
228 lines
25 KiB

package com.discord.widgets.servers;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.ScrollView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
import c.a.i.a3;
import c.a.i.b3;
import c.a.i.c3;
import c.a.i.d3;
import c.a.i.e3;
import c.a.i.h5;
import c.a.i.y2;
import c.a.i.z2;
import com.discord.databinding.WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding;
import com.discord.utilities.view.text.LinkifiedTextView;
import com.discord.views.CheckedSetting;
import com.facebook.drawee.view.SimpleDraweeView;
import com.google.android.material.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton;
import com.google.android.material.textfield.TextInputLayout;
import d0.z.d.k;
import d0.z.d.m;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
/* compiled from: WidgetServerSettingsOverview.kt */
public final /* synthetic */ class WidgetServerSettingsOverview$binding$2 extends k implements Function1<View, WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding> {
public static final WidgetServerSettingsOverview$binding$2 INSTANCE = new WidgetServerSettingsOverview$binding$2();
public WidgetServerSettingsOverview$binding$2() {
super(1, WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding.class, "bind", "bind(Landroid/view/View;)Lcom/discord/databinding/WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding;", 0);
public final WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding invoke(View view) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(view, "p1");
int i = 2131361925;
View findViewById = view.findViewById(2131361925);
if (findViewById != null) {
int i2 = 2131361926;
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById.findViewById(2131361926);
if (textView != null) {
i2 = 2131361927;
LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById.findViewById(2131361927);
if (linearLayout != null) {
i2 = 2131361928;
TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById.findViewById(2131361928);
if (textView2 != null) {
i2 = 2131361929;
LinearLayout linearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) findViewById.findViewById(2131361929);
if (linearLayout2 != null) {
h5 h5Var = new h5((LinearLayout) findViewById, textView, linearLayout, textView2, linearLayout2);
i = 2131363546;
View findViewById2 = view.findViewById(2131363546);
if (findViewById2 != null) {
int i3 = 2131363569;
TextView textView3 = (TextView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131363569);
if (textView3 != null) {
i3 = 2131364169;
TextInputLayout textInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364169);
if (textInputLayout != null) {
i3 = 2131364719;
SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364719);
if (simpleDraweeView != null) {
ConstraintLayout constraintLayout = (ConstraintLayout) findViewById2;
i3 = 2131364721;
TextView textView4 = (TextView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364721);
if (textView4 != null) {
i3 = 2131364722;
TextView textView5 = (TextView) findViewById2.findViewById(2131364722);
if (textView5 != null) {
y2 y2Var = new y2(constraintLayout, textView3, textInputLayout, simpleDraweeView, constraintLayout, textView4, textView5);
i = 2131364087;
View findViewById3 = view.findViewById(2131364087);
if (findViewById3 != null) {
int i4 = 2131364723;
CheckedSetting checkedSetting = (CheckedSetting) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364723);
if (checkedSetting != null) {
i4 = 2131364724;
CheckedSetting checkedSetting2 = (CheckedSetting) findViewById3.findViewById(2131364724);
if (checkedSetting2 != null) {
z2 z2Var = new z2((LinearLayout) findViewById3, checkedSetting, checkedSetting2);
View findViewById4 = view.findViewById(2131364438);
if (findViewById4 != null) {
int i5 = 2131364170;
TextView textView6 = (TextView) findViewById4.findViewById(2131364170);
if (textView6 != null) {
i5 = 2131364171;
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById4.findViewById(2131364171);
if (imageView != null) {
LinearLayout linearLayout3 = (LinearLayout) findViewById4;
a3 a3Var = new a3(linearLayout3, textView6, imageView, linearLayout3);
View findViewById5 = view.findViewById(2131364439);
if (findViewById5 != null) {
LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView = (LinkifiedTextView) findViewById5.findViewById(2131363472);
if (linkifiedTextView != null) {
LinearLayout linearLayout4 = (LinearLayout) findViewById5;
b3 b3Var = new b3(linearLayout4, linkifiedTextView, linearLayout4);
FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton = (FloatingActionButton) view.findViewById(2131364548);
if (floatingActionButton != null) {
ScrollView scrollView = (ScrollView) view.findViewById(2131364727);
if (scrollView != null) {
View findViewById6 = view.findViewById(2131365216);
if (findViewById6 != null) {
int i6 = 2131365217;
TextView textView7 = (TextView) findViewById6.findViewById(2131365217);
if (textView7 != null) {
i6 = 2131365218;
CheckedSetting checkedSetting3 = (CheckedSetting) findViewById6.findViewById(2131365218);
if (checkedSetting3 != null) {
i6 = 2131365219;
CheckedSetting checkedSetting4 = (CheckedSetting) findViewById6.findViewById(2131365219);
if (checkedSetting4 != null) {
LinearLayout linearLayout5 = (LinearLayout) findViewById6;
c3 c3Var = new c3(linearLayout5, textView7, checkedSetting3, checkedSetting4, linearLayout5);
View findViewById7 = view.findViewById(2131365403);
if (findViewById7 != null) {
int i7 = 2131364728;
FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById7.findViewById(2131364728);
if (frameLayout != null) {
i7 = 2131364729;
TextView textView8 = (TextView) findViewById7.findViewById(2131364729);
if (textView8 != null) {
i7 = 2131365405;
SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView2 = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById7.findViewById(2131365405);
if (simpleDraweeView2 != null) {
i7 = 2131365406;
FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton2 = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById7.findViewById(2131365406);
if (floatingActionButton2 != null) {
i7 = 2131365407;
LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView2 = (LinkifiedTextView) findViewById7.findViewById(2131365407);
if (linkifiedTextView2 != null) {
i7 = 2131365408;
TextView textView9 = (TextView) findViewById7.findViewById(2131365408);
if (textView9 != null) {
i7 = 2131365409;
TextView textView10 = (TextView) findViewById7.findViewById(2131365409);
if (textView10 != null) {
d3 d3Var = new d3((LinearLayout) findViewById7, frameLayout, textView8, simpleDraweeView2, floatingActionButton2, linkifiedTextView2, textView9, textView10);
View findViewById8 = view.findViewById(2131365404);
if (findViewById8 != null) {
int i8 = 2131364730;
FrameLayout frameLayout2 = (FrameLayout) findViewById8.findViewById(2131364730);
if (frameLayout2 != null) {
i8 = 2131364731;
FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton3 = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById8.findViewById(2131364731);
if (floatingActionButton3 != null) {
i8 = 2131364732;
TextView textView11 = (TextView) findViewById8.findViewById(2131364732);
if (textView11 != null) {
i8 = 2131365414;
SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView3 = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById8.findViewById(2131365414);
if (simpleDraweeView3 != null) {
i8 = 2131365415;
LinkifiedTextView linkifiedTextView3 = (LinkifiedTextView) findViewById8.findViewById(2131365415);
if (linkifiedTextView3 != null) {
i8 = 2131365416;
TextView textView12 = (TextView) findViewById8.findViewById(2131365416);
if (textView12 != null) {
i8 = 2131365417;
TextView textView13 = (TextView) findViewById8.findViewById(2131365417);
if (textView13 != null) {
return new WidgetServerSettingsOverviewBinding((CoordinatorLayout) view, h5Var, y2Var, z2Var, a3Var, b3Var, floatingActionButton, scrollView, c3Var, d3Var, new e3((LinearLayout) findViewById8, frameLayout2, floatingActionButton3, textView11, simpleDraweeView3, linkifiedTextView3, textView12, textView13));
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById8.getResources().getResourceName(i8)));
i = 2131365404;
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById7.getResources().getResourceName(i7)));
i = 2131365403;
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById6.getResources().getResourceName(i6)));
i = 2131365216;
} else {
i = 2131364727;
} else {
i = 2131364548;
} else {
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById5.getResources().getResourceName(2131363472)));
} else {
i = 2131364439;
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById4.getResources().getResourceName(i5)));
i = 2131364438;
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById3.getResources().getResourceName(i4)));
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById2.getResources().getResourceName(i3)));
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(findViewById.getResources().getResourceName(i2)));
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(view.getResources().getResourceName(i)));