youtubeTrailer = document.selectFirst("iframe#iframe-trailer")?.attr("data-src") val rating = document.selectFirst(".fs-item > .imdb")?.text()?.trim() ?.removePrefix("IMDB:")?.toRatingInt()"div.elements > .row > div > .row-line").forEach { element -> val type = element?.select(".type")?.text() ?: return@forEach when { type.contains("Released") -> { year = Regex("\\d+").find( element.ownText() ?: return@forEach )?.groupValues?.firstOrNull()?.toIntOrNull() } type.contains("Genre") -> { tags ="a").mapNotNull { it.text() } } type.contains("Cast") -> { cast ="a").mapNotNull { it.text() } } type.contains("Duration") -> { duration = duration ?: element.ownText().trim() } } } val plot ="div.description").text().replace("Overview:", "").trim() val isMovie = url.contains("/movie/") // -> 18317 val idRegex = Regex(""".*-(\d+)""") val dataId = details.attr("data-id") val id = if (dataId.isNullOrEmpty()) idRegex.find(url)?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Unable to get id from '$url'") else dataId val recommendations ="div.film_list-wrap > div.flw-item").mapNotNull { element -> val titleHeader =" > .film-name > a") ?: return@mapNotNull null val recUrl = fixUrlNull(titleHeader.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null val recTitle = titleHeader.text() ?: return@mapNotNull null val poster =" > img").attr("data-src") MovieSearchResponse( recTitle, recUrl,, if (recUrl.contains("/movie/")) TvType.Movie else TvType.TvSeries, poster, year = null ) } if (isMovie) { // Movies val episodesUrl = "$mainUrl/ajax/movie/episodes/$id" val episodes = app.get(episodesUrl).text // Supported streams, they're identical val sourceIds = Jsoup.parse(episodes).select("a").mapNotNull { element -> var sourceId = element.attr("data-id") if (sourceId.isNullOrEmpty()) sourceId = element.attr("data-linkid") if ("span").text().trim().isValidServer()) { if (sourceId.isNullOrEmpty()) { fixUrlNull(element.attr("href")) } else { "$url.$sourceId".replace("/movie/", "/watch-movie/") } } else { null } } val comingSoon = sourceIds.isEmpty() return newMovieLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.Movie, sourceIds) { this.year = year this.posterUrl = posterUrl this.plot = plot addDuration(duration) addActors(cast) this.tags = tags this.recommendations = recommendations this.comingSoon = comingSoon addTrailer(youtubeTrailer) this.rating = rating } } else { val seasonsDocument = app.get("$mainUrl/ajax/v2/tv/seasons/$id").document val episodes = arrayListOf() var seasonItems ="div.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-model > a") if (seasonItems.isNullOrEmpty()) seasonItems ="div.dropdown-menu > a.dropdown-item") seasonItems.apmapIndexed { season, element -> val seasonId = element.attr("data-id") if (seasonId.isNullOrBlank()) return@apmapIndexed var episode = 0 val seasonEpisodes = app.get("$mainUrl/ajax/v2/season/episodes/$seasonId").document var seasonEpisodesItems ="div.flw-item.film_single-item.episode-item.eps-item") if (seasonEpisodesItems.isNullOrEmpty()) { seasonEpisodesItems ="ul > li > a") } seasonEpisodesItems.forEach { val episodeImg = it?.select("img") val episodeTitle = episodeImg?.attr("title") ?: it.ownText() val episodePosterUrl = episodeImg?.attr("src") val episodeData = it.attr("data-id") ?: return@forEach episode++ val episodeNum = ("div.episode-number").text() ?: episodeTitle).let { str -> Regex("""\d+""").find(str)?.groupValues?.firstOrNull() ?.toIntOrNull() } ?: episode episodes.add( newEpisode(Pair(url, episodeData)) { this.posterUrl = fixUrlNull(episodePosterUrl) = episodeTitle?.removePrefix("Episode $episodeNum: ") this.season = season + 1 this.episode = episodeNum } ) } } return newTvSeriesLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.TvSeries, episodes) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl this.year = year this.plot = plot addDuration(duration) addActors(cast) this.tags = tags this.recommendations = recommendations addTrailer(youtubeTrailer) this.rating = rating } } } data class Tracks( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String?, @JsonProperty("kind") val kind: String? ) data class Sources( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String? ) data class SourceObject( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: List?, @JsonProperty("sources_1") val sources1: List?, @JsonProperty("sources_2") val sources2: List?, @JsonProperty("sourcesBackup") val sourcesBackup: List?, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: List? ) data class IframeJson( // @JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null, @JsonProperty("link") val link: String? = null, // @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), // @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), // @JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val urls = (tryParseJson>(data)?.let { (prefix, server) -> val episodesUrl = "$mainUrl/ajax/v2/episode/servers/$server" // Supported streams, they're identical app.get(episodesUrl)"a").mapNotNull { element -> val id = element?.attr("data-id") ?: return@mapNotNull null if ("span").text().trim().isValidServer()) { "$prefix.$id".replace("/tv/", "/watch-tv/") } else { null } } } ?: tryParseJson>(data))?.distinct() urls?.apmap { url -> suspendSafeApiCall { // Possible without token // val response = app.get(url) // val key = //"script[src*=]") // .attr("src").substringAfter("render=") // val token = getCaptchaToken(mainUrl, key) ?: return@suspendSafeApiCall val serverId = url.substringAfterLast(".") val iframeLink = app.get("${this.mainUrl}/ajax/get_link/$serverId").parsed().link ?: return@suspendSafeApiCall // Some smarter ws11 or w10 selection might be required in the future. val extractorData = "" extractRabbitStream(iframeLink, subtitleCallback, callback, extractorData) { it } } } return !urls.isNullOrEmpty() } override suspend fun extractorVerifierJob(extractorData: String?) { runSflixExtractorVerifierJob(this, extractorData, "") } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): SearchResponse { val inner = this.selectFirst("") val img = inner!!.select("img") val title = img.attr("title") val posterUrl = img.attr("data-src") ?: img.attr("src") val href = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) val isMovie = href.contains("/movie/") val otherInfo = this.selectFirst(" > div.fd-infor")?.select("span")?.toList() ?: listOf() //var rating: Int? = null var year: Int? = null var quality: SearchQuality? = null when (otherInfo.size) { 1 -> { year = otherInfo[0]?.text()?.trim()?.toIntOrNull() } 2 -> { year = otherInfo[0]?.text()?.trim()?.toIntOrNull() } 3 -> { //rating = otherInfo[0]?.text()?.toRatingInt() quality = getQualityFromString(otherInfo[1]?.text()) year = otherInfo[2]?.text()?.trim()?.toIntOrNull() } } return if (isMovie) { MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Movie, posterUrl = posterUrl, year = year, quality = quality, ) } else { TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Movie, posterUrl, year = year, episodes = null, quality = quality, ) } } companion object { data class PollingData( @JsonProperty("sid") val sid: String? = null, @JsonProperty("upgrades") val upgrades: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("pingInterval") val pingInterval: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("pingTimeout") val pingTimeout: Int? = null ) /* # python code to figure out the time offset based on code if necessary chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_" code = "Nxa_-bM" total = 0 for i, char in enumerate(code[::-1]): index = chars.index(char) value = index * 64**i total += value print(f"total {total}") */ private fun generateTimeStamp(): String { val chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_" var code = "" var time = unixTimeMS while (time > 0) { code += chars[(time % (chars.length)).toInt()] time /= chars.length } return code.reversed() } /** * Generates a session * 1 Get request. * */ private suspend fun negotiateNewSid(baseUrl: String): PollingData? { // Tries multiple times for (i in 1..5) { val jsonText = app.get("$baseUrl&t=${generateTimeStamp()}").text.replaceBefore("{", "") // println("Negotiated sid $jsonText") parseJson(jsonText)?.let { return it } delay(1000L * i) } return null } /** * Generates a new session if the request fails * @return the data and if it is new. * */ private suspend fun getUpdatedData( response: NiceResponse, data: PollingData, baseUrl: String ): Pair { if (!response.okhttpResponse.isSuccessful) { return negotiateNewSid(baseUrl)?.let { it to true } ?: data to false } return data to false } private suspend fun initPolling( extractorData: String, referer: String ): Pair { val headers = mapOf( "Referer" to referer // "" ) val data = negotiateNewSid(extractorData) ?: return null to null "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${data.sid}", requestBody = "40".toRequestBody(), headers = headers ) // This makes the second get request work, and re-connect work. val reconnectSid = parseJson( app.get( "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${data.sid}", headers = headers ) // .also { println("First get ${it.text}") } .text.replaceBefore("{", "") ).sid // This response is used in the post requests. Same contents in all it seems. val authInt = app.get( "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${data.sid}", timeout = 60, headers = headers ).text //.also { println("Second get ${it}") } // Dunno if it's actually generated like this, just guessing. .toIntOrNull()?.plus(1) ?: 3 return data to reconnectSid } suspend fun runSflixExtractorVerifierJob( api: MainAPI, extractorData: String?, referer: String ) { if (extractorData == null) return val headers = mapOf( "Referer" to referer // "" ) lateinit var data: PollingData var reconnectSid = "" initPolling(extractorData, referer) .also { data = it.first ?: throw RuntimeException("Data Null") reconnectSid = it.second ?: throw RuntimeException("ReconnectSid Null") } // Prevents them from fucking us over with doing a while(true){} loop val interval = maxOf(data.pingInterval?.toLong()?.plus(2000) ?: return, 10000L) var reconnect = false var newAuth = false while (true) { val authData = when { newAuth -> "40" reconnect -> """42["_reconnect", "$reconnectSid"]""" else -> "3" } val url = "${extractorData}&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${data.sid}" getUpdatedData(, json = authData, headers = headers), data, extractorData ).also { newAuth = it.second data = it.first } //.also { println("Sflix post job ${it.text}") } Log.d(, "Running ${} job $url") val time = measureTimeMillis { // This acts as a timeout val getResponse = app.get( url, timeout = interval / 1000, headers = headers ) // .also { println("Sflix get job ${it.text}") } reconnect = getResponse.text.contains("sid") } // Always waits even if the get response is instant, to prevent a while true loop. if (time < interval - 4000) delay(4000) } } fun String?.isValidServer(): Boolean { if (this.isNullOrEmpty()) return false if (this.equals("UpCloud", ignoreCase = true) || this.equals( "Vidcloud", ignoreCase = true ) || this.equals("RapidStream", ignoreCase = true) ) return true return false } // For re-use in Zoro fun Sources.toExtractorLink( caller: MainAPI, name: String, extractorData: String? = null, ): List? { return this.file?.let { file -> //println("FILE::: $file") val isM3u8 = URI(this.file).path.endsWith(".m3u8") || this.type.equals( "hls", ignoreCase = true ) if (isM3u8) { M3u8Helper().m3u8Generation(M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream(this.file, null), null) .map { stream -> ExtractorLink(, "${} $name", stream.streamUrl, caller.mainUrl, getQualityFromName(stream.quality?.toString()), true, extractorData = extractorData ) } } else { listOf(ExtractorLink(,, file, caller.mainUrl, getQualityFromName(this.label), false, extractorData = extractorData )) } } } private fun Tracks.toSubtitleFile(): SubtitleFile? { return this.file?.let { SubtitleFile( this.label ?: "Unknown", it ) } } suspend fun MainAPI.extractRabbitStream( url: String, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, /** Used for extractorLink name, input: Source name */ extractorData: String, nameTransformer: (String) -> String ) = suspendSafeApiCall { // -> val mainIframeUrl = url.substringBeforeLast("/") val mainIframeId = url.substringAfterLast("/") .substringBefore("?") // -> dcPOVRE57YOT val iframe = app.get(url, referer = mainUrl) val iframeKey ="script[src*=]") .attr("src").substringAfter("render=") val iframeToken = getCaptchaToken(url, iframeKey) val number = Regex("""recaptchaNumber = '(.*?)'""").find(iframe.text)?.groupValues?.get(1) var sid: String? = null negotiateNewSid(extractorData)?.also { "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${it.sid}", requestBody = "40".toRequestBody(), timeout = 60 ) val text = app.get( "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${it.sid}", timeout = 60 ).text.replaceBefore("{", "") sid = parseJson(text).sid ioSafe { app.get("$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${it.sid}") } } val mapped = app.get( "${ mainIframeUrl.replace( "/embed", "/ajax/embed" ) }/getSources?id=$mainIframeId&_token=$iframeToken&_number=$number$&sId=${sid!!}", referer = mainUrl, headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept" to "*/*", "Accept-Language" to "en-US,en;q=0.5", // "Cache-Control" to "no-cache", "Connection" to "keep-alive", // "Sec-Fetch-Dest" to "empty", // "Sec-Fetch-Mode" to "no-cors", // "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "cross-site", // "Pragma" to "no-cache", // "Cache-Control" to "no-cache", "TE" to "trailers" ) ).parsed() mapped.tracks?.forEach { track -> track?.toSubtitleFile()?.let { subtitleFile -> subtitleCallback.invoke(subtitleFile) } } val list = listOf( mapped.sources to "source 1", mapped.sources1 to "source 2", mapped.sources2 to "source 3", mapped.sourcesBackup to "source backup" ) list.forEach { subList -> subList.first?.forEach { source -> source?.toExtractorLink( this, nameTransformer(subList.second), extractorData, ) ?.forEach { // Sets Zoro SID used for video loading (this as? ZoroProvider)?.sid?.set(it.url.hashCode(), sid) callback(it) } } } } } }