package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins import android.content.Context import dalvik.system.PathClassLoader import import android.content.res.AssetManager import android.content.res.Resources import android.os.Environment import android.widget.Toast import import android.util.Log import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.removeKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins.RepositoryManager.ONLINE_PLUGINS_FOLDER import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins.RepositoryManager.downloadPluginToFile import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.CommonActivity.showToast import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.PROVIDER_STATUS_DOWN import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.apmap import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins.RepositoryManager.getRepoPlugins import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.extensions.REPOSITORIES_KEY import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.extensions.RepositoryData import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.VideoDownloadManager.sanitizeFilename import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorApi import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.extractorApis import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import import import java.util.* // Different keys for local and not since local can be removed at any time without app knowing, hence the local are getting rebuilt on every app start const val PLUGINS_KEY = "PLUGINS_KEY" const val PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL = "PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL" // Data class for internal storage data class PluginData( @JsonProperty("internalName") val internalName: String, @JsonProperty("url") val url: String?, @JsonProperty("isOnline") val isOnline: Boolean, @JsonProperty("filePath") val filePath: String, @JsonProperty("version") val version: Int, ) // This is used as a placeholder / not set version const val PLUGIN_VERSION_NOT_SET = Int.MIN_VALUE // This always updates const val PLUGIN_VERSION_ALWAYS_UPDATE = -1 object PluginManager { // Prevent multiple writes at once val lock = Mutex() const val TAG = "PluginManager" /** * Store data about the plugin for fetching later * */ private suspend fun setPluginData(data: PluginData) { lock.withLock { if (data.isOnline) { val plugins = getPluginsOnline() setKey(PLUGINS_KEY, plugins + data) } else { val plugins = getPluginsLocal() setKey(PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL, plugins + data) } } } private suspend fun deletePluginData(data: PluginData) { lock.withLock { if (data.isOnline) { val plugins = getPluginsOnline().filter { it.url != data.url } setKey(PLUGINS_KEY, plugins) } else { val plugins = getPluginsLocal().filter { it.filePath != data.filePath } setKey(PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL, plugins + data) } } } fun getPluginsOnline(): Array { return getKey(PLUGINS_KEY) ?: emptyArray() } fun getPluginsLocal(): Array { return getKey(PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL) ?: emptyArray() } private val LOCAL_PLUGINS_PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().absolutePath + "/Cloudstream3/plugins" // Maps filepath to plugin private val plugins: MutableMap = LinkedHashMap() private val classLoaders: MutableMap = HashMap() private var loadedLocalPlugins = false private val gson = Gson() private suspend fun maybeLoadPlugin(activity: Activity, file: File) { val name = if (file.extension == "zip" || file.extension == "cs3") { loadPlugin( activity, file, PluginData(name, null, false, file.absolutePath, PLUGIN_VERSION_NOT_SET) ) } else { Log.i(TAG, "Skipping invalid plugin file: $file") } } // Helper class for updateAllOnlinePluginsAndLoadThem private data class OnlinePluginData( val savedData: PluginData, val onlineData: Pair, ) { val isOutdated = onlineData.second.apiVersion != savedData.version || onlineData.second.version == PLUGIN_VERSION_ALWAYS_UPDATE val isDisabled = onlineData.second.status == PROVIDER_STATUS_DOWN } /** * Needs to be run before other plugin loading because plugin loading can not be overwritten * 1. Gets all online data about the downloaded plugins * 2. If disabled do nothing * 3. If outdated download and load the plugin * 4. Else load the plugin normally **/ fun updateAllOnlinePluginsAndLoadThem(activity: Activity) { val urls = getKey>(REPOSITORIES_KEY) ?: emptyArray() val onlinePlugins = urls.toList().apmap { getRepoPlugins(it.url)?.toList() ?: emptyList() }.flatten().distinctBy { it.second.url } // Iterates over all offline plugins, compares to remote repo and returns the plugins which are outdated val outdatedPlugins = getPluginsOnline().map { savedData -> onlinePlugins.filter { onlineData -> savedData.internalName == onlineData.second.internalName } .map { onlineData -> OnlinePluginData(savedData, onlineData) } }.flatten().distinctBy { it.onlineData.second.url } Log.i(TAG, "Outdated plugins: ${outdatedPlugins.filter { it.isOutdated }}") outdatedPlugins.apmap { if (it.isDisabled) { return@apmap } else if (it.isOutdated) { downloadAndLoadPlugin( activity, it.onlineData.second.url, it.savedData.internalName, it.onlineData.first ) } else { loadPlugin( activity, File(it.savedData.filePath), it.savedData ) } } Log.i(TAG, "Plugin update done!") } /** * Use updateAllOnlinePluginsAndLoadThem * */ fun loadAllOnlinePlugins(activity: Activity) { File(activity.filesDir, ONLINE_PLUGINS_FOLDER).listFiles()?.sortedBy { } ?.apmap { file -> maybeLoadPlugin(activity, file) } } fun loadAllLocalPlugins(activity: Activity) { val dir = File(LOCAL_PLUGINS_PATH) removeKey(PLUGINS_KEY_LOCAL) if (!dir.exists()) { val res = dir.mkdirs() if (!res) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to create local directories") return } } val sortedPlugins = dir.listFiles() // Always sort plugins alphabetically for reproducible results Log.d(TAG, "Files in '${LOCAL_PLUGINS_PATH}' folder: ${sortedPlugins}") sortedPlugins?.sortedBy { }?.apmap { file -> maybeLoadPlugin(activity, file) } loadedLocalPlugins = true } /** * @return True if successful, false if not * */ private suspend fun loadPlugin(activity: Activity, file: File, data: PluginData): Boolean { val fileName = file.nameWithoutExtension val filePath = file.absolutePath Log.i(TAG, "Loading plugin: $data") return try { val loader = PathClassLoader(filePath, activity.classLoader) var manifest: Plugin.Manifest loader.getResourceAsStream("manifest.json").use { stream -> if (stream == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load plugin $fileName: No manifest found") return false } InputStreamReader(stream).use { reader -> manifest = gson.fromJson( reader, ) } } val name: String = ?: "NO NAME" val version: Int = manifest.pluginVersion ?: PLUGIN_VERSION_NOT_SET val pluginClass: Class<*> = loader.loadClass(manifest.pluginClassName) as Class val pluginInstance: Plugin = pluginClass.newInstance() as Plugin // Sets with the proper version setPluginData(data.copy(version = version)) if (plugins.containsKey(filePath)) { Log.i(TAG, "Plugin with name $name already exists") return true } pluginInstance.__filename = fileName if (pluginInstance.needsResources) { // based on val assets = val addAssetPath ="addAssetPath", addAssetPath.invoke(assets, file.absolutePath) pluginInstance.resources = Resources( assets, activity.resources.displayMetrics, activity.resources.configuration ) } plugins[filePath] = pluginInstance classLoaders[loader] = pluginInstance pluginInstance.load(activity) Log.i(TAG, "Loaded plugin ${data.internalName} successfully") true } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load $file: ${Log.getStackTraceString(e)}") showToast( activity, activity.getString(R.string.plugin_load_fail).format(fileName), Toast.LENGTH_LONG ) false } } private suspend fun unloadPlugin(absolutePath: String) { Log.i(TAG, "Unloading plugin: $absolutePath") var plugin = plugins.get(absolutePath) if (plugin == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't find plugin $absolutePath") return } try { plugin.beforeUnload() } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to run beforeUnload $absolutePath: ${Log.getStackTraceString(e)}") } // remove all registered apis APIHolder.allProviders.removeIf { provider: MainAPI -> provider.sourcePlugin == plugin.`__filename` } extractorApis.removeIf { provider: ExtractorApi -> provider.sourcePlugin == plugin.`__filename` } plugins.remove(absolutePath) } /** * Spits out a unique and safe filename based on name. * Used for repo folders (using repo url) and plugin file names (using internalName) * */ fun getPluginSanitizedFileName(name: String): String { return sanitizeFilename( name, true ) + "." + name.hashCode() } suspend fun downloadAndLoadPlugin( activity: Activity, pluginUrl: String, internalName: String, repositoryUrl: String ): Boolean { val folderName = getPluginSanitizedFileName(repositoryUrl) // Guaranteed unique val fileName = getPluginSanitizedFileName(internalName) Log.i(TAG, "Downloading plugin: $pluginUrl to $folderName/$fileName") // The plugin file needs to be salted with the repository url hash as to allow multiple repositories with the same internal plugin names val file = downloadPluginToFile(activity, pluginUrl, fileName, folderName) return loadPlugin( activity, file ?: return false, PluginData(internalName, pluginUrl, true, file.absolutePath, PLUGIN_VERSION_NOT_SET) ) } suspend fun deletePlugin(pluginUrl: String): Boolean { val data = getPluginsOnline() .firstOrNull { it.url == pluginUrl } ?: return false return try { if (File(data.filePath).delete()) { unloadPlugin(data.filePath) deletePluginData(data) return true } false } catch (e: Exception) { false } } }