package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils import import import import import android.content.* import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Environment import android.provider.MediaStore import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi import import import import import import import import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainActivity import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.normalSafeApiCall import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.main import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.removeKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.colorFromAttribute import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import* import java.lang.Thread.sleep import import import import java.util.* import kotlin.math.roundToInt const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID = "cloudstream3.general" const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_NAME = "Downloads" const val DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_DESCRIPT = "The download notification channel" object VideoDownloadManager { var maxConcurrentDownloads = 3 private var currentDownloads = mutableListOf() private const val USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36" @DrawableRes const val imgDone = R.drawable.rddone @DrawableRes const val imgDownloading = R.drawable.rdload @DrawableRes const val imgPaused = R.drawable.rdpause @DrawableRes const val imgStopped = R.drawable.rderror @DrawableRes const val imgError = R.drawable.rderror @DrawableRes const val pressToPauseIcon = R.drawable.ic_baseline_pause_24 @DrawableRes const val pressToResumeIcon = R.drawable.ic_baseline_play_arrow_24 @DrawableRes const val pressToStopIcon = R.drawable.exo_icon_stop enum class DownloadType { IsPaused, IsDownloading, IsDone, IsFailed, IsStopped, } enum class DownloadActionType { Pause, Resume, Stop, } interface IDownloadableMinimum { val url: String val referer: String val headers: Map } fun IDownloadableMinimum.getId(): Int { return url.hashCode() } data class DownloadEpisodeMetadata( val id: Int, val mainName: String, val sourceApiName: String?, val poster: String?, val name: String?, val season: Int?, val episode: Int? ) data class DownloadItem( val source: String?, val folder: String?, val ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, val links: List, ) data class DownloadResumePackage( val item: DownloadItem, val linkIndex: Int?, ) data class DownloadedFileInfo( val totalBytes: Long, val relativePath: String, val displayName: String, val extraInfo: String? = null ) data class DownloadedFileInfoResult( val fileLength: Long, val totalBytes: Long, val path: Uri, ) data class DownloadQueueResumePackage( val index: Int, val pkg: DownloadResumePackage, ) private const val SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE = 1 private const val SUCCESS_STREAM = 3 private const val SUCCESS_STOPPED = 2 private const val ERROR_DELETING_FILE = 3 // will not download the next one, but is still classified as an error private const val ERROR_CREATE_FILE = -2 private const val ERROR_UNKNOWN = -10 private const val ERROR_OPEN_FILE = -3 private const val ERROR_TOO_SMALL_CONNECTION = -4 private const val ERROR_WRONG_CONTENT = -5 private const val ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR = -6 private const val ERROR_MEDIA_STORE_URI_CANT_BE_CREATED = -7 private const val ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_CANT_OPEN_STREAM = -8 private const val ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND = -9 private const val KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES = "download_resume" const val KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO = "download_info" private const val KEY_RESUME_QUEUE_PACKAGES = "download_q_resume" val downloadStatus = HashMap() val downloadStatusEvent = Event>() val downloadDeleteEvent = Event() val downloadEvent = Event>() val downloadProgressEvent = Event>() val downloadQueue = LinkedList() private var hasCreatedNotChanel = false private fun Context.createNotificationChannel() { hasCreatedNotChanel = true // Create the NotificationChannel, but only on API 26+ because // the NotificationChannel class is new and not in the support library if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val name = DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_NAME //getString(R.string.channel_name) val descriptionText = DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_DESCRIPT//getString(R.string.channel_description) val importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT val channel = NotificationChannel(DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID, name, importance).apply { description = descriptionText } // Register the channel with the system val notificationManager: NotificationManager = this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(channel) } } /** Will return IsDone if not found or error */ fun getDownloadState(id: Int): DownloadType { return try { downloadStatus[id] ?: DownloadType.IsDone } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) DownloadType.IsDone } } private val cachedBitmaps = hashMapOf() private fun Context.getImageBitmapFromUrl(url: String): Bitmap? { try { if (cachedBitmaps.containsKey(url)) { return cachedBitmaps[url] } val bitmap = GlideApp.with(this) .asBitmap() .load(url).into(720, 720) .get() if (bitmap != null) { cachedBitmaps[url] = bitmap } return null } catch (e: Exception) { return null } } suspend fun createNotification( context: Context, source: String?, linkName: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, state: DownloadType, progress: Long, total: Long, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit ): Notification? { if (total <= 0) return null// crash, invalid data // main { // DON'T WANT TO SLOW IT DOWN val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, DOWNLOAD_CHANNEL_ID) .setAutoCancel(true) .setColorized(true) .setOnlyAlertOnce(true) .setShowWhen(false) .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) .setColor(context.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary)) .setContentTitle(ep.mainName) .setSmallIcon( when (state) { DownloadType.IsDone -> imgDone DownloadType.IsDownloading -> imgDownloading DownloadType.IsPaused -> imgPaused DownloadType.IsFailed -> imgError DownloadType.IsStopped -> imgStopped } ) if (ep.sourceApiName != null) { builder.setSubText(ep.sourceApiName) } if (source != null) { val intent = Intent(context, { data = source.toUri() flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK } val pendingIntent: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0) builder.setContentIntent(pendingIntent) } if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { builder.setProgress((total / 1000).toInt(), (progress / 1000).toInt(), false) } val rowTwoExtra = if ( != null) " - ${}\n" else "" val rowTwo = if (ep.season != null && ep.episode != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.season_short)}${ep.season}:${context.getString(R.string.episode_short)}${ep.episode}" + rowTwoExtra } else if (ep.episode != null) { "${context.getString(R.string.episode)} ${ep.episode}" + rowTwoExtra } else { ( ?: "") + "" } val downloadFormat = context.getString(R.string.download_format) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { if (ep.poster != null) { val poster = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { context.getImageBitmapFromUrl(ep.poster) } if (poster != null) builder.setLargeIcon(poster) } val progressPercentage = progress * 100 / total val progressMbString = "%.1f".format(progress / 1000000f) val totalMbString = "%.1f".format(total / 1000000f) val bigText = if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { (if (linkName == null) "" else "$linkName\n") + "$rowTwo\n$progressPercentage % ($progressMbString MB/$totalMbString MB)" } else if (state == DownloadType.IsFailed) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_failed), rowTwo) } else if (state == DownloadType.IsDone) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_done), rowTwo) } else { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_canceled), rowTwo) } val bodyStyle = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() bodyStyle.bigText(bigText) builder.setStyle(bodyStyle) } else { val txt = if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { rowTwo } else if (state == DownloadType.IsFailed) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_failed), rowTwo) } else if (state == DownloadType.IsDone) { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_done), rowTwo) } else { downloadFormat.format(context.getString(R.string.download_canceled), rowTwo) } builder.setContentText(txt) } if ((state == DownloadType.IsDownloading || state == DownloadType.IsPaused) && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val actionTypes: MutableList = ArrayList() // INIT if (state == DownloadType.IsDownloading) { actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Pause) actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Stop) } if (state == DownloadType.IsPaused) { actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Resume) actionTypes.add(DownloadActionType.Stop) } // ADD ACTIONS for ((index, i) in actionTypes.withIndex()) { val actionResultIntent = Intent(context, actionResultIntent.putExtra( "type", when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> "resume" DownloadActionType.Pause -> "pause" DownloadActionType.Stop -> "stop" } ) actionResultIntent.putExtra("id", val pending: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService( // BECAUSE episodes lying near will have the same id +1, index will give the same requested as the previous episode, *100000 fixes this context, (4337 + index * 100000 +, actionResultIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) builder.addAction( NotificationCompat.Action( when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> pressToResumeIcon DownloadActionType.Pause -> pressToPauseIcon DownloadActionType.Stop -> pressToStopIcon }, when (i) { DownloadActionType.Resume -> context.getString(R.string.resume) DownloadActionType.Pause -> context.getString(R.string.pause) DownloadActionType.Stop -> context.getString(R.string.cancel) }, pending ) ) } } if (!hasCreatedNotChanel) { context.createNotificationChannel() } val notification = notificationCallback(, notification) with(NotificationManagerCompat.from(context)) { // notificationId is a unique int for each notification that you must define notify(, notification) } return notification // } } private const val reservedChars = "|\\?*<\":>+[]/\'" fun sanitizeFilename(name: String): String { var tempName = name for (c in reservedChars) { tempName = tempName.replace(c, ' ') } return tempName.replace(" ", " ").trim(' ') } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) private fun ContentResolver.getExistingFolderStartName(relativePath: String): List>? { try { val projection = arrayOf( MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID, MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, // unused (for verification use only) //MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, // unused (for verification use only) ) val selection = "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH}='$relativePath'" val result = this.query( MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY), projection, selection, null, null ) val list = ArrayList>() result.use { c -> if (c != null && c.count >= 1) { c.moveToFirst() while (true) { val id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)) val name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId( MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id ) list.add(Pair(name, uri)) if (c.isLast) { break } c.moveToNext() } /* val cDisplayName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val cRelativePath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH))*/ } } return list } catch (e: Exception) { return null } } fun getFolder(context: Context, relativePath: String): List>? { if (isScopedStorage()) { return context.contentResolver?.getExistingFolderStartName(relativePath) } else { val normalPath = "${Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()}${File.separatorChar}${relativePath}".replace( '/', File.separatorChar ) val folder = File(normalPath) if (folder.isDirectory) { return folder.listFiles()?.map { Pair(, it.toUri()) } } return null } } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) private fun ContentResolver.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(relativePath: String, displayName: String): Uri? { try { val projection = arrayOf( MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID, //MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, // unused (for verification use only) //MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, // unused (for verification use only) ) val selection = "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH}='$relativePath' AND " + "${MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME}='$displayName'" val result = this.query( MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY), projection, selection, null, null ) result.use { c -> if (c != null && c.count >= 1) { c.moveToFirst().let { val id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)) /* val cDisplayName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) val cRelativePath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH))*/ return ContentUris.withAppendedId( MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id ) } } } return null } catch (e: Exception) { return null } } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) fun ContentResolver.getFileLength(fileUri: Uri): Long? { return try { this.openFileDescriptor(fileUri, "r") .use { it?.statSize ?: 0 } } catch (e: Exception) { null } } private fun isScopedStorage(): Boolean { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q } data class CreateNotificationMetadata( val type: DownloadType, val bytesDownloaded: Long, val bytesTotal: Long, ) data class StreamData( val errorCode: Int, val resume: Boolean? = null, val fileLength: Long? = null, val fileStream: OutputStream? = null, ) private fun setupStream( context: Context, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean, ): StreamData { val relativePath = getRelativePath(folder) val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) val fileStream: OutputStream val fileLength: Long var resume = tryResume if (isScopedStorage()) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) val currentExistingFile = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(relativePath, displayName) // CURRENT FILE WITH THE SAME PATH fileLength = if (currentExistingFile == null || !resume) 0 else (cr.getFileLength(currentExistingFile) ?: 0)// IF NOT RESUME THEN 0, OTHERWISE THE CURRENT FILE SIZE if (!resume && currentExistingFile != null) { // DELETE FILE IF FILE EXITS AND NOT RESUME val rowsDeleted = context.contentResolver.delete(currentExistingFile, null, null) if (rowsDeleted < 1) { println("ERROR DELETING FILE!!!") } } var appendFile = false val newFileUri = if (resume && currentExistingFile != null) { appendFile = true currentExistingFile } else { val contentUri = MediaStore.Downloads.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY) // USE INSTEAD OF MediaStore.Downloads.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI //val currentMimeType = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension) val currentMimeType = when (extension) { "vtt" -> "text/vtt" "mp4" -> "video/mp4" "srt" -> "application/x-subrip"//"text/plain" else -> null } val newFile = ContentValues().apply { put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, displayName) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, name) if (currentMimeType != null) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, currentMimeType) put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, relativePath) } cr.insert( contentUri, newFile ) ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } fileStream = cr.openOutputStream(newFileUri, "w" + (if (appendFile) "a" else "")) ?: return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } else { val normalPath = getNormalPath(relativePath, displayName) // NORMAL NON SCOPED STORAGE FILE CREATION val rFile = File(normalPath) if (!rFile.exists()) { fileLength = 0 rFile.parentFile?.mkdirs() if (!rFile.createNewFile()) return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } else { if (resume) { fileLength = rFile.length() } else { fileLength = 0 rFile.parentFile?.mkdirs() if (!rFile.delete()) return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) if (!rFile.createNewFile()) return StreamData(ERROR_CONTENT_RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND) } } fileStream = FileOutputStream(rFile, false) } if (fileLength == 0L) resume = false return StreamData(SUCCESS_STREAM, resume, fileLength, fileStream) } fun downloadThing( context: Context, link: IDownloadableMinimum, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean, parentId: Int?, createNotificationCallback: (CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit ): Int { if (link.url.startsWith("magnet") || link.url.endsWith(".torrent")) { return ERROR_UNKNOWN } val relativePath = getRelativePath(folder) val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) fun deleteFile(): Int { return delete(context, name, folder, extension, parentId) } val stream = setupStream(context, name, folder, extension, tryResume) if (stream.errorCode != SUCCESS_STREAM) return stream.errorCode val resume = stream.resume!! val fileStream = stream.fileStream!! val fileLength = stream.fileLength!! // CONNECT val connection: URLConnection = URL(link.url.replace(" ", "%20")).openConnection() // IDK OLD PHONES BE WACK // SET CONNECTION SETTINGS connection.connectTimeout = 10000 connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "identity") connection.setRequestProperty("user-agent", USER_AGENT) if (link.referer.isNotEmpty()) connection.setRequestProperty("referer", link.referer) // extra stuff connection.setRequestProperty( "sec-ch-ua", "\"Chromium\";v=\"91\", \" Not;A Brand\";v=\"99\"" ) connection.setRequestProperty("sec-ch-ua-mobile", "?0") connection.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*") // dataSource.setRequestProperty("Sec-Fetch-Site", "none") //same-site connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-user", "?1") connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-mode", "navigate") connection.setRequestProperty("sec-fetch-dest", "video") link.headers.entries.forEach { connection.setRequestProperty(it.key, it.value) } if (resume) connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=${fileLength}-") val resumeLength = (if (resume) fileLength else 0) // ON CONNECTION connection.connect() val contentLength = try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { // fuck android connection.contentLengthLong } else { connection.getHeaderField("content-length").toLongOrNull() ?: connection.contentLength.toLong() } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) 0L } val bytesTotal = contentLength + resumeLength if (extension == "mp4" && bytesTotal < 5000000) return ERROR_TOO_SMALL_CONNECTION // DATA IS LESS THAN 5MB, SOMETHING IS WRONG parentId?.let { context.setKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, it.toString(), DownloadedFileInfo(bytesTotal, relativePath, displayName) ) } // Could use connection.contentType for mime types when creating the file, // however file is already created and players don't go of file type // // might receive application/octet-stream /*if (!connection.contentType.isNullOrEmpty() && !connection.contentType.startsWith("video")) { return ERROR_WRONG_CONTENT // CONTENT IS NOT VIDEO, SHOULD NEVER HAPPENED, BUT JUST IN CASE }*/ // READ DATA FROM CONNECTION val connectionInputStream: InputStream = BufferedInputStream(connection.inputStream) val buffer = ByteArray(1024) var count: Int var bytesDownloaded = resumeLength var isPaused = false var isStopped = false var isDone = false var isFailed = false // TO NOT REUSE CODE fun updateNotification() { val type = when { isDone -> DownloadType.IsDone isStopped -> DownloadType.IsStopped isFailed -> DownloadType.IsFailed isPaused -> DownloadType.IsPaused else -> DownloadType.IsDownloading } parentId?.let { id -> try { downloadStatus[id] = type downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, type)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal)) } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } } createNotificationCallback.invoke(CreateNotificationMetadata(type, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal)) /*createNotification( context, source,, ep, type, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal )*/ } val downloadEventListener = { event: Pair -> if (event.first == parentId) { when (event.second) { DownloadActionType.Pause -> { isPaused = true; updateNotification() } DownloadActionType.Stop -> { isStopped = true; updateNotification() context.removeKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, event.first.toString()) saveQueue(context) } DownloadActionType.Resume -> { isPaused = false; updateNotification() } } } } if (parentId != null) downloadEvent += downloadEventListener // UPDATE DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION val notificationCoroutine = main { while (true) { if (!isPaused) { updateNotification() } for (i in 1..10) { delay(100) } } } // THE REAL READ try { while (true) { count = if (count < 0) break bytesDownloaded += count // downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Pair(id, bytesDownloaded)) // Updates too much for any UI to keep up with while (isPaused) { sleep(100) if (isStopped) { break } } if (isStopped) { break } fileStream.write(buffer, 0, count) } } catch (e: Exception) { isFailed = true updateNotification() } // REMOVE AND EXIT ALL fileStream.close() connectionInputStream.close() notificationCoroutine.cancel() try { if (parentId != null) downloadEvent -= downloadEventListener } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } try { parentId?.let { downloadStatus.remove(it) } } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } // RETURN MESSAGE return when { isFailed -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) } ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR } isStopped -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) } deleteFile() } else -> { parentId?.let { id -> downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, bytesDownloaded, bytesTotal)) } isDone = true updateNotification() SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE } } } private fun getRelativePath(folder: String?): String { return (Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS + '/' + folder + '/').replace('/', File.separatorChar) } private fun getDisplayName(name: String, extension: String): String { return "$name.$extension" } private fun getNormalPath(relativePath: String, displayName: String): String { return "${Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()}${File.separatorChar}$relativePath$displayName" } private fun delete( context: Context, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, parentId: Int?, ): Int { val relativePath = getRelativePath(folder) val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) if (isScopedStorage()) { val lastContent = context.contentResolver.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(relativePath, displayName) if (lastContent != null) { context.contentResolver.delete(lastContent, null, null) } } else { if (!File(getNormalPath(relativePath, displayName)).delete()) return ERROR_DELETING_FILE } parentId?.let { downloadDeleteEvent.invoke(parentId) } return SUCCESS_STOPPED } private fun downloadHLS( context: Context, link: ExtractorLink, name: String, folder: String?, parentId: Int?, startIndex: Int?, createNotificationCallback: (CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit ): Int { val extension = "mp4" fun logcatPrint(vararg items: Any?) { items.forEach { println("[HLS]: $it") } } val m3u8Helper = M3u8Helper() logcatPrint("initialised the HLS downloader.") val m3u8 = M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream( link.url, when (link.quality) { -2 -> 360 -1 -> 480 1 -> 720 2 -> 1080 else -> null }, mapOf("referer" to link.referer) ) var realIndex = startIndex ?: 0 val stream = setupStream(context, name, folder, extension, realIndex > 0) if (stream.errorCode != SUCCESS_STREAM) return stream.errorCode if (!stream.resume!!) realIndex = 0 val fileLengthAdd = stream.fileLength!! val tsIterator = m3u8Helper.hlsYield(listOf(m3u8), realIndex) val relativePath = getRelativePath(folder) val displayName = getDisplayName(name, extension) val fileStream = stream.fileStream!! val firstTs = var isDone = false var isFailed = false var isPaused = false var bytesDownloaded = firstTs.bytes.size.toLong() + fileLengthAdd var tsProgress = 1L + realIndex val totalTs = firstTs.totalTs.toLong() fun deleteFile(): Int { return delete(context, name, folder, extension, parentId) } /* Most of the auto generated m3u8 out there have TS of the same size. And only the last TS might have a different size. But oh well, in cases of handmade m3u8 streams this will go all over the place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So ya, this calculates an estimate of how many bytes the file is going to be. > (bytesDownloaded/tsProgress)*totalTs */ fun updateInfo() { parentId?.let { context.setKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, it.toString(), DownloadedFileInfo( (bytesDownloaded / tsProgress) * totalTs, relativePath, displayName, tsProgress.toString() ) ) } } updateInfo() fun updateNotification() { val type = when { isDone -> DownloadType.IsDone isFailed -> DownloadType.IsFailed isPaused -> DownloadType.IsPaused else -> DownloadType.IsDownloading } parentId?.let { id -> try { downloadStatus[id] = type downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, type)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke( Triple( id, bytesDownloaded, (bytesDownloaded / tsProgress) * totalTs ) ) } catch (e: Exception) { // IDK MIGHT ERROR } } createNotificationCallback.invoke( CreateNotificationMetadata( type, bytesDownloaded, (bytesDownloaded / tsProgress) * totalTs ) ) } fun stopIfError(ts: M3u8Helper.HlsDownloadData): Int? { if (ts.errored || ts.bytes.isEmpty()) { val error: Int = if (!ts.errored) { logcatPrint("Error: No stream was found.") ERROR_UNKNOWN } else { logcatPrint("Error: Failed to fetch data.") ERROR_CONNECTION_ERROR } isFailed = true fileStream.close() deleteFile() updateNotification() return error } return null } val notificationCoroutine = main { while (true) { if (!isDone) { updateNotification() } for (i in 1..10) { delay(100) } } } val downloadEventListener = { event: Pair -> if (event.first == parentId) { when (event.second) { DownloadActionType.Stop -> { isFailed = true } DownloadActionType.Pause -> { isPaused = true // Pausing is not supported since well...I need to know the index of the ts it was paused at // it may be possible to store it in a variable, but when the app restarts it will be lost } DownloadActionType.Resume -> { isPaused = false } } updateNotification() } } fun closeAll() { try { if (parentId != null) downloadEvent -= downloadEventListener } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } try { parentId?.let { downloadStatus.remove(it) } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) // IDK MIGHT ERROR } notificationCoroutine.cancel() } stopIfError(firstTs).let { if (it != null) { closeAll() return it } } if (parentId != null) downloadEvent += downloadEventListener fileStream.write(firstTs.bytes) fun onFailed() { fileStream.close() deleteFile() updateNotification() closeAll() } for (ts in tsIterator) { while (isPaused) { if (isFailed) { onFailed() return SUCCESS_STOPPED } sleep(100) } if (isFailed) { onFailed() return SUCCESS_STOPPED } stopIfError(ts).let { if (it != null) { closeAll() return it } } fileStream.write(ts.bytes) tsProgress = ts.currentIndex.toLong() bytesDownloaded += ts.bytes.size.toLong() logcatPrint("Download progress ${((tsProgress.toFloat() / totalTs.toFloat()) * 100).roundToInt()}%") updateInfo() } isDone = true fileStream.close() updateNotification() closeAll() updateInfo() return SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_DONE } private fun downloadSingleEpisode( context: Context, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, link: ExtractorLink, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, tryResume: Boolean = false, ): Int { val name = sanitizeFilename( ?: "${context.getString(R.string.episode)} ${ep.episode}") if (link.isM3u8 || URI(link.url).path.endsWith(".m3u8")) { val startIndex = if (tryResume) { context.getKey( KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO,, null )?.extraInfo?.toIntOrNull() } else null return downloadHLS(context, link, name, folder,, startIndex) { meta -> main { createNotification( context, source,, ep, meta.type, meta.bytesDownloaded, meta.bytesTotal, notificationCallback ) } } } return normalSafeApiCall { downloadThing(context, link, name, folder, "mp4", tryResume, { meta -> main { createNotification( context, source,, ep, meta.type, meta.bytesDownloaded, meta.bytesTotal, notificationCallback ) } } } ?: ERROR_UNKNOWN } fun downloadCheck( context: Context, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, ): Int? { if (currentDownloads.size < maxConcurrentDownloads && downloadQueue.size > 0) { val pkg = downloadQueue.removeFirst() val item = pkg.item val id = if (currentDownloads.contains(id)) { // IF IT IS ALREADY DOWNLOADING, RESUME IT downloadEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadActionType.Resume)) /** ID needs to be returned to the work-manager to properly await notification */ return id } currentDownloads.add(id) main { try { for (index in (pkg.linkIndex ?: 0) until item.links.size) { val link = item.links[index] val resume = pkg.linkIndex == index context.setKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString(), DownloadResumePackage(item, index)) val connectionResult = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { normalSafeApiCall { downloadSingleEpisode( context, item.source, item.folder, item.ep, link, notificationCallback, resume ) } } if (connectionResult != null && connectionResult > 0) { // SUCCESS context.removeKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString()) break } } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } finally { currentDownloads.remove(id) // Because otherwise notifications will not get caught by the workmanager downloadCheckUsingWorker(context) } } } return null } fun getDownloadFileInfoAndUpdateSettings(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadedFileInfoResult? { val res = getDownloadFileInfo(context, id) if (res == null) context.removeKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) return res } private fun getDownloadFileInfo(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadedFileInfoResult? { val info = context.getKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) ?: return null if (isScopedStorage()) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return null val fileUri = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(info.relativePath, info.displayName) ?: return null val fileLength = cr.getFileLength(fileUri) ?: return null if (fileLength == 0L) return null return DownloadedFileInfoResult(fileLength, info.totalBytes, fileUri) } else { val normalPath = getNormalPath(info.relativePath, info.displayName) val dFile = File(normalPath) if (!dFile.exists()) return null return DownloadedFileInfoResult(dFile.length(), info.totalBytes, dFile.toUri()) } } fun deleteFileAndUpdateSettings(context: Context, id: Int): Boolean { val success = deleteFile(context, id) if (success) context.removeKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) return success } private fun deleteFile(context: Context, id: Int): Boolean { val info = context.getKey(KEY_DOWNLOAD_INFO, id.toString()) ?: return false downloadEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadActionType.Stop)) downloadProgressEvent.invoke(Triple(id, 0, 0)) downloadStatusEvent.invoke(Pair(id, DownloadType.IsStopped)) downloadDeleteEvent.invoke(id) if (isScopedStorage()) { val cr = context.contentResolver ?: return false val fileUri = cr.getExistingDownloadUriOrNullQ(info.relativePath, info.displayName) ?: return true // FILE NOT FOUND, ALREADY DELETED return cr.delete(fileUri, null, null) > 0 // IF DELETED ROWS IS OVER 0 } else { val normalPath = getNormalPath(info.relativePath, info.displayName) val dFile = File(normalPath) if (!dFile.exists()) return true return dFile.delete() } } fun getDownloadResumePackage(context: Context, id: Int): DownloadResumePackage? { return context.getKey(KEY_RESUME_PACKAGES, id.toString()) } fun downloadFromResume( context: Context, pkg: DownloadResumePackage, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, setKey: Boolean = true ) { if (!currentDownloads.any { it == }) { if (currentDownloads.size == maxConcurrentDownloads) { main { // showToast( // can be replaced with regular Toast // context, // "${pkg.item.ep.mainName}${pkg.item.ep.episode?.let { " ${context.getString(R.string.episode)} $it " } ?: " "}${ // context.getString( // R.string.queued // ) // }", // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT // ) } } downloadQueue.addLast(pkg) downloadCheck(context, notificationCallback) if (setKey) saveQueue(context) } else { downloadEvent.invoke( Pair(, DownloadActionType.Resume) ) } } private fun saveQueue(context: Context) { val dQueue = downloadQueue.toList().mapIndexed { index, any -> DownloadQueueResumePackage(index, any) } .toTypedArray() context.setKey(KEY_RESUME_QUEUE_PACKAGES, dQueue) } /*fun isMyServiceRunning(context: Context, serviceClass: Class<*>): Boolean { val manager = context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager? for (service in manager!!.getRunningServices(Int.MAX_VALUE)) { if ( == service.service.className) { return true } } return false }*/ fun downloadEpisode( context: Context?, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, ) { if (context == null) return if (links.isNotEmpty()) { downloadFromResume( context, DownloadResumePackage(DownloadItem(source, folder, ep, links), null), notificationCallback ) } } /** Worker stuff */ private fun startWork(context: Context, key: String) { val req = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder( .setInputData( Data.Builder() .putString("key", key) .build() ) .build() (WorkManager.getInstance(context)).enqueueUniqueWork( key, ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP, req ) } fun downloadCheckUsingWorker( context: Context, ) { startWork(context, DOWNLOAD_CHECK) } fun downloadFromResumeUsingWorker( context: Context, pkg: DownloadResumePackage, ) { val key = context.setKey(WORK_KEY_PACKAGE, key, pkg) startWork(context, key) } // Keys are needed to transfer the data to the worker reliably and without exceeding the data limit const val WORK_KEY_PACKAGE = "work_key_package" const val WORK_KEY_INFO = "work_key_info" fun downloadEpisodeUsingWorker( context: Context, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List, ) { val info = DownloadInfo( source, folder, ep, links ) val key = context.setKey(WORK_KEY_INFO, key, info) startWork(context, key) } data class DownloadInfo( @JsonProperty("source") val source: String?, @JsonProperty("folder") val folder: String?, @JsonProperty("ep") val ep: DownloadEpisodeMetadata, @JsonProperty("links") val links: List ) }