package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorApi import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper.Companion.generateM3u8 import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import java.math.BigInteger class VideovardSX : WcoStream() { override var mainUrl = "" } open class VideoVard : ExtractorApi() { override var name = "Videovard" // Cause works for animekisa and wco override var mainUrl = "" override val requiresReferer = false //The following code was extracted from override suspend fun getUrl(url: String, referer: String?): List { val id = url.substringAfter("e/").substringBefore("/") val sources = mutableListOf() val hash = app.get("$mainUrl/api/make/download/$id").parsed() delay(11_000) val resm3u8 = "$mainUrl/api/player/setup", mapOf("Referer" to "$mainUrl/"), data = mapOf( "cmd" to "get_stream", "file_code" to id, "hash" to hash.hash!! ) ).parsed() val m3u8 = decode(resm3u8.src!!, resm3u8.seed) sources.addAll( generateM3u8( name, m3u8, mainUrl, headers = mapOf("Referer" to mainUrl) ) ) return sources } companion object { private val big0 = 0.toBigInteger() private val big3 = 3.toBigInteger() private val big4 = 4.toBigInteger() private val big15 = 15.toBigInteger() private val big16 = 16.toBigInteger() private val big255 = 255.toBigInteger() private fun decode(dataFile: String, seed: String): String { val dataSeed = replace(seed) val newDataSeed = binaryDigest(dataSeed) val newDataFile = bytes2blocks(ascii2bytes(dataFile)) var list = listOf(1633837924, 1650680933).map { it.toBigInteger() } val xorList = mutableListOf() for (i in newDataFile.indices step 2) { val temp = newDataFile.slice(i..i + 1) xorList += xorBlocks(list, tearDecode(temp, newDataSeed)) list = temp } val result = replace(unPad(blocks2bytes(xorList)).map { it.toInt().toChar() }.joinToString("")) return padLastChars(result) } private fun binaryDigest(input: String): List { val keys = listOf(1633837924, 1650680933, 1667523942, 1684366951).map { it.toBigInteger() } var list1 = keys.slice(0..1) var list2 = list1 val blocks = bytes2blocks(digestPad(input)) for (i in blocks.indices step 4) { list1 = tearCode(xorBlocks(blocks.slice(i..i + 1), list1), keys).toMutableList() list2 = tearCode(xorBlocks(blocks.slice(i + 2..i + 3), list2), keys).toMutableList() val temp = list1[0] list1[0] = list1[1] list1[1] = list2[0] list2[0] = list2[1] list2[1] = temp } return listOf(list1[0], list1[1], list2[0], list2[1]) } private fun tearDecode(a90: List, a91: List): MutableList { var (a95, a96) = a90 var a97 = (-957401312).toBigInteger() for (_i in 0 until 32) { a96 -= ((((a95 shl 4) xor rShift(a95, 5)) + a95) xor (a97 + a91[rShift(a97, 11).and(3.toBigInteger()).toInt()])) a97 += 1640531527.toBigInteger() a95 -= ((((a96 shl 4) xor rShift(a96, 5)) + a96) xor (a97 + a91[a97.and(3.toBigInteger()).toInt()])) } return mutableListOf(a95, a96) } private fun digestPad(string: String): List { val empList = mutableListOf() val length = string.length val extra = big15 - (length.toBigInteger() % big16) empList.add(extra) for (i in 0 until length) { empList.add(string[i].code.toBigInteger()) } for (i in 0 until extra.toInt()) { empList.add(big0) } return empList } private fun bytes2blocks(a22: List): List { val empList = mutableListOf() val length = a22.size var listIndex = 0 for (i in 0 until length) { val subIndex = i % 4 val shiftedByte = a22[i] shl (3 - subIndex) * 8 if (subIndex == 0) { empList.add(shiftedByte) } else { empList[listIndex] = empList[listIndex] or shiftedByte } if (subIndex == 3) listIndex += 1 } return empList } private fun blocks2bytes(inp: List): List { val tempList = mutableListOf() inp.indices.forEach { i -> tempList += (big255 and rShift(inp[i], 24)) tempList += (big255 and rShift(inp[i], 16)) tempList += (big255 and rShift(inp[i], 8)) tempList += (big255 and inp[i]) } return tempList } private fun unPad(a46: List): List { val evenOdd = a46[0].toInt().mod(2) return (1 until (a46.size - evenOdd)).map { a46[it] } } private fun xorBlocks(a76: List, a77: List): List { return listOf(a76[0] xor a77[0], a76[1] xor a77[1]) } private fun rShift(input: BigInteger, by: Int): BigInteger { return (input.mod(4294967296.toBigInteger()) shr by) } private fun tearCode(list1: List, list2: List): MutableList { var a1 = list1[0] var a2 = list1[1] var temp = big0 for (_i in 0 until 32) { a1 += (a2 shl 4 xor rShift(a2, 5)) + a2 xor temp + list2[(temp and big3).toInt()] temp -= 1640531527.toBigInteger() a2 += (a1 shl 4 xor rShift(a1, 5)) + a1 xor temp + list2[(rShift(temp, 11) and big3).toInt()] } return mutableListOf(a1, a2) } private fun ascii2bytes(input: String): List { val abc = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" val abcMap = abc.mapIndexed { i, c -> c to i.toBigInteger() }.toMap() var index = -1 val length = input.length var listIndex = 0 val bytes = mutableListOf() while (true) { for (i in input) { if (abc.contains(i)) { index++ break } } bytes.add((abcMap[input.getOrNull(index)?:return bytes]!! * big4)) while (true) { index++ if (abc.contains(input[index])) { break } } var temp = abcMap[input[index]]!! bytes[listIndex] = bytes[listIndex] or rShift(temp, 4) listIndex++ temp = (big15.and(temp)) if ((temp == big0) && (index == (length - 1))) return bytes bytes.add((temp * big4 * big4)) while (true) { index++ if (index >= length) return bytes if (abc.contains(input[index])) break } temp = abcMap[input[index]]!! bytes[listIndex] = bytes[listIndex] or rShift(temp, 2) listIndex++ temp = (big3 and temp) if ((temp == big0) && (index == (length - 1))) { return bytes } bytes.add((temp shl 6)) for (i in input) { index++ if (abc.contains(input[index])) { break } } bytes[listIndex] = bytes[listIndex] or abcMap[input[index]]!! listIndex++ } } private fun replace(a: String): String { val map = mapOf( '0' to '5', '1' to '6', '2' to '7', '5' to '0', '6' to '1', '7' to '2' ) var b = "" a.forEach { b += if (map.containsKey(it)) map[it] else it } return b } private fun padLastChars(input:String):String{ return if(input.reversed()[3].isDigit()) input else input.dropLast(4) } private data class HashResponse( val hash: String? = null, val version:String? = null ) private data class SetupResponse( val seed: String, val src: String?=null, val link:String?=null ) } }