package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player import android.animation.ObjectAnimator import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import import android.content.res.ColorStateList import android.content.res.Resources import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings import android.text.Editable import android.util.DisplayMetrics import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.View import android.view.WindowManager import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import import import import import androidx.core.view.isGone import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.core.widget.doOnTextChanged import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.CommonActivity.keyEventListener import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.CommonActivity.playerEventListener import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.SingleSelectionHelper.showDialog import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.colorFromAttribute import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.dismissSafe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.getNavigationBarHeight import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.getStatusBarHeight import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.hideSystemUI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.popCurrentPage import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.showSystemUI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.toPx import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Vector2 import* import kotlin.math.* const val MINIMUM_SEEK_TIME = 7000L // when swipe seeking const val MINIMUM_VERTICAL_SWIPE = 2.0f // in percentage const val MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_SWIPE = 2.0f // in percentage const val VERTICAL_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f const val HORIZONTAL_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f const val DOUBLE_TAB_MAXIMUM_HOLD_TIME = 200L const val DOUBLE_TAB_MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN = 200L // this also affects the UI show response time const val DOUBLE_TAB_PAUSE_PERCENTAGE = 0.15 // in both directions // All the UI Logic for the player open class FullScreenPlayer : AbstractPlayerFragment() { // state of player UI protected var isShowing = false protected var isLocked = false // options for player protected var currentPrefQuality = Qualities.P2160.value // preferred maximum quality, used for ppl w bad internet or on cell protected var fastForwardTime = 10000L protected var swipeHorizontalEnabled = false protected var swipeVerticalEnabled = false protected var playBackSpeedEnabled = false protected var playerResizeEnabled = false protected var doubleTapEnabled = false protected var doubleTapPauseEnabled = true protected var subtitleDelay set(value) = try { player.setSubtitleOffset(-value) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } get() = try { -player.getSubtitleOffset() } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) 0L } //private var useSystemBrightness = false protected var useTrueSystemBrightness = true private val fullscreenNotch = true //TODO SETTING protected val displayMetrics: DisplayMetrics = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics // screenWidth and screenHeight does always // refer to the screen while in landscape mode private val screenWidth: Int get() { return max(displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels) } private val screenHeight: Int get() { return min(displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels) } private var statusBarHeight: Int? = null private var navigationBarHeight: Int? = null private val brightnessIcons = listOf( R.drawable.sun_1, R.drawable.sun_2, R.drawable.sun_3, R.drawable.sun_4, R.drawable.sun_5, R.drawable.sun_6, //R.drawable.sun_7, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_1_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_2_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_3_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_4_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_5_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_6_24, // R.drawable.ic_baseline_brightness_7_24, ) private val volumeIcons = listOf( R.drawable.ic_baseline_volume_mute_24, R.drawable.ic_baseline_volume_down_24, R.drawable.ic_baseline_volume_up_24, ) open fun showMirrorsDialogue() { throw NotImplementedError() } /** Returns false if the touch is on the status bar or navigation bar*/ private fun isValidTouch(rawX: Float, rawY: Float): Boolean { val statusHeight = statusBarHeight ?: 0 // val navHeight = navigationBarHeight ?: 0 // nav height is removed because screenWidth already takes into account that return rawY > statusHeight && rawX < screenWidth //- navHeight } private fun animateLayoutChanges() { if (isShowing) { updateUIVisibility() } else { player_holder?.postDelayed({ updateUIVisibility() }, 200) } val titleMove = if (isShowing) 0f else -50.toPx.toFloat() player_video_title?.let { ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(it, "translationY", titleMove).apply { duration = 200 start() } } player_video_title_rez?.let { ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(it, "translationY", titleMove).apply { duration = 200 start() } } val playerBarMove = if (isShowing) 0f else 50.toPx.toFloat() bottom_player_bar?.let { ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(it, "translationY", playerBarMove).apply { duration = 200 start() } } val fadeTo = if (isShowing) 1f else 0f val fadeAnimation = AlphaAnimation(1f - fadeTo, fadeTo) fadeAnimation.duration = 100 fadeAnimation.fillAfter = true val sView = subView val sStyle = subStyle if (sView != null && sStyle != null) { val move = if (isShowing) -((bottom_player_bar?.height?.toFloat() ?: 0f) + 40.toPx) else -sStyle.elevation.toPx.toFloat() ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(sView, "translationY", move).apply { duration = 200 start() } } if (!isLocked) { player_ffwd_holder?.alpha = 1f player_rew_holder?.alpha = 1f // player_pause_play_holder?.alpha = 1f shadow_overlay?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_ffwd_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_rew_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_pause_play?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) /*if (isBuffering) { player_pause_play?.isVisible = false player_pause_play_holder?.isVisible = false } else { player_pause_play?.isVisible = true player_pause_play_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_pause_play?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) }*/ //player_buffering?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) } bottom_player_bar?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_top_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) } override fun subtitlesChanged() { player_subtitle_offset_btt?.isGone = player.getCurrentPreferredSubtitle() == null } override fun onResume() { activity?.hideSystemUI() activity?.requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P && fullscreenNotch) { val params = activity?.window?.attributes params?.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES activity?.window?.attributes = params } super.onResume() } override fun onDestroy() { activity?.showSystemUI() activity?.requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER // simply resets brightness and notch settings that might have been overridden val lp = activity?.window?.attributes lp?.screenBrightness = WindowManager.LayoutParams.BRIGHTNESS_OVERRIDE_NONE if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { lp?.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT } activity?.window?.attributes = lp super.onDestroy() } private fun setPlayBackSpeed(speed: Float) { try { setKey(PLAYBACK_SPEED_KEY, speed) player_speed_btt?.text = getString(R.string.player_speed_text_format).format(speed) .replace(".0x", "x") } catch (e: Exception) { // the format string was wrong logError(e) } player.setPlaybackSpeed(speed) } private fun skipOp() { player.seekTime(85000) // skip 85s } private fun showSubtitleOffsetDialog() { context?.let { ctx -> val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx, .setView(R.layout.subtitle_offset) val dialog = builder.create() val beforeOffset = subtitleDelay val applyButton = dialog.findViewById(!! val cancelButton = dialog.findViewById(!! val input = dialog.findViewById(!! val sub = dialog.findViewById(!! val add = dialog.findViewById(!! val subTitle = dialog.findViewById(!! input.doOnTextChanged { text, _, _, _ -> text?.toString()?.toLongOrNull()?.let { subtitleDelay = it when { it > 0L -> { context?.getString(R.string.subtitle_offset_extra_hint_later_format) ?.format(it) } it < 0L -> { context?.getString(R.string.subtitle_offset_extra_hint_before_format) ?.format(-it) } it == 0L -> { context?.getString(R.string.subtitle_offset_extra_hint_none_format) } else -> { null } }?.let { str -> subTitle.text = str } } } input.text = Editable.Factory.getInstance()?.newEditable(beforeOffset.toString()) val buttonChange = 100L fun changeBy(by: Long) { val current = (input.text?.toString()?.toLongOrNull() ?: 0) + by input.text = Editable.Factory.getInstance()?.newEditable(current.toString()) } add.setOnClickListener { changeBy(buttonChange) } sub.setOnClickListener { changeBy(-buttonChange) } dialog.setOnDismissListener { activity?.hideSystemUI() } applyButton.setOnClickListener { dialog.dismissSafe(activity) player.seekTime(1L) } cancelButton.setOnClickListener { subtitleDelay = beforeOffset dialog.dismissSafe(activity) } } } private fun showSpeedDialog() { val speedsText = listOf( "0.5x", "0.75x", "0.85x", "1x", "1.15x", "1.25x", "1.4x", "1.5x", "1.75x", "2x" ) val speedsNumbers = listOf(0.5f, 0.75f, 0.85f, 1f, 1.15f, 1.25f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.75f, 2f) val speedIndex = speedsNumbers.indexOf(player.getPlaybackSpeed()) activity?.let { act -> act.showDialog( speedsText, speedIndex, act.getString(R.string.player_speed), false, { activity?.hideSystemUI() }) { index -> activity?.hideSystemUI() setPlayBackSpeed(speedsNumbers[index]) } } } fun resetRewindText() { exo_rew_text?.text = getString(R.string.rew_text_regular_format).format(fastForwardTime / 1000) } fun resetFastForwardText() { exo_ffwd_text?.text = getString(R.string.ffw_text_regular_format).format(fastForwardTime / 1000) } private fun rewind() { try { player_center_menu?.isGone = false player_rew_holder?.alpha = 1f val rotateLeft = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.rotate_left) exo_rew?.startAnimation(rotateLeft) val goLeft = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.go_left) goLeft.setAnimationListener(object : Animation.AnimationListener { override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animation?) {} override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animation?) {} override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animation?) { exo_rew_text?.post { resetRewindText() player_center_menu?.isGone = !isShowing player_rew_holder?.alpha = if (isShowing) 1f else 0f } } }) exo_rew_text?.startAnimation(goLeft) exo_rew_text?.text = getString(R.string.rew_text_format).format(fastForwardTime / 1000) player.seekTime(-fastForwardTime) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } private fun fastForward() { try { player_center_menu?.isGone = false player_ffwd_holder?.alpha = 1f val rotateRight = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.rotate_right) exo_ffwd?.startAnimation(rotateRight) val goRight = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.go_right) goRight.setAnimationListener(object : Animation.AnimationListener { override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animation?) {} override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animation?) {} override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animation?) { exo_ffwd_text?.post { resetFastForwardText() player_center_menu?.isGone = !isShowing player_ffwd_holder?.alpha = if (isShowing) 1f else 0f } } }) exo_ffwd_text?.startAnimation(goRight) exo_ffwd_text?.text = getString(R.string.ffw_text_format).format(fastForwardTime / 1000) player.seekTime(fastForwardTime) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } private fun onClickChange() { isShowing = !isShowing if (isShowing) { autoHide() } activity?.hideSystemUI() animateLayoutChanges() player_pause_play?.requestFocus() } private fun toggleLock() { if (!isShowing) { onClickChange() } isLocked = !isLocked if (isLocked && isShowing) { player_holder?.postDelayed({ if (isLocked && isShowing) { onClickChange() } }, 200) } val fadeTo = if (isLocked) 0f else 1f val fadeAnimation = AlphaAnimation(player_video_title.alpha, fadeTo).apply { duration = 100 fillAfter = true } updateUIVisibility() // MENUS //centerMenu.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_pause_play?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_ffwd_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_rew_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) //player_media_route_button?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) //video_bar.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) //TITLE player_video_title_rez?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_episode_filler?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_video_title?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) player_top_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) // BOTTOM player_lock_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) //player_go_back_holder?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) shadow_overlay?.startAnimation(fadeAnimation) updateLockUI() } private fun updateUIVisibility() { val isGone = isLocked || !isShowing player_lock_holder?.isGone = isGone player_video_bar?.isGone = isGone player_pause_play_holder?.isGone = isGone player_pause_play?.isGone = isGone //player_buffering?.isGone = isGone player_top_holder?.isGone = isGone player_video_title?.isGone = isGone player_video_title_rez?.isGone = isGone player_episode_filler?.isGone = isGone player_center_menu?.isGone = isGone player_lock?.isGone = !isShowing //player_media_route_button?.isClickable = !isGone player_go_back_holder?.isGone = isGone } private fun updateLockUI() { player_lock?.setIconResource(if (isLocked) R.drawable.video_locked else R.drawable.video_unlocked) if (layout == R.layout.fragment_player) { val color = if (isLocked) context?.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary) else Color.WHITE if (color != null) { player_lock?.setTextColor(color) player_lock?.iconTint = ColorStateList.valueOf(color) player_lock?.rippleColor = ColorStateList.valueOf(Color.argb(50,,, } } } private var currentTapIndex = 0 protected fun autoHide() { currentTapIndex++ val index = currentTapIndex player_holder?.postDelayed({ if (!isCurrentTouchValid && isShowing && index == currentTapIndex && player.getIsPlaying()) { onClickChange() } }, 2000) } // this is used because you don't want to hide UI when double tap seeking private var currentDoubleTapIndex = 0 private fun toggleShowDelayed() { if (doubleTapEnabled || doubleTapPauseEnabled) { val index = currentDoubleTapIndex player_holder?.postDelayed({ if (index == currentDoubleTapIndex) { onClickChange() } }, DOUBLE_TAB_MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN) } else { onClickChange() } } private var isCurrentTouchValid = false private var currentTouchStart: Vector2? = null private var currentTouchLast: Vector2? = null private var currentTouchAction: TouchAction? = null private var currentLastTouchAction: TouchAction? = null private var currentTouchStartPlayerTime: Long? = null // the time in the player when you first click private var currentTouchStartTime: Long? = null // the system time when you first click private var currentLastTouchEndTime: Long = 0 // the system time when you released your finger private var currentClickCount: Int = 0 // amount of times you have double clicked, will reset when other action is taken // requested volume and brightness is used to make swiping smoother // to make it not jump between values, // this value is within the range [0,1] private var currentRequestedVolume: Float = 0.0f private var currentRequestedBrightness: Float = 1.0f enum class TouchAction { Brightness, Volume, Time, } companion object { private fun forceLetters(inp: Long, letters: Int = 2): String { val added: Int = letters - inp.toString().length return if (added > 0) { "0".repeat(added) + inp.toString() } else { inp.toString() } } private fun convertTimeToString(sec: Long): String { val rsec = sec % 60L val min = ceil((sec - rsec) / 60.0).toInt() val rmin = min % 60L val h = ceil((min - rmin) / 60.0).toLong() //int rh = h;// h % 24; return (if (h > 0) forceLetters(h) + ":" else "") + (if (rmin >= 0 || h >= 0) forceLetters( rmin ) + ":" else "") + forceLetters( rsec ) } } private fun calculateNewTime( startTime: Long?, touchStart: Vector2?, touchEnd: Vector2? ): Long? { if (touchStart == null || touchEnd == null || startTime == null) return null val diffX = (touchEnd.x - touchStart.x) * HORIZONTAL_MULTIPLIER / screenWidth.toFloat() val duration = player.getDuration() ?: return null return max( min( startTime + ((duration * (diffX * diffX)) * (if (diffX < 0) -1 else 1)).toLong(), duration ), 0 ) } private fun getBrightness(): Float? { return if (useTrueSystemBrightness) { try { Settings.System.getInt( context?.contentResolver, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS ) / 255f } catch (e: Exception) { // because true system brightness requires // permission, this is a lazy way to check // as it will throw an error if we do not have it useTrueSystemBrightness = false return getBrightness() } } else { try { activity?.window?.attributes?.screenBrightness } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) null } } } private fun setBrightness(brightness: Float) { if (useTrueSystemBrightness) { try { Settings.System.putInt( context?.contentResolver, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE_MANUAL ) Settings.System.putInt( context?.contentResolver, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS, (brightness * 255).toInt() ) } catch (e: Exception) { useTrueSystemBrightness = false setBrightness(brightness) } } else { try { val lp = activity?.window?.attributes lp?.screenBrightness = brightness activity?.window?.attributes = lp } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") private fun handleMotionEvent(view: View?, event: MotionEvent?): Boolean { if (event == null || view == null) return false val currentTouch = Vector2(event.x, event.y) val startTouch = currentTouchStart when (event.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> { // validates if the touch is inside of the player area isCurrentTouchValid = isValidTouch(currentTouch.x, currentTouch.y) if (isCurrentTouchValid) { currentTouchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() currentTouchStart = currentTouch currentTouchLast = currentTouch currentTouchStartPlayerTime = player.getPosition() getBrightness()?.let { currentRequestedBrightness = it } (activity?.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as? AudioManager)?.let { audioManager -> val currentVolume = audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) val maxVolume = audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) currentRequestedVolume = currentVolume.toFloat() / maxVolume.toFloat() } } } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> { if (isCurrentTouchValid && !isLocked) { // seek time if (swipeHorizontalEnabled && currentTouchAction == TouchAction.Time) { val startTime = currentTouchStartPlayerTime if (startTime != null) { calculateNewTime(startTime, startTouch, currentTouch)?.let { seekTo -> if (abs(seekTo - startTime) > MINIMUM_SEEK_TIME) { player.seekTo(seekTo) } } } } } // see if click is eligible for seek 10s val holdTime = currentTouchStartTime?.minus(System.currentTimeMillis()) if (isCurrentTouchValid // is valid && currentTouchAction == null // no other action like swiping is taking place && currentLastTouchAction == null // last action was none, this prevents mis input random seek && holdTime != null && holdTime < DOUBLE_TAB_MAXIMUM_HOLD_TIME // it is a click not a long hold ) { if (!isLocked && (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentLastTouchEndTime) < DOUBLE_TAB_MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN // the time since the last action is short ) { currentClickCount++ if (currentClickCount >= 1) { // have double clicked currentDoubleTapIndex++ if (doubleTapPauseEnabled) { // you can pause if your tap is in the middle of the screen when { currentTouch.x < screenWidth / 2 - (DOUBLE_TAB_PAUSE_PERCENTAGE * screenWidth) -> { if (doubleTapEnabled) rewind() } currentTouch.x > screenWidth / 2 + (DOUBLE_TAB_PAUSE_PERCENTAGE * screenWidth) -> { if (doubleTapEnabled) fastForward() } else -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.PlayPauseToggle) } } } else if (doubleTapEnabled) { if (currentTouch.x < screenWidth / 2) { rewind() } else { fastForward() } } } } else { // is a valid click but not fast enough for seek currentClickCount = 0 toggleShowDelayed() //onClickChange() } } else { currentClickCount = 0 } // call auto hide as it wont hide when you have your finger down autoHide() // reset variables isCurrentTouchValid = false currentTouchStart = null currentLastTouchAction = currentTouchAction currentTouchAction = null currentTouchStartPlayerTime = null currentTouchLast = null currentTouchStartTime = null // resets UI player_time_text?.isVisible = false player_progressbar_left_holder?.isVisible = false player_progressbar_right_holder?.isVisible = false currentLastTouchEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() } MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> { // if current touch is valid if (startTouch != null && isCurrentTouchValid && !isLocked) { // action is unassigned and can therefore be assigned if (currentTouchAction == null) { val diffFromStart = startTouch - currentTouch if (swipeVerticalEnabled) { if (abs(diffFromStart.y * 100 / screenHeight) > MINIMUM_VERTICAL_SWIPE) { // left = Brightness, right = Volume, but the UI is reversed to show the UI better currentTouchAction = if (startTouch.x < screenWidth / 2) { // hide the UI if you hold brightness to show screen better, better UX if (isShowing) { isShowing = false animateLayoutChanges() } TouchAction.Brightness } else { TouchAction.Volume } } } if (swipeHorizontalEnabled) { if (abs(diffFromStart.x * 100 / screenHeight) > MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_SWIPE) { currentTouchAction = TouchAction.Time } } } // display action val lastTouch = currentTouchLast if (lastTouch != null) { val diffFromLast = lastTouch - currentTouch val verticalAddition = diffFromLast.y * VERTICAL_MULTIPLIER / screenHeight.toFloat() // update UI player_time_text?.isVisible = false player_progressbar_left_holder?.isVisible = false player_progressbar_right_holder?.isVisible = false when (currentTouchAction) { TouchAction.Time -> { // this simply updates UI as the seek logic happens on release // startTime is rounded to make the UI sync in a nice way val startTime = currentTouchStartPlayerTime?.div(1000L)?.times(1000L) if (startTime != null) { calculateNewTime( startTime, startTouch, currentTouch )?.let { newMs -> val skipMs = newMs - startTime player_time_text?.text = "${convertTimeToString(newMs / 1000)} [${ (if (abs(skipMs) < 1000) "" else (if (skipMs > 0) "+" else "-")) }${convertTimeToString(abs(skipMs / 1000))}]" player_time_text?.isVisible = true } } } TouchAction.Brightness -> { player_progressbar_right_holder?.isVisible = true val lastRequested = currentRequestedBrightness currentRequestedBrightness = min( 1.0f, max(currentRequestedBrightness + verticalAddition, 0.0f) ) // this is to not spam request it, just in case it fucks over someone if (lastRequested != currentRequestedBrightness) setBrightness(currentRequestedBrightness) // max is set high to make it smooth player_progressbar_right?.max = 100_000 player_progressbar_right?.progress = max(2_000, (currentRequestedBrightness * 100_000f).toInt()) player_progressbar_right_icon?.setImageResource( brightnessIcons[min( // clamp the value just in case brightnessIcons.size - 1, max( 0, round(currentRequestedBrightness * (brightnessIcons.size - 1)).toInt() ) )] ) } TouchAction.Volume -> { (activity?.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as? AudioManager)?.let { audioManager -> player_progressbar_left_holder?.isVisible = true val maxVolume = audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) val currentVolume = audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) // clamps volume and adds swipe currentRequestedVolume = min( 1.0f, max(currentRequestedVolume + verticalAddition, 0.0f) ) // max is set high to make it smooth player_progressbar_left?.max = 100_000 player_progressbar_left?.progress = max(2_000, (currentRequestedVolume * 100_000f).toInt()) player_progressbar_left_icon?.setImageResource( volumeIcons[min( // clamp the value just in case volumeIcons.size - 1, max( 0, round(currentRequestedVolume * (volumeIcons.size - 1)).toInt() ) )] ) // this is used instead of set volume because old devices does not support it val desiredVolume = round(currentRequestedVolume * maxVolume).toInt() if (desiredVolume != currentVolume) { val newVolumeAdjusted = if (desiredVolume < currentVolume) AudioManager.ADJUST_LOWER else AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE audioManager.adjustStreamVolume( AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, newVolumeAdjusted, 0 ) } } } else -> Unit } } } } } currentTouchLast = currentTouch return true } private fun handleKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent, hasNavigated: Boolean): Boolean { if (hasNavigated) { autoHide() } else { event.keyCode.let { keyCode -> when (event.action) { KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> { when (keyCode) { KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER -> { if (!isShowing) { if (!isLocked) player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.PlayPauseToggle) onClickChange() return true } } KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP -> { if (!isShowing) { onClickChange() return true } } KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT -> { if (!isShowing && !isLocked) { player.seekTime(-10000L) return true } else if (player_pause_play?.isFocused == true) { player.seekTime(-30000L) return true } } KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT -> { if (!isShowing && !isLocked) { player.seekTime(10000L) return true } else if (player_pause_play?.isFocused == true) { player.seekTime(30000L) return true } } } } } when (keyCode) { // don't allow dpad move when hidden KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN_LEFT, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN_RIGHT, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP_LEFT, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP_RIGHT -> { if (!isShowing) { return true } else { autoHide() } } // netflix capture back and hide ~monke KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK -> { if (isShowing) { onClickChange() return true } } } } } return false } protected fun uiReset() { isLocked = false isShowing = false // if nothing has loaded these buttons should not be visible player_skip_episode?.isVisible = false player_skip_op?.isVisible = false updateLockUI() updateUIVisibility() animateLayoutChanges() resetFastForwardText() resetRewindText() } @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) // init variables setPlayBackSpeed(getKey(PLAYBACK_SPEED_KEY) ?: 1.0f) fastForwardTime = getKey(PLAYBACK_FASTFORWARD) ?: 10000L // handle tv controls playerEventListener = { eventType -> when (eventType) { PlayerEventType.Lock -> { toggleLock() } PlayerEventType.NextEpisode -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.NextEpisode) } PlayerEventType.Pause -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.Pause) } PlayerEventType.PlayPauseToggle -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.PlayPauseToggle) } PlayerEventType.Play -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.Play) } PlayerEventType.Resize -> { nextResize() } PlayerEventType.PrevEpisode -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.PrevEpisode) } PlayerEventType.SeekForward -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.SeekForward) } PlayerEventType.ShowSpeed -> { showSpeedDialog() } PlayerEventType.SeekBack -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.SeekBack) } PlayerEventType.ToggleMute -> { player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.ToggleMute) } PlayerEventType.ToggleHide -> { onClickChange() } PlayerEventType.ShowMirrors -> { showMirrorsDialogue() } } } // handle tv controls directly based on player state keyEventListener = { eventNav -> val (event, hasNavigated) = eventNav if (event != null) handleKeyEvent(event, hasNavigated) else false } try { context?.let { ctx -> val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx) navigationBarHeight = ctx.getNavigationBarHeight() statusBarHeight = ctx.getStatusBarHeight() swipeHorizontalEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean(ctx.getString(R.string.swipe_enabled_key), true) swipeVerticalEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean( ctx.getString(R.string.swipe_vertical_enabled_key), true ) playBackSpeedEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean( ctx.getString(R.string.playback_speed_enabled_key), false ) playerResizeEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean( ctx.getString(R.string.player_resize_enabled_key), true ) doubleTapEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean( ctx.getString(R.string.double_tap_enabled_key), false ) doubleTapPauseEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean( ctx.getString(R.string.double_tap_pause_enabled_key), false ) currentPrefQuality = settingsManager.getInt( ctx.getString(R.string.quality_pref_key), currentPrefQuality ) // useSystemBrightness = // settingsManager.getBoolean(ctx.getString(R.string.use_system_brightness_key), false) } player_speed_btt?.isVisible = playBackSpeedEnabled player_resize_btt?.isVisible = playerResizeEnabled } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } player_pause_play?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.PlayPauseToggle) } // init clicks player_resize_btt?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() nextResize() } player_speed_btt?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() showSpeedDialog() } player_skip_op?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() skipOp() } player_skip_episode?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() player.handleEvent(CSPlayerEvent.NextEpisode) } player_lock?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() toggleLock() } player_subtitle_offset_btt?.setOnClickListener { showSubtitleOffsetDialog() } exo_rew?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() rewind() } exo_ffwd?.setOnClickListener { autoHide() fastForward() } player_go_back?.setOnClickListener { activity?.popCurrentPage() } player_sources_btt?.setOnClickListener { showMirrorsDialogue() } // it is !not! a bug that you cant touch the right side, it does not register inputs on navbar or status bar player_holder?.setOnTouchListener { callView, event -> return@setOnTouchListener handleMotionEvent(callView, event) } exo_progress?.setOnTouchListener { _, event -> // this makes the bar not disappear when sliding when (event.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> { currentTapIndex++ } MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> { currentTapIndex++ } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, MotionEvent.ACTION_BUTTON_RELEASE -> { autoHide() } } return@setOnTouchListener false } // init UI try { uiReset() // init chromecast UI // removed due to having no use and bugging //activity?.let { // if (it.isCastApiAvailable()) { // try { // CastButtonFactory.setUpMediaRouteButton(it, player_media_route_button) // val castContext = CastContext.getSharedInstance(it.applicationContext) // // player_media_route_button?.isGone = // castContext.castState == CastState.NO_DEVICES_AVAILABLE // castContext.addCastStateListener { state -> // player_media_route_button?.isGone = // state == CastState.NO_DEVICES_AVAILABLE // } // } catch (e: Exception) { // logError(e) // } // } else { // // if cast is not possible hide UI // player_media_route_button?.isGone = true // } //} } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } }