
63 lines
2.1 KiB

package c.o.b.a;
import android.opengl.EGL14;
import android.opengl.EGLDisplay;
import c.o.b.c.a;
import c.o.b.c.b;
import c.o.b.c.d;
import c.o.b.c.e;
import d0.z.d.m;
/* compiled from: EglNativeCore.kt */
public class c {
public c.o.b.c.c a;
public b b = d.a;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public a f1510c;
public c(b bVar, int i) {
a a;
m.checkNotNullParameter(bVar, "sharedContext");
c.o.b.c.c cVar = d.b;
this.a = cVar;
EGLDisplay eglGetDisplay = EGL14.eglGetDisplay(0);
c.o.b.c.c cVar2 = new c.o.b.c.c(eglGetDisplay);
this.a = cVar2;
if (cVar2 == cVar) {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to get EGL14 display");
} else if (EGL14.eglInitialize(eglGetDisplay, new int[1], 0, new int[1], 0)) {
b bVar2 = new b();
boolean z2 = (i & 1) != 0;
if (((i & 2) != 0) && (a = bVar2.a(this.a, 3, z2)) != null) {
b bVar3 = new b(EGL14.eglCreateContext(this.a.a, a.a, bVar.a, new int[]{d.i, 3, d.e}, 0));
try {
d.a("eglCreateContext (3)");
this.f1510c = a;
this.b = bVar3;
} catch (Exception unused) {
if (this.b == d.a) {
a a2 = bVar2.a(this.a, 2, z2);
if (a2 != null) {
b bVar4 = new b(EGL14.eglCreateContext(this.a.a, a2.a, bVar.a, new int[]{d.i, 2, d.e}, 0));
d.a("eglCreateContext (2)");
this.f1510c = a2;
this.b = bVar4;
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find a suitable EGLConfig");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to initialize EGL14");
public final int a(e eVar, int i) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(eVar, "eglSurface");
int[] iArr = new int[1];
EGL14.eglQuerySurface(this.a.a, eVar.a, i, iArr, 0);
return iArr[0];