Fully Fixed the little spec in pre-release logo

This commit is contained in:
KillerDogeEmpire 2022-10-21 01:27:22 -07:00
parent b19fe6dd84
commit 5cff88094d
11 changed files with 0 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -280,10 +280,6 @@
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-0.4,0.22 -0.4,0.49 0,0.53 0.71,3.91 1.63,7.75 1.01,4.21 0.64,6.39 -1.49,8.74 -0.55,0.61 -1.43,1.25 -1.95,1.43 -1.22,0.4 -1.39,1.1 -0.83,3.53 0.51,2.25 0.57,5.44 0.13,7.5 -0.84,3.93 -3.31,7.09 -5.55,7.09 -1.14,0 -1.44,0.66 -0.89,2 0.27,0.66 0.53,2.23 0.61,3.63 0.07,1.36 0.19,2.64 0.25,2.84 0.24,0.77 0.83,0.08 1.41,-1.66zM103.91,135.6c0.14,-0.26 0.34,-1.17 0.45,-2.02 0.11,-0.85 0.3,-1.71 0.43,-1.92 0.38,-0.61 2.14,-0.39 7.67,0.98 7.89,1.95 11.91,1.95 14.23,0.01 1.59,-1.34 2.3,-4.09 1.99,-7.75 -0.06,-0.71 0.05,-1.33 0.28,-1.61 0.21,-0.25 1.61,-1.06 3.12,-1.8 2.89,-1.41 3.34,-1.79 2.86,-2.37 -0.24,-0.29 -0.42,-0.28 -0.95,0.07 -0.45,0.3 -1.9,0.52 -4.7,0.72 -3.87,0.27 -5.28,0.63 -5.28,1.34 0,0.14 0.73,1.07 1.63,2.06 2.54,2.81 2.7,4.11 0.85,6.99 -2.04,3.19 -4.99,3.23 -15.37,0.25 -5.9,-1.7 -7.06,-1.86 -7.95,-1.15 -0.54,0.44 -0.67,0.85 -0.78,2.43 -0.22,3.06 0.71,5.32 1.54,3.76zM136.91,117.46c0,-0.12 -0.31,-1.13 -0.68,-2.23 -0.37,-1.1 -0.76,-2.61 -0.86,-3.34 -0.18,-1.32 -0.17,-1.34 0.58,-1.34 0.73,0 0.75,-0.04 0.58,-1.08 -0.26,-1.61 -0.66,-2.5 -1.06,-2.34 -0.59,0.23 -2.67,3.21 -3,4.31 -0.3,0.99 -0.28,1.06 0.76,2.2 0.59,0.65 1.56,1.82 2.16,2.62 1.01,1.35 1.52,1.75 1.52,1.21z"
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