
74 lines
2.2 KiB

package c.o.a.n.v;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import c.o.a.n.i;
import c.o.a.n.v.a;
import c.o.a.r.g;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.Task;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
/* compiled from: CameraOrchestrator */
public class c implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ a.c i;
public final /* synthetic */ g j;
public final /* synthetic */ a k;
/* compiled from: CameraOrchestrator */
public class a implements c.i.a.f.n.c<T> {
public a() {
@Override // c.i.a.f.n.c
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<T> task) {
Exception k = task.k();
if (k != null) {
a.a.a(2, c.this.i.a.toUpperCase(), "- Finished with ERROR.", k);
c cVar = c.this;
if (cVar.i.d) {
i.b(i.this, k, false);
} else if (task.n()) {
a.a.a(1, c.this.i.a.toUpperCase(), "- Finished because ABORTED.");
c.this.i.b.a(new CancellationException());
} else {
a.a.a(1, c.this.i.a.toUpperCase(), "- Finished.");
synchronized (c.this.k.e) {
c cVar2 = c.this;
a.a(cVar2.k, cVar2.i);
public c(a aVar, a.c cVar, g gVar) {
this.k = aVar;
this.i = cVar;
this.j = gVar;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
try {
a.a.a(1, this.i.a.toUpperCase(), "- Executing.");
Task task = (Task) this.i.f1498c.call();
g gVar = this.j;
a aVar = new a();
if (task.o()) {
gVar.c(new d(aVar, task));
} else {
task.c(gVar.g, aVar);
} catch (Exception e) {
a.a.a(1, this.i.a.toUpperCase(), "- Finished with ERROR.", e);
if (this.i.d) {
i.b(i.this, e, false);
synchronized (this.k.e) {
a.a(this.k, this.i);