49.10 (1334) - add (deleted) to deleted messages
49.10 (1334) - add (deleted) to deleted messages
fix another crash and port new changes in supplemental to 1243, 1281 & 1282
Will open new PR for 1334.
fix another crash and port new changes in supplemental to 1243, 1281 & 1282
Feature request: Syntax highlighting in code blocks
Discord is adding language highlighting itself, i think this issue can be closed. For now discord android app has highlighting for Kotlin, Python, Rust, XML, ProtoBuff
fix another crash and port new changes in supplemental to 1243
add (deleted) to deleted messages
add ctc commands and subcommands to autocomplete
no output on local slash commands when user taps instead of using physical keyboard
what about adding ctc slashcommands to autocomplete? i added test command by adding
const-string v2, "test"
const-string v3, "test"
invoke-static {v2, v3, v4, v1}, Lcom/discord/widgets/chat/input/WidgetChatInputCommandsModel;->createSlashCommand(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/discord/widgets/chat/input/WidgetChatInputSlashAction;)Lcom/discord/widgets/chat/input/WidgetChatInputCommandsModel;
move-result-object v2
invoke-virtual {v0, v2}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
Implement /nick command
discord doesn't have this itself?
<string name="command_nick_description">Change nickname on this server.</string>
<string name="command_nick_failure">Your nickname could not be changed on this server.</string>
<string name="command_nick_failure_permission">You do not have the **Change Nickname** permission on this server.</string>
<string name="command_nick_reset">Your nickname on this server has been reset.</string>
<string name="command_nick_success">Your nickname on this server has been changed to **%1$s**.</string>
cutthecord crashing discord 10.1.3