package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils import import import import import android.content.* import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Environment import android.provider.MediaStore import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi import import import import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import import import import import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.GlideUrl import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.hippo.unifile.UniFile import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getApiFromNameNull import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.removeKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainActivity import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.TvType import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.normalSafeApiCall import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioSafe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.main import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.removeKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.colorFromAttribute import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import okhttp3.internal.closeQuietly import import import import import java.lang.Thread.sleep import import import import java.util.* import kotlin.math.roundToInt const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID = "cloudstream3.general" const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_NAME = "Downloads" const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_DESCRIPT = "The download notification channel" object VideoDownloadManager { var maxConcurrentDownloads = 3 private var currentDownloads = mutableListOf() private const val USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36" @DrawableRes const val imgDone = R.drawable.rddone @DrawableRes const val imgDownloading = R.drawable.rdload @DrawableRes const val imgPaused = R.drawable.rdpause @DrawableRes const val imgStopped = R.drawable.rderror @DrawableRes const val imgError = R.drawable.rderror @DrawableRes const val pressToPauseIcon = R.drawable.ic_baseline_pause_24 @DrawableRes const val pressToResumeIcon = R.drawable.ic_baseline_play_arrow_24 @DrawableRes const val pressToStopIcon = R.drawable.exo_icon_stop enum class DownloadType { IsPaused, IsDownloading, IsDone, IsFailed, IsStopped, } enum class DownloadActionType { Pause, Resume, Stop, } interface IDownloadableMinimum { val url: String val referer: String val headers: Map } fun IDownloadableMinimum.getId(): Int { return url.hashCode() } data class DownloadEpisodeMetadata( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int, @JsonProperty("mainName") val mainName: String, @JsonProperty("sourceApiName") val sourceApiName: String?, @JsonProperty("poster") val poster: String?, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String?, @JsonProperty("season") val season: Int?, @JsonProperty("episode") val episode: Int?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: TvType?, ) data class DownloadItem( @JsonProperty("source") val source: String?, @JsonProperty("folder") val folder: String?, @JsonProperty("ep") val ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, @JsonProperty("links") val links: List, ) data class DownloadResumePackage( @JsonProperty("item") val item: DownloadItem, @JsonProperty("linkIndex") val linkIndex: Int?, ) data class DownloadedFileInfo( @JsonProperty("totalBytes") val totalBytes: Long, @JsonProperty("relativePath") val relativePath: String, @JsonProperty("displayName") val displayName: String, @JsonProperty("extraInfo") val extraInfo: String? = null, @JsonProperty("basePath") val basePath: String? = null // null is for legacy downloads. See getDefaultPath() ) data class DownloadedFileInfoResult( @JsonProperty("fileLength") val fileLength: Long, @JsonProperty("totalBytes") val totalBytes: Long, @JsonProperty("path") val path: Uri, ) data class DownloadQueueResumePackage( @JsonProperty("index") val index: Int, @JsonProperty("pkg") val pkg: DownloadResumePackage, ) private const val SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE = 1 private const val SUCCESS_STREAM = 3 private const val SUCCESS_STOPPED = 2 // will not download the next one, but is still classified as an error private const val ERROR_DELETING_FILE = 3 private const val ERROR_CREATE_FILE = -2 private const val ERROR_UNKNOWN = -10 //private const val ERROR_OPEN_FILE = -3 private const val ERROR_TOO_SMALL_CONNECTION = -4 //private const val ERROR_WRONG_CONTENT = -5 private const val ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR = -6 //private const val ERROR_MEDIA_STORE_URI_CANT_BE_CREATED = -7 //private const val ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_CANT_OPEN_STREAM = -8 private const val ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND = -9 private const val KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES = "download_resume" const val KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO = "download_info" private const val KEY_RESUME_QUEUE_PACKAGES = "download_q_resume" val downloadStatus = HashMap() val downloadStatusEvent = Event>() val downloadDeleteEvent = Event() val downloadEvent = Event>() val downloadProgressEvent = Event>() val downloadQueue = LinkedList() private var hasCreatedNotChanel = false private fun Context.createNotificationChannel() { hasCreatedNotChanel = true // Create the NotificationChannel, but only on API 26+ because // the NotificationChannel class is new and not in the support library if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val name = DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_NAME //getString(R.string.channel_name) val descriptionText = DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_DESCRIPT//getString(R.string.channel_description) val importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT val channel = NotificationChannel(DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID, name, importance).apply { description = descriptionText } // Register the channel with the system val notificationManager: NotificationManager = this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(channel) } } /** Will return IsDone if not found or error */ fun getDownloadState(id: Int): DownloadType { return try { downloadStatus[id] ?: DownloadType.IsDone } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) DownloadType.IsDone } } private val cachedBitmaps = hashMapOf() fun Context.getImageBitmapFromUrl(url: String, headers: Map? = null): Bitmap? { try { if (cachedBitmaps.containsKey(url)) { return cachedBitmaps[url] } val bitmap = GlideApp.with(this) .asBitmap() .load(GlideUrl(url) { headers ?: emptyMap() }) .into(720, 720) .get() if (bitmap != null) { cachedBitmaps[url] = bitmap } return bitmap } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } /** * @param hlsProgress will together with hlsTotal display another notification if used, to lessen the confusion about estimated size. * */ private suspend fun createNotification( context: Context, source: String?, linkName: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, state: DownloadType, progress: Long, total: Long, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, hlsProgress: Long? = null, hlsTotal: Long? = null, ): Notification? { try { if (total <= 0) return null// crash, invalid data // main { // DON'T WANT TO SLOW IT DOWN val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID) .setAutoCancel(true) .setColorized(true) .setOnlyAlertOnce(true) .setShowWhen(false) .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) .setColor(context.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary)) .setContentTitle(ep.mainName) .setSmallIcon( when (state) { DownloadType.IsDone -> imgDone DownloadType.IsDownloading -> imgDownloading DownloadType.IsPaused -> imgPaused DownloadType.IsFailed -> imgError DownloadType.IsStopped -> imgStopped } ) if (ep.sourceApiName != null) { builder.setSubText(ep.sourceApiName) } if (source != null) { val intent = Intent(context, { data = source.toUri() flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK } val pendingIntent: PendingIntent = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE) } else { PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0) } builder.setContentIntent(pendingIntent) } if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { builder.setProgress((total / 1000).toInt(), (progress / 1000).toInt(), false) } val rowTwoExtra = if ( != null) " - ${}\n" else "" val rowTwo = if (ep.season != null && ep.episode != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.season_short)}${ep.season}:${context.getString(R.string.episode_short)}${ep.episode}" + rowTwoExtra } else if (ep.episode != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.episode)} ${ep.episode}" + rowTwoExtra } else { ( ?: "") + "" } val downloadFormat = context.getString(R.string.download_format) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { if (ep.poster != null) { val poster = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { context.getImageBitmapFromUrl(ep.poster) } if (poster != null) builder.setLargeIcon(poster) } val progressPercentage: Long val progressMbString: String val totalMbString: String val suffix: String if (hlsProgress != null && hlsTotal != null) { progressPercentage = hlsProgress.toLong() * 100 / hlsTotal progressMbString = hlsProgress.toString() totalMbString = hlsTotal.toString() suffix = " - %.1f MB".format(progress / 1000000f) } else { progressPercentage = progress * 100 / total progressMbString = "%.1f MB".format(progress / 1000000f) totalMbString = "%.1f MB".format(total / 1000000f) suffix = "" } val bigText = if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { (if (linkName == null) "" else "$linkName\n") + "$rowTwo\n$progressPercentage % ($progressMbString/$totalMbString)$suffix" } else if (state == DownloadType.IsFailed) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_failed), rowTwo) } else if (state == DownloadType.IsDone) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_done), rowTwo) } else { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_canceled), rowTwo) } val bodyStyle = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() bodyStyle.bigText(bigText) builder.setStyle(bodyStyle) } else { val txt = if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { rowTwo } else if (state == DownloadType.IsFailed) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_failed), rowTwo) } else if (state == DownloadType.IsDone) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_done), rowTwo) } else { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_canceled), rowTwo) } builder.setContentText(txt) } if ((state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val actionTypes: MutableList = ArrayList() // INIT if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading) { actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Pause) actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Stop) } if (state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Resume) actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Stop) } // ADD ACTIONS for ((index, i) in actionTypes.withIndex()) { val actionResultIntent = Intent(context, actionResultIntent.putExtra( "type", when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> "resume" DownloadActionType.Pause -> "pause" DownloadActionType.Stop -> "stop" } ) actionResultIntent.putExtra("id", val pending: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService( // BECAUSE episodes lying near will have the same id +1, index will give the same requested as the previous episode, *100000 fixes this context, (4337 + index * 1000000 +, actionResultIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT or PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE ) builder.addAction( NotificationCompat.Action( when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> pressToResumeIcon DownloadActionType.Pause -> pressToPauseIcon DownloadActionType.Stop -> pressToStopIcon }, when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> context.getString(R.string.resume) DownloadActionType.Pause -> context.getString(R.string.pause) DownloadActionType.Stop -> context.getString(R.string.cancel) }, pending ) ) } } if (!hasCreatedNotChanel) { context.createNotificationChannel() } val notification = notificationCallback(, notification) with(NotificationManagerCompat.from(context)) { // notificationId is a unique int for each notification that you must define notify(, notification) } return notification } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } private const val reservedChars = "|\\?*<\":>+[]/\'" fun sanitizeFilename(name: String, removeSpaces: Boolean = false): String { var tempName = name for (c in reservedChars) { tempName = tempName.replace(c, ' ') } if (removeSpaces) tempName = tempName.replace(" ", "") return tempName.replace(" ", " ").trim(' ') } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) private fun ContentResolver.getExistingFolderStartName(relativePath: String): List>? { try { val projection = arrayOf( MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID, MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, // unused (for verification use only) //MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, // unused (for verification use only) ) val selection = "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH}='$relativePath'" val result = this.query( MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY), projection, selection, null, null ) val list = ArrayList>() result.use { c -> if (c != null && c.count >= 1) { c.moveToFirst() while (true) { val id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)) val name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId( MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id ) list.add(Pair(name, uri)) if (c.isLast) { break } c.moveToNext() } /* val cDisplayName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val cRelativePath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH))*/ } } return list } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } /** * Used for getting video player subs. * @return List of pairs for the files in this format: * */ fun getFolder( context: Context, relativePath: String, basePath: String? ): List>? { val base = basePathToFile(context, basePath) val folder = base?.gotoDir(relativePath, false) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && base.isDownloadDir()) { return context.contentResolver?.getExistingFolderStartName(relativePath) } else { // val normalPath = // "${Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()}${File.separatorChar}${relativePath}".replace( // '/', // File.separatorChar // ) // val folder = File(normalPath) if (folder?.isDirectory == true) { return folder.listFiles()?.map { Pair( ?: "", it.uri) } } } return null // } } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) private fun ContentResolver.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ( relativePath: String, displayName: String ): Uri? { try { val projection = arrayOf( MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID, //MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, // unused (for verification use only) //MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, // unused (for verification use only) ) val selection = "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH}='$relativePath' AND " + "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME}='$displayName'" val result = this.query( MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY), projection, selection, null, null ) result.use { c -> if (c != null && c.count >= 1) { c.moveToFirst().let { val id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)) /* val cDisplayName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val cRelativePath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH))*/ return ContentUris.withAppendedId( MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id ) } } } return null } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) fun ContentResolver.getFileLength(fileUri: Uri): Long? { return try { this.openFileDescriptor(fileUri, "r") .use { it?.statSize ?: 0 } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) null } } data class CreateNotificationMetadata( val type: DownloadType, val bytesDownloaded: Long, val bytesTotal: Long, val hlsProgress: Long? = null, val hlsTotal: Long? = null, ) data class StreamData( val errorCode: Int, val resume: Boolean? = null, val fileLength: Long? = null, val fileStream: OutputStream? = null, ) /** * Sets up the appropriate file and creates a data stream from the file. * Used for initializing downloads. * */ fun setupStream( context: Context, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean, ): StreamData { val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) val fileStream: OutputStream val fileLength: Long var resume = tryResume val baseFile = context.getBasePath() if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && baseFile.first?.isDownloadDir() == true) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) val currentExistingFile = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ( folder ?: "", displayName ) // CURRENT FILE WITH THE SAME PATH fileLength = if (currentExistingFile == null || !resume) 0 else (cr.getFileLength( currentExistingFile ) ?: 0)// IF NOT RESUME THEN 0, OTHERWISE THE CURRENT FILE SIZE if (!resume && currentExistingFile != null) { // DELETE FILE IF FILE EXITS AND NOT RESUME val rowsDeleted = context.contentResolver.delete(currentExistingFile, null, null) if (rowsDeleted < 1) { println("ERROR DELETING FILE!!!") } } var appendFile = false val newFileUri = if (resume && currentExistingFile != null) { appendFile = true currentExistingFile } else { val contentUri = MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY) // USE INSTEAD OF MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI //val currentMimeType = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension) val currentMimeType = when (extension) { // Absolutely ridiculous, if text/vtt is used as mimetype scoped storage prevents // downloading to /Downloads yet it works with null "vtt" -> null // "text/vtt" "mp4" -> "video/mp4" "srt" -> null // "application/x-subrip"//"text/plain" else -> null } val newFile = ContentValues().apply { put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, displayName) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, name) if (currentMimeType != null) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, currentMimeType) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, folder) } cr.insert( contentUri, newFile ) ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } fileStream = cr.openOutputStream(newFileUri, "w" + (if (appendFile) "a" else "")) ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } else { val subDir = baseFile.first?.gotoDir(folder) val rFile = subDir?.findFile(displayName) if (rFile?.exists() != true) { fileLength = 0 if (subDir?.createFile(displayName) == null) return StreamData(ERROR_CREATE_FILE) } else { if (resume) { fileLength = rFile.size() } else { fileLength = 0 if (!rFile.delete()) return StreamData(ERROR_DELETING_FILE) if (subDir.createFile(displayName) == null) return StreamData(ERROR_CREATE_FILE) } } fileStream = (subDir.findFile(displayName) ?: subDir.createFile(displayName))!!.openOutputStream() // fileStream = FileOutputStream(rFile, false) if (fileLength == 0L) resume = false } return StreamData(SUCCESS_STREAM, resume, fileLength, fileStream) } fun downloadThing( context: Context, link: IDownloadableMinimum, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean, parentId: Int?, createNotificationCallback: (CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit, ): Int { if (link.url.startsWith("magnet") || link.url.endsWith(".torrent")) { return ERROR_UNKNOWN } val basePath = context.getBasePath() val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) val relativePath = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && basePath.first.isDownloadDir()) getRelativePath( folder ) else folder fun deleteFile(): Int { return delete(context, name, relativePath, extension, parentId, basePath.first) } val stream = setupStream(context, name, relativePath, extension, tryResume) if (stream.errorCode != SUCCESS_STREAM) return stream.errorCode val resume = stream.resume!! val fileStream = stream.fileStream!! val fileLength = stream.fileLength!! // CONNECT val connection: URLConnection = URL(link.url.replace(" ", "%20")).openConnection() // IDK OLD PHONES BE WACK // SET CONNECTION SETTINGS connection.connectTimeout = 10000 connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "identity") connection.setRequestProperty("user-agent", USER_AGENT) if (link.referer.isNotEmpty()) connection.setRequestProperty("referer", link.referer) // extra stuff connection.setRequestProperty( "sec-ch-ua", "\"Chromium\";v=\"91\", \" Not;A Brand\";v=\"99\"" ) connection.setRequestProperty("sec-ch-ua-mobile", "?0") connection.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*") // dataSource.setRequestProperty("Sec-Fetch-Site", "none") //same-site connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-user", "?1") connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-mode", "navigate") connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-dest", "video") link.headers.entries.forEach { connection.setRequestProperty(it.key, it.value) } if (resume) connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=${fileLength}-") val resumeLength = (if (resume) fileLength else 0) // ON CONNECTION connection.connect() val contentLength = try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { // fuck android connection.contentLengthLong } else { connection.getHeaderField("content-length").toLongOrNull() ?: connection.contentLength.toLong() } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) 0L } val bytesTotal = contentLength + resumeLength if (extension == "mp4" && bytesTotal < 5000000) return ERROR_TOO_SMALL_CONNECTION // DATA IS LESS THAN 5MB, SOMETHING IS WRONG parentId?.let { setKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, it.toString(), DownloadedFileInfo( bytesTotal, relativePath ?: "", displayName, basePath = basePath.second ) ) } // Could use connection.contentType for mime types when creating the file, // however file is already created and players don't go of file type // // might receive application/octet-stream /*if (!connection.contentType.isNullOrEmpty() && !connection.contentType.startsWith("video")) { return ERROR_WRONG_CONTENT // CONTENT IS NOT VIDEO, SHOULD NEVER HAPPENED, BUT JUST IN CASE }*/ // READ DATA FROM CONNECTION val connectionInputStream: InputStream = BufferedInputStream(connection.inputStream) val buffer = ByteArray(1024) var count: Int var bytesDownloaded = resumeLength var isPaused = false var isStopped = false var isDone = false var isFailed = false // TO NOT REUSE CODE fun updateNotification() { val type = when { isDone -> DownloadType.IsDone isStopped -> DownloadType.IsStopped isFailed -> DownloadType.IsFailed isPaused -> DownloadType.IsPaused else -> DownloadType.IsDownloading } parentId?.let { id -> try { downloadStatus[id] = type downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, type)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal)) } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } } createNotificationCallback.invoke( CreateNotificationMetadata( type, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal ) ) /*createNotification( context, source,, ep, type, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal )*/ } val downloadEventListener = { event: Pair -> if (event.first == parentId) { when (event.second) { DownloadActionType.Pause -> { isPaused = true; updateNotification() } DownloadActionType.Stop -> { isStopped = true; updateNotification() removeKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, event.first.toString()) saveQueue() } DownloadActionType.Resume -> { isPaused = false; updateNotification() } } } } if (parentId != null) downloadEvent += downloadEventListener // UPDATE DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION val notificationCoroutine = main { while (true) { if (!isPaused) { updateNotification() } for (i in 1..10) { delay(100) } } } // THE REAL READ try { while (true) { count = if (count < 0) break bytesDownloaded += count // downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Pair(id, bytesDownloaded)) // Updates too much for any UI to keep up with while (isPaused) { sleep(100) if (isStopped) { break } } if (isStopped) { break } fileStream.write(buffer, 0, count) } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) isFailed = true updateNotification() } // REMOVE AND EXIT ALL fileStream.close() connectionInputStream.close() notificationCoroutine.cancel() try { if (parentId != null) downloadEvent -= downloadEventListener } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } try { parentId?.let { downloadStatus.remove(it) } } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } // RETURN MESSAGE return when { isFailed -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) } ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR } isStopped -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) } deleteFile() } else -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke( Triple( id, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal ) ) } isDone = true updateNotification() SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE } } } /** * Guarantees a directory is present with the dir name (if createMissingDirectories is true). * Works recursively when '/' is present. * Will remove any file with the dir name if present and add directory. * Will not work if the parent directory does not exist. * * @param directoryName if null will use the current path. * @return UniFile / null if createMissingDirectories = false and folder is not found. * */ private fun UniFile.gotoDir( directoryName: String?, createMissingDirectories: Boolean = true ): UniFile? { // May give this error on scoped storage. // W/DocumentsContract: Failed to create document // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parent document isn't a directory // Not present in latest testing. // println("Going to dir $directoryName from ${this.uri} ---- ${this.filePath}") try { // Creates itself from parent if doesn't exist. if (!this.exists() && createMissingDirectories && ! { if (this.parentFile != null) { this.parentFile?.createDirectory( } else if (this.filePath != null) { UniFile.fromFile(File(this.filePath!!).parentFile)?.createDirectory( } } val allDirectories = directoryName?.split("/") return if (allDirectories?.size == 1 || allDirectories == null) { val found = this.findFile(directoryName) when { directoryName.isNullOrBlank() -> this found?.isDirectory == true -> found !createMissingDirectories -> null // Below creates directories found?.isFile == true -> { found.delete() this.createDirectory(directoryName) } this.isDirectory -> this.createDirectory(directoryName) else -> this.parentFile?.createDirectory(directoryName) } } else { var currentDirectory = this allDirectories.forEach { // If the next directory is not found it returns the deepest directory possible. val nextDir = currentDirectory.gotoDir(it, createMissingDirectories) currentDirectory = nextDir ?: return null } currentDirectory } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } private fun getDisplayName(name: String, extension: String): String { return "$name.$extension" } /** * Gets the default download path as an UniFile. * Vital for legacy downloads, be careful about changing anything here. * * As of writing UniFile is used for everything but download directory on scoped storage. * Special ContentResolver fuckery is needed for that as UniFile doesn't work. * */ fun getDownloadDir(): UniFile? { // See return UniFile.fromFile( File( Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().absolutePath + File.separatorChar + Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS ) ) } @Deprecated("TODO fix UniFile to work with download directory.") private fun getRelativePath(folder: String?): String { return (Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS + '/' + folder + '/').replace( '/', File.separatorChar ) } /** * Turns a string to an UniFile. Used for stored string paths such as settings. * Should only be used to get a download path. * */ private fun basePathToFile(context: Context, path: String?): UniFile? { return when { path.isNullOrBlank() -> getDownloadDir() path.startsWith("content://") -> UniFile.fromUri(context, path.toUri()) else -> UniFile.fromFile(File(path)) } } /** * Base path where downloaded things should be stored, changes depending on settings. * Returns the file and a string to be stored for future file retrieval. * UniFile.filePath is not sufficient for storage. * */ fun Context.getBasePath(): Pair { val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this) val basePathSetting = settingsManager.getString(getString(R.string.download_path_key), null) return basePathToFile(this, basePathSetting) to basePathSetting } fun UniFile?.isDownloadDir(): Boolean { return this != null && this.filePath == getDownloadDir()?.filePath } private fun delete( context: Context, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, parentId: Int?, basePath: UniFile? ): Int { val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) // delete all subtitle files if (extension == "mp4") { try { delete(context, name, folder, "vtt", parentId, basePath) delete(context, name, folder, "srt", parentId, basePath) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } // If scoped storage and using download dir (not accessible with UniFile) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && basePath.isDownloadDir()) { val relativePath = getRelativePath(folder) val lastContent = context.contentResolver.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(relativePath, displayName) if (lastContent != null) { context.contentResolver.delete(lastContent, null, null) } } else { val dir = basePath?.gotoDir(folder) val file = dir?.findFile(displayName) val success = file?.delete() if (success != true) return ERROR_DELETING_FILE else { // Cleans up empty directory if (dir.listFiles()?.isEmpty() == true) dir.delete() } // } parentId?.let { downloadDeleteEvent.invoke(parentId) } } return SUCCESS_STOPPED } private fun downloadHLS( context: Context, link: ExtractorLink, name: String, folder: String?, parentId: Int?, startIndex: Int?, createNotificationCallback: (CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit ): Int { val extension = "mp4" fun logcatPrint(vararg items: Any?) { items.forEach { println("[HLS]: $it") } } val m3u8Helper = M3u8Helper() logcatPrint("initialised the HLS downloader.") val m3u8 = M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream( link.url, link.quality, mapOf("referer" to link.referer) ) var realIndex = startIndex ?: 0 val basePath = context.getBasePath() val relativePath = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && basePath.first.isDownloadDir()) getRelativePath( folder ) else folder val stream = setupStream(context, name, relativePath, extension, realIndex > 0) if (stream.errorCode != SUCCESS_STREAM) return stream.errorCode if (!stream.resume!!) realIndex = 0 val fileLengthAdd = stream.fileLength!! val tsIterator = runBlocking { m3u8Helper.hlsYield(listOf(m3u8), realIndex) } val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) val fileStream = stream.fileStream!! val firstTs = var isDone = false var isFailed = false var isPaused = false var bytesDownloaded = firstTs.bytes.size.toLong() + fileLengthAdd var tsProgress = 1L + realIndex val totalTs = firstTs.totalTs.toLong() fun deleteFile(): Int { return delete(context, name, relativePath, extension, parentId, basePath.first) } /* Most of the auto generated m3u8 out there have TS of the same size. And only the last TS might have a different size. But oh well, in cases of handmade m3u8 streams this will go all over the place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So ya, this calculates an estimate of how many bytes the file is going to be. > (bytesDownloaded/tsProgress)*totalTs */ fun updateInfo() { parentId?.let { setKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, it.toString(), DownloadedFileInfo( (bytesDownloaded * (totalTs / tsProgress.toFloat())).toLong(), relativePath ?: "", displayName, tsProgress.toString(), basePath = basePath.second ) ) } } updateInfo() fun updateNotification() { val type = when { isDone -> DownloadType.IsDone isFailed -> DownloadType.IsFailed isPaused -> DownloadType.IsPaused else -> DownloadType.IsDownloading } parentId?.let { id -> try { downloadStatus[id] = type downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, type)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke( Triple( id, bytesDownloaded, (bytesDownloaded * (totalTs / tsProgress.toFloat())).toLong(), ) ) } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } } createNotificationCallback.invoke( CreateNotificationMetadata( type, bytesDownloaded, (bytesDownloaded * (totalTs / tsProgress.toFloat())).toLong(), tsProgress, totalTs ) ) } fun stopIfError(ts: M3u8Helper.HlsDownloadData): Int? { if (ts.errored || ts.bytes.isEmpty()) { val error: Int = if (!ts.errored) { logcatPrint("Error: No stream was found.") ERROR_UNKNOWN } else { logcatPrint("Error: Failed to fetch data.") ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR } isFailed = true fileStream.close() deleteFile() updateNotification() return error } return null } val notificationCoroutine = main { while (true) { if (!isDone) { updateNotification() } for (i in 1..10) { delay(100) } } } val downloadEventListener = { event: Pair -> if (event.first == parentId) { when (event.second) { DownloadActionType.Stop -> { isFailed = true } DownloadActionType.Pause -> { isPaused = true // Pausing is not supported since well...I need to know the index of the ts it was paused at // it may be possible to store it in a variable, but when the app restarts it will be lost } DownloadActionType.Resume -> { isPaused = false } } updateNotification() } } fun closeAll() { try { if (parentId != null) downloadEvent -= downloadEventListener } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } try { parentId?.let { downloadStatus.remove(it) } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) // IDK MIGHT ERROR } notificationCoroutine.cancel() } stopIfError(firstTs).let { if (it != null) { closeAll() return it } } if (parentId != null) downloadEvent += downloadEventListener fileStream.write(firstTs.bytes) fun onFailed() { fileStream.close() deleteFile() updateNotification() closeAll() } for (ts in tsIterator) { while (isPaused) { if (isFailed) { onFailed() return SUCCESS_STOPPED } sleep(100) } if (isFailed) { onFailed() return SUCCESS_STOPPED } stopIfError(ts).let { if (it != null) { closeAll() return it } } fileStream.write(ts.bytes) tsProgress = ts.currentIndex.toLong() bytesDownloaded += ts.bytes.size.toLong() logcatPrint("Download progress ${((tsProgress.toFloat() / totalTs.toFloat()) * 100).roundToInt()}%") updateInfo() } isDone = true fileStream.close() updateNotification() closeAll() updateInfo() return SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE } fun getFileName(context: Context, metadata: DownloadEpisodeMetadata): String { return getFileName(context,, metadata.episode, metadata.season) } private fun getFileName( context: Context, epName: String?, episode: Int?, season: Int? ): String { // kinda ugly ik return sanitizeFilename( if (epName == null) { if (season != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.season)} $season ${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $episode" } else { "${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $episode" } } else { if (episode != null) { if (season != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.season)} $season ${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $episode - $epName" } else { "${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $episode - $epName" } } else { epName } } ) } private fun downloadSingleEpisode( context: Context, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, link: ExtractorLink, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, tryResume: Boolean = false, ): Int { val name = getFileName(context, ep) // Make sure this is cancelled when download is done or cancelled. val extractorJob = ioSafe { if (link.extractorData != null) { getApiFromNameNull(link.source)?.extractorVerifierJob(link.extractorData) } } if (link.isM3u8 || URL(link.url).path.endsWith(".m3u8")) { val startIndex = if (tryResume) { context.getKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO,, null )?.extraInfo?.toIntOrNull() } else null return downloadHLS(context, link, name, folder,, startIndex) { meta -> main { createNotification( context, source,, ep, meta.type, meta.bytesDownloaded, meta.bytesTotal, notificationCallback, meta.hlsProgress, meta.hlsTotal ) } }.also { extractorJob.cancel() } } return normalSafeApiCall { downloadThing(context, link, name, folder, "mp4", tryResume, { meta -> main { createNotification( context, source,, ep, meta.type, meta.bytesDownloaded, meta.bytesTotal, notificationCallback ) } } }.also { extractorJob.cancel() } ?: ERROR_UNKNOWN } fun downloadCheck( context: Context, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, ): Int? { if (currentDownloads.size < maxConcurrentDownloads && downloadQueue.size > 0) { val pkg = downloadQueue.removeFirst() val item = pkg.item val id = if (currentDownloads.contains(id)) { // IF IT IS ALREADY DOWNLOADING, RESUME IT downloadEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadActionType.Resume)) /** ID needs to be returned to the work-manager to properly await notification */ return id } currentDownloads.add(id) main { try { for (index in (pkg.linkIndex ?: 0) until item.links.size) { val link = item.links[index] val resume = pkg.linkIndex == index setKey( KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString(), DownloadResumePackage(item, index) ) val connectionResult = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { normalSafeApiCall { downloadSingleEpisode( context, item.source, item.folder, item.ep, link, notificationCallback, resume ).also { println("Single episode finished with return code: $it") } } } if (connectionResult != null && connectionResult > 0) { // SUCCESS removeKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString()) break } else if (index == item.links.lastIndex) { downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadType.IsFailed)) } } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } finally { currentDownloads.remove(id) // Because otherwise notifications will not get caught by the workmanager downloadCheckUsingWorker(context) } } } return null } fun getDownloadFileInfoAndUpdateSettings(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadedFileInfoResult? { val res = getDownloadFileInfo(context, id) if (res == null) context.removeKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) return res } private fun getDownloadFileInfo(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadedFileInfoResult? { try { val info = context.getKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) ?: return null val base = basePathToFile(context, info.basePath) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && base.isDownloadDir()) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return null val fileUri = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(info.relativePath, info.displayName) ?: return null val fileLength = cr.getFileLength(fileUri) ?: return null if (fileLength == 0L) return null return DownloadedFileInfoResult(fileLength, info.totalBytes, fileUri) } else { val file = base?.gotoDir(info.relativePath, false)?.findFile(info.displayName) // val normalPath = context.getNormalPath(getFile(info.relativePath), info.displayName) // val dFile = File(normalPath) if (file?.exists() != true) return null return DownloadedFileInfoResult(file.size(), info.totalBytes, file.uri) } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) return null } } /** * Gets the true download size as Scoped Storage sometimes wrongly returns 0. * */ fun UniFile.size(): Long { val len = length() return if (len <= 1) { val inputStream = this.openInputStream() return inputStream.available().toLong().also { inputStream.closeQuietly() } } else { len } } fun deleteFileAndUpdateSettings(context: Context, id: Int): Boolean { val success = deleteFile(context, id) if (success) context.removeKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) return success } private fun deleteFile(context: Context, id: Int): Boolean { val info = context.getKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) ?: return false downloadEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadActionType.Stop)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadType.IsStopped)) downloadDeleteEvent.invoke(id) val base = basePathToFile(context, info.basePath) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && base.isDownloadDir()) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return false val fileUri = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(info.relativePath, info.displayName) ?: return true // FILE NOT FOUND, ALREADY DELETED return cr.delete(fileUri, null, null) > 0 // IF DELETED ROWS IS OVER 0 } else { val file = base?.gotoDir(info.relativePath)?.findFile(info.displayName) // val normalPath = context.getNormalPath(getFile(info.relativePath), info.displayName) // val dFile = File(normalPath) if (file?.exists() != true) return true return try { file.delete() } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) val cr = context.contentResolver cr.delete(file.uri, null, null) > 0 } } } fun getDownloadResumePackage(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadResumePackage? { return context.getKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString()) } fun downloadFromResume( context: Context, pkg: DownloadResumePackage, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, setKey: Boolean = true ) { if (!currentDownloads.any { it == }) { // if (currentDownloads.size == maxConcurrentDownloads) { // main { //// showToast( // can be replaced with regular Toast //// context, //// "${pkg.item.ep.mainName}${pkg.item.ep.episode?.let { " ${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $it " } ?: " "}${ //// context.getString( //// R.string.queued //// ) //// }", //// Toast.LENGTH_SHORT //// ) // } // } downloadQueue.addLast(pkg) downloadCheck(context, notificationCallback) if (setKey) saveQueue() } else { downloadEvent.invoke( Pair(, DownloadActionType.Resume) ) } } private fun saveQueue() { try { val dQueue = downloadQueue.toList() .mapIndexed { index, any -> DownloadQueueResumePackage(index, any) } .toTypedArray() setKey(KEY_RESUME_QUEUE_PACKAGES, dQueue) } catch (t: Throwable) { logError(t) } } /*fun isMyServiceRunning(context: Context, serviceClass: Class<*>): Boolean { val manager = context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager? for (service in manager!!.getRunningServices(Int.MAX_VALUE)) { if ( == service.service.className) { return true } } return false }*/ fun downloadEpisode( context: Context?, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, ) { if (context == null) return if (links.isNotEmpty()) { downloadFromResume( context, DownloadResumePackage(DownloadItem(source, folder, ep, links), null), notificationCallback ) } } /** Worker stuff */ private fun startWork(context: Context, key: String) { val req = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder( .setInputData( Data.Builder() .putString("key", key) .build() ) .build() (WorkManager.getInstance(context)).enqueueUniqueWork( key, ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP, req ) } fun downloadCheckUsingWorker( context: Context, ) { startWork(context, DOWNLOAD_CHECK) } fun downloadFromResumeUsingWorker( context: Context, pkg: DownloadResumePackage, ) { val key = setKey(WORK_KEY_PACKAGE, key, pkg) startWork(context, key) } // Keys are needed to transfer the data to the worker reliably and without exceeding the data limit const val WORK_KEY_PACKAGE = "work_key_package" const val WORK_KEY_INFO = "work_key_info" fun downloadEpisodeUsingWorker( context: Context, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List, ) { val info = DownloadInfo( source, folder, ep, links ) val key = setKey(WORK_KEY_INFO, key, info) startWork(context, key) } data class DownloadInfo( @JsonProperty("source") val source: String?, @JsonProperty("folder") val folder: String?, @JsonProperty("ep") val ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, @JsonProperty("links") val links: List ) }