2021-06-27 22:44:35 +02:00

225 lines
7 KiB

package c.c.a;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RawRes;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import c.c.a.a0.h0.d;
import c.c.a.a0.s;
import c.c.a.b0.g;
import c.c.a.y.h;
import d0.z.d.m;
import g0.n;
import g0.r;
import g0.y;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
/* compiled from: LottieCompositionFactory */
public class e {
public static final Map<String, r<d>> a = new HashMap();
/* compiled from: LottieCompositionFactory */
public class a implements l<d> {
public final /* synthetic */ String a;
public a(String str) {
this.a = str;
/* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
@Override // c.c.a.l
public void a(d dVar) {
/* compiled from: LottieCompositionFactory */
public class b implements l<Throwable> {
public final /* synthetic */ String a;
public b(String str) {
this.a = str;
/* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
@Override // c.c.a.l
public void a(Throwable th) {
/* compiled from: LottieCompositionFactory */
public class c implements Callable<p<d>> {
public final /* synthetic */ d i;
public c(d dVar) {
this.i = dVar;
/* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
@Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable
public p<d> call() throws Exception {
return new p<>(this.i);
public static r<d> a(@Nullable String str, Callable<p<d>> callable) {
d dVar;
if (str == null) {
dVar = null;
} else {
h hVar = h.a;
dVar = hVar.b.get(str);
if (dVar != null) {
return new r<>(new c(dVar));
if (str != null) {
Map<String, r<d>> map = a;
if (map.containsKey(str)) {
return map.get(str);
r<d> rVar = new r<>(callable);
if (str != null) {
rVar.b(new a(str));
rVar.a(new b(str));
a.put(str, rVar);
return rVar;
public static p<d> b(InputStream inputStream, @Nullable String str) {
try {
m.checkParameterIsNotNull(inputStream, "$this$source");
n nVar = new n(inputStream, new y());
m.checkParameterIsNotNull(nVar, "$this$buffer");
r rVar = new r(nVar);
String[] strArr = c.c.a.a0.h0.c.i;
return c(new d(rVar), str, true);
} finally {
public static p<d> c(c.c.a.a0.h0.c cVar, @Nullable String str, boolean z2) {
try {
d a2 = s.a(cVar);
if (str != null) {
h hVar = h.a;
hVar.b.put(str, a2);
p<d> pVar = new p<>(a2);
if (z2) {
return pVar;
} catch (Exception e) {
p<d> pVar2 = new p<>(e);
if (z2) {
return pVar2;
} catch (Throwable th) {
if (z2) {
throw th;
public static p<d> d(ZipInputStream zipInputStream, @Nullable String str) {
try {
return e(zipInputStream, str);
} finally {
public static p<d> e(ZipInputStream zipInputStream, @Nullable String str) {
k kVar;
HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
try {
ZipEntry nextEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
d dVar = null;
while (nextEntry != null) {
String name = nextEntry.getName();
if (name.contains("__MACOSX")) {
} else if (nextEntry.getName().contains(".json")) {
m.checkParameterIsNotNull(zipInputStream, "$this$source");
n nVar = new n(zipInputStream, new y());
m.checkParameterIsNotNull(nVar, "$this$buffer");
r rVar = new r(nVar);
String[] strArr = c.c.a.a0.h0.c.i;
dVar = c(new d(rVar), null, false).a;
} else {
if (!name.contains(".png")) {
if (!name.contains(".webp")) {
String[] split = name.split("/");
hashMap.put(split[split.length - 1], BitmapFactory.decodeStream(zipInputStream));
nextEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
if (dVar == null) {
return new p<>(new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse composition"));
for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
String str2 = (String) entry.getKey();
Iterator<k> it = dVar.d.values().iterator();
while (true) {
if (!it.hasNext()) {
kVar = null;
kVar = it.next();
if (kVar.d.equals(str2)) {
if (kVar != null) {
kVar.e = g.e((Bitmap) entry.getValue(), kVar.a, kVar.b);
for (Map.Entry<String, k> entry2 : dVar.d.entrySet()) {
if (entry2.getValue().e == null) {
StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("There is no image for ");
return new p<>(new IllegalStateException(L.toString()));
if (str != null) {
h hVar = h.a;
hVar.b.put(str, dVar);
return new p<>(dVar);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new p<>(e);
public static String f(Context context, @RawRes int i) {
StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("rawRes");
L.append((context.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & 48) == 32 ? "_night_" : "_day_");
return L.toString();