package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import kotlin.math.pow class M3u8Helper { companion object { private val generator = M3u8Helper() fun generateM3u8( source: String, streamUrl: String, referer: String, quality: Int? = null, headers: Map = mapOf(), name: String = source ): List { return generator.m3u8Generation( M3u8Stream( streamUrl = streamUrl, quality = quality, headers = headers, ), true ) .map { stream -> ExtractorLink( source, name = name, stream.streamUrl, referer, stream.quality ?: Qualities.Unknown.value, true, stream.headers, ) } } } private val ENCRYPTION_DETECTION_REGEX = Regex("#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=([^,]+),") private val ENCRYPTION_URL_IV_REGEX = Regex("#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=([^,]+),URI=\"([^\"]+)\"(?:,IV=(.*))?") private val QUALITY_REGEX = Regex("""#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:(?:(?:.*?(?:RESOLUTION=\d+x(\d+)).*?\s+(.*))|(?:.*?\s+(.*)))""") private val TS_EXTENSION_REGEX = Regex("""(.*\.ts.*|.*\.jpg.*)""") //.jpg here 'case vizcloud uses .jpg instead of .ts private fun absoluteExtensionDetermination(url: String): String? { val split = url.split("/") val gg: String = split[split.size - 1].split("?")[0] return if (gg.contains(".")) { gg.split(".").ifEmpty { null }?.last() } else null } private fun toBytes16Big(n: Int): ByteArray { return ByteArray(16) { val fixed = n / 256.0.pow((15 - it)) (maxOf(0, fixed.toInt()) % 256).toByte() } } private val defaultIvGen = sequence { var initial = 1 while (true) { yield(toBytes16Big(initial)) ++initial } }.iterator() private fun getDecrypter( secretKey: ByteArray, data: ByteArray, iv: ByteArray = "".toByteArray() ): ByteArray { val ivKey = if (iv.isEmpty()) else iv val c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") val skSpec = SecretKeySpec(secretKey, "AES") val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(ivKey) c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skSpec, ivSpec) return c.doFinal(data) } private fun isEncrypted(m3u8Data: String): Boolean { val st = ENCRYPTION_DETECTION_REGEX.find(m3u8Data) return st != null && (st.value.isNotEmpty() || st.destructured.component1() != "NONE") } data class M3u8Stream( val streamUrl: String, val quality: Int? = null, val headers: Map = mapOf() ) private fun selectBest(qualities: List): M3u8Stream? { val result = qualities.sortedBy { if (it.quality != null && it.quality <= 1080) it.quality else 0 }.filter { listOf("m3u", "m3u8").contains(absoluteExtensionDetermination(it.streamUrl)) } return result.getOrNull(0) } private fun getParentLink(uri: String): String { val split = uri.split("/").toMutableList() split.removeLast() return split.joinToString("/") } private fun isNotCompleteUrl(url: String): Boolean { return !url.contains("https://") && !url.contains("http://") } fun m3u8Generation(m3u8: M3u8Stream, returnThis: Boolean): List { val generate = sequence { val m3u8Parent = getParentLink(m3u8.streamUrl) val response = runBlocking { app.get(m3u8.streamUrl, headers = m3u8.headers).text } for (match in QUALITY_REGEX.findAll(response)) { var (quality, m3u8Link, m3u8Link2) = match.destructured if (m3u8Link.isEmpty()) m3u8Link = m3u8Link2 if (absoluteExtensionDetermination(m3u8Link) == "m3u8") { if (isNotCompleteUrl(m3u8Link)) { m3u8Link = "$m3u8Parent/$m3u8Link" } if (quality.isEmpty()) { println(m3u8.streamUrl) } yieldAll( m3u8Generation( M3u8Stream( m3u8Link, quality.toIntOrNull(), m3u8.headers ), false ) ) } yield( M3u8Stream( m3u8Link, quality.toIntOrNull(), m3u8.headers ) ) } if (returnThis) { yield( M3u8Stream( m3u8.streamUrl, 0, m3u8.headers ) ) } } return generate.toList() } data class HlsDownloadData( val bytes: ByteArray, val currentIndex: Int, val totalTs: Int, val errored: Boolean = false ) fun hlsYield(qualities: List, startIndex: Int = 0): Iterator { if (qualities.isEmpty()) return listOf( HlsDownloadData( byteArrayOf(), 1, 1, true ) ).iterator() var selected = selectBest(qualities) if (selected == null) { selected = qualities[0] } val headers = selected.headers val streams = { m3u8Generation(it, false) }.flatten() //val sslVerification = if (headers.containsKey("ssl_verification")) headers["ssl_verification"].toBoolean() else true val secondSelection = selectBest(streams.ifEmpty { listOf(selected) }) if (secondSelection != null) { val m3u8Response = runBlocking { app.get(secondSelection.streamUrl, headers = headers).text } var encryptionUri: String? var encryptionIv = byteArrayOf() var encryptionData = byteArrayOf() val encryptionState = isEncrypted(m3u8Response) if (encryptionState) { val match = ENCRYPTION_URL_IV_REGEX.find(m3u8Response)!!.destructured // its safe to assume that its not going to be null encryptionUri = match.component2() if (isNotCompleteUrl(encryptionUri)) { encryptionUri = "${getParentLink(secondSelection.streamUrl)}/$encryptionUri" } encryptionIv = match.component3().toByteArray() val encryptionKeyResponse = runBlocking { app.get(encryptionUri, headers = headers) } encryptionData = encryptionKeyResponse.body?.bytes() ?: byteArrayOf() } val allTs = TS_EXTENSION_REGEX.findAll(m3u8Response) val allTsList = allTs.toList() val totalTs = allTsList.size if (totalTs == 0) { return listOf(HlsDownloadData(byteArrayOf(), 1, 1, true)).iterator() } var lastYield = 0 val relativeUrl = getParentLink(secondSelection.streamUrl) var retries = 0 val tsByteGen = sequence { loop@ for ((index, ts) in allTs.withIndex()) { val url = if ( isNotCompleteUrl(ts.destructured.component1()) ) "$relativeUrl/${ts.destructured.component1()}" else ts.destructured.component1() val c = index + 1 + startIndex while (lastYield != c) { try { val tsResponse = runBlocking { app.get(url, headers = headers) } var tsData = tsResponse.body?.bytes() ?: byteArrayOf() if (encryptionState) { tsData = getDecrypter(encryptionData, tsData, encryptionIv) yield(HlsDownloadData(tsData, c, totalTs)) lastYield = c break } yield(HlsDownloadData(tsData, c, totalTs)) lastYield = c } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) if (retries == 3) { yield(HlsDownloadData(byteArrayOf(), c, totalTs, true)) break@loop } ++retries Thread.sleep(2_000) } } } } return tsByteGen.iterator() } return listOf(HlsDownloadData(byteArrayOf(), 1, 1, true)).iterator() } }