package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders import org.jsoup.Jsoup import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors.Vidstream import import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.getQualityFromName import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList /** Needs to inherit from MainAPI() to * make the app know what functions to call */ class VidEmbedProvider : MainAPI() { // mainUrl is good to have as a holder for the url to make future changes easier. override val mainUrl: String get() = "" // name is for how the provider will be named which is visible in the UI, no real rules for this. override val name: String get() = "VidEmbed" // hasQuickSearch defines if quickSearch() should be called, this is only when typing the searchbar // gives results on the site instead of bringing you to another page. // if hasQuickSearch is true and quickSearch() hasn't been overridden you will get errors. // VidEmbed actually has quick search on their site, but the function wasn't implemented. override val hasQuickSearch: Boolean get() = false // If getMainPage() is functional, used to display the homepage in app, an optional, but highly encouraged endevour. override val hasMainPage: Boolean get() = true // Sometimes on sites the urls can be something like "/movie.html" which translates to "*full site url*/movie.html" in the browser private fun fixUrl(url: String): String { return if (url.startsWith("//")) { "https:$url" } else if (url.startsWith("/")) { "$mainUrl$url" } else { url } } // This is just extra metadata about what type of movies the provider has. // Needed for search functionality. override val supportedTypes: Set get() = setOf(TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.TvSeries, TvType.Movie) // Searching returns a SearchResponse, which can be one of the following: AnimeSearchResponse, MovieSearchResponse, TorrentSearchResponse, TvSeriesSearchResponse // Each of the classes requires some different data, but always has some critical things like name, poster and url. override fun search(query: String): ArrayList { // Simply looking at devtools network is enough to spot a request like: // where neverland is the query, can be written as below. val link = "$mainUrl/search.html?keyword=$query" val html = get(link).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) return ArrayList(".listing.items > .video-block").map { li -> // Selects the href in val href = fixUrl(li.selectFirst("a").attr("href")) val poster = li.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") // .text() selects all the text in the element, be careful about doing this while too high up in the html hierarchy val title = li.selectFirst(".name").text() // Use get(0) and toIntOrNull() to prevent any possible crashes, [0] or toInt() will error the search on unexpected values. val year = li.selectFirst(".date")?.text()?.split("-")?.get(0)?.toIntOrNull() TvSeriesSearchResponse( // .trim() removes unwanted spaces in the start and end. if (!title.contains("Episode")) title else title.split("Episode")[0].trim(), href,, TvType.TvSeries, poster, year, // You can't get the episodes from the search bar. null ) }) } // Load, like the name suggests loads the info page, where all the episodes and data usually is. // Like search you should return either of: AnimeLoadResponse, MovieLoadResponse, TorrentLoadResponse, TvSeriesLoadResponse. override fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { // Gets the url returned from searching. val html = get(url).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) var title = soup.selectFirst("h1,h2,h3").text() title = if (!title.contains("Episode")) title else title.split("Episode")[0].trim() val description = soup.selectFirst(".post-entry")?.text()?.trim() var poster: String? = null val episodes =".listing.items.lists > .video-block").withIndex().map { (_, li) -> val epTitle = if (li.selectFirst(".name") != null) if (li.selectFirst(".name").text().contains("Episode")) "Episode " + li.selectFirst(".name").text().split("Episode")[1].trim() else li.selectFirst(".name").text() else "" val epThumb = li.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") val epDate = li.selectFirst(".meta > .date").text() if (poster == null) { poster = li.selectFirst("img")?.attr("onerror")?.split("=")?.get(1)?.replace(Regex("[';]"), "") } val epNum = Regex("""Episode (\d+)""").find(epTitle)?.destructured?.component1()?.toIntOrNull() TvSeriesEpisode( epTitle, null, epNum, fixUrl(li.selectFirst("a").attr("href")), epThumb, epDate ) }.reversed() val year = episodes.first().date?.split("-")?.get(0)?.toIntOrNull() // Make sure to get the type right to display the correct UI. val tvType = if (episodes.size == 1 && episodes[0].name == title) TvType.Movie else TvType.TvSeries return when (tvType) { TvType.TvSeries -> { TvSeriesLoadResponse( title, url,, tvType, episodes, poster, year, description, ShowStatus.Ongoing, null, null ) } TvType.Movie -> { MovieLoadResponse( title, url,, tvType, episodes[0].data, poster, year, description, null, null ) } else -> null } } // This loads the homepage, which is basically a collection of search results with labels. // Optional function, but make sure to enable hasMainPage if you program this. override fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val urls = listOf( mainUrl, "$mainUrl/movies", "$mainUrl/series", "$mainUrl/recommended-series", "$mainUrl/cinema-movies" ) val homePageList = ArrayList() // .pmap {} is used to fetch the different pages in parallel urls.pmap { url -> val response = get(url, timeout = 20).text val document = Jsoup.parse(response)"div.main-inner")?.forEach { // Always trim your text unless you want the risk of spaces at the start or end. val title =".widget-title").text().trim() val elements =".video-block").map { val link = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) val image =".picture > img").attr("src") val name ="").text().trim() val isSeries = (name.contains("Season") || name.contains("Episode")) if (isSeries) { TvSeriesSearchResponse( name, link,, TvType.TvSeries, image, null, null, ) } else { MovieSearchResponse( name, link,, TvType.Movie, image, null, null, ) } } homePageList.add( HomePageList( title, elements ) ) } } return HomePageResponse(homePageList) } // loadLinks gets the raw .mp4 or .m3u8 urls from the data parameter in the episodes class generated in load() // See TvSeriesEpisode(...) in this provider. // The data are usually links, but can be any other string to help aid loading the links. override fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, // These callbacks are functions you should call when you get a link to a subtitle file or media file. subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { // "?: return" is a very useful statement which returns if the iframe link isn't found. val iframeLink = Jsoup.parse(get(data).text).selectFirst("iframe")?.attr("src") ?: return false // In this case the video player is a vidstream clone and can be handled by the vidstream extractor. // This case is a both unorthodox and you normally do not call extractors as they detect the url returned and does the rest. val vidstreamObject = Vidstream("") // -> MzUwNTY2 val id = Regex("""id=([^&]*)""").find(iframeLink)?.groupValues?.get(1) if (id != null) { vidstreamObject.getUrl(id, isCasting, callback) } val html = get(fixUrl(iframeLink)).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) val servers =".list-server-items > .linkserver").mapNotNull { li -> if (!li?.attr("data-video").isNullOrEmpty()) { Pair(li.text(), fixUrl(li.attr("data-video"))) } else { null } } servers.forEach { // When checking strings make sure to make them lowercase and trimmed because edgecases like "beta server " wouldn't work otherwise. if (it.first.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim() == "beta server") { // Group 1: link, Group 2: Label // Regex can be used to effectively parse small amounts of json without bothering with writing a json class. val sourceRegex = Regex("""sources:[\W\w]*?file:\s*["'](.*?)["'][\W\w]*?label:\s*["'](.*?)["']""") val trackRegex = Regex("""tracks:[\W\w]*?file:\s*["'](.*?)["'][\W\w]*?label:\s*["'](.*?)["']""") // Having a referer is often required. It's a basic security check most providers have. // Try to replicate what your browser does. val serverHtml = get(it.second, headers = mapOf("referer" to iframeLink)).text sourceRegex.findAll(serverHtml).forEach { match -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, match.groupValues.getOrNull(2)?.let { "${} $it" } ?:, match.groupValues[1], it.second, // Useful function to turn something like "1080p" to an app quality. getQualityFromName(match.groupValues.getOrNull(2) ?: ""), // Kinda risky // isM3u8 makes the player pick the correct extractor for the source. // If isM3u8 is wrong the player will error on that source. match.groupValues[1].endsWith(".m3u8"), ) ) } trackRegex.findAll(serverHtml).forEach { match -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( match.groupValues.getOrNull(2) ?: "Unknown", match.groupValues[1] ) ) } } } return true } }