package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import org.jsoup.Jsoup class HDMProvider : MainAPI() { override var name = "HD Movies" override var mainUrl = "" override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, ) override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/search/$query" val response = app.get(url).text val document = Jsoup.parse(response) val items ="div.col-md-2 > article > a") if (items.isEmpty()) return emptyList() return { i -> val href = i.attr("href") val data = i.selectFirst("> div.item")!! val img = data.selectFirst("> img")!!.attr("src") val name = data.selectFirst(">")!!.text() MovieSearchResponse(name, href,, TvType.Movie, img, null) } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { if (data == "") return false val slug = Regex(".*/(.*?)\\.mp4").find(data)?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: return false val response = app.get(data).text val key = Regex("playlist\\.m3u8(.*?)\"").find(response)?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: return false callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, "$slug/playlist.m3u8$key", "", Qualities.P720.value, true ) ) return true } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val response = app.get(url).text val document = Jsoup.parse(response) val title = document.selectFirst("h2.movieTitle")?.text() ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("No Data Found") val poster = document.selectFirst(" > img")!!.attr("src") val descript = document.selectFirst("div.synopsis > p")!!.text() val year ="div.movieInfoAll > div.row > div.col-md-6").getOrNull(1)?.selectFirst("> p > a")?.text() ?.toIntOrNull() val data = "src/player/\\?v=(.*?)\"".toRegex().find(response)?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: return null return MovieLoadResponse( title, url,, TvType.Movie, "$mainUrl/src/player/?v=$data", poster, year, descript, null ) } override suspend fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val html = app.get(mainUrl, timeout = 25).text val document = Jsoup.parse(html) val all = ArrayList() val mainbody = document.getElementsByTag("body") ?.select("div.homeContentOuter > section > div.container > div") // Fetch row title val inner = mainbody?.select("div.col-md-2.col-sm-2.mrgb") val title = mainbody?.select("div > div")?.firstOrNull()?.select("div.title.titleBar")?.text() ?: "Unnamed Row" // Fetch list of items and map if (inner != null) { val elements: List = { val aa ="a").firstOrNull() val item = aa?.select("div.item") val href = aa?.attr("href") val link = when (href != null) { true -> fixUrl(href) false -> "" } val name = item?.select("")?.text() ?: "" var image = item?.select("img")?.get(1)?.attr("src") ?: "" val year = null MovieSearchResponse( name, link,, TvType.Movie, image, year, null, ) } all.add( HomePageList( title, elements ) ) } return HomePageResponse(all) } }