
128 lines
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package c.o.a.n.s;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import c.o.a.n.t.a;
import c.o.a.t.c;
/* compiled from: Camera2MeteringTransform */
public class b implements c<MeteringRectangle> {
public static final c.o.a.b a = new c.o.a.b(b.class.getSimpleName());
public final a b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public final c.o.a.x.b f1495c;
public final c.o.a.x.b d;
public final boolean e;
public final CameraCharacteristics f;
public final CaptureRequest.Builder g;
public b(@NonNull a aVar, @NonNull c.o.a.x.b bVar, @NonNull c.o.a.x.b bVar2, boolean z2, @NonNull CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics, @NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder) {
this.b = aVar;
this.f1495c = bVar;
this.d = bVar2;
this.e = z2;
this.f = cameraCharacteristics;
this.g = builder;
/* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
@Override // c.o.a.t.c
public MeteringRectangle a(@NonNull RectF rectF, int i) {
Rect rect = new Rect();
return new MeteringRectangle(rect, i);
@Override // c.o.a.t.c
public PointF b(@NonNull PointF pointF) {
PointF pointF2 = new PointF(pointF.x, pointF.y);
c.o.a.x.b bVar = this.f1495c;
c.o.a.x.b bVar2 = this.d;
int i = bVar.i;
int i2 = bVar.j;
c.o.a.x.a g = c.o.a.x.a.g(bVar2);
c.o.a.x.a f = c.o.a.x.a.f(bVar.i, bVar.j);
if (this.e) {
if (g.i() > f.i()) {
float i3 = g.i() / f.i();
float f2 = pointF2.x;
float f3 = (float) bVar.i;
pointF2.x = (((i3 - 1.0f) * f3) / 2.0f) + f2;
i = Math.round(f3 * i3);
} else {
float i4 = f.i() / g.i();
float f4 = pointF2.y;
float f5 = (float) bVar.j;
pointF2.y = (((i4 - 1.0f) * f5) / 2.0f) + f4;
i2 = Math.round(f5 * i4);
c.o.a.x.b bVar3 = this.d;
pointF2.x = (((float) bVar3.i) / ((float) i)) * pointF2.x;
pointF2.y = (((float) bVar3.j) / ((float) i2)) * pointF2.y;
int c2 = this.b.c(c.o.a.n.t.b.SENSOR, c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW, 1);
boolean z2 = c2 % 180 != 0;
float f6 = pointF2.x;
float f7 = pointF2.y;
if (c2 == 0) {
pointF2.x = f6;
pointF2.y = f7;
} else if (c2 == 90) {
pointF2.x = f7;
pointF2.y = ((float) bVar3.i) - f6;
} else if (c2 == 180) {
pointF2.x = ((float) bVar3.i) - f6;
pointF2.y = ((float) bVar3.j) - f7;
} else if (c2 == 270) {
pointF2.x = ((float) bVar3.j) - f7;
pointF2.y = f6;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(c.d.b.a.a.l("Unexpected angle ", c2));
if (z2) {
bVar3 = bVar3.f();
Rect rect = (Rect) this.g.get(CaptureRequest.SCALER_CROP_REGION);
int width = rect == null ? bVar3.i : rect.width();
int height = rect == null ? bVar3.j : rect.height();
pointF2.x = (((float) (width - bVar3.i)) / 2.0f) + pointF2.x;
pointF2.y = (((float) (height - bVar3.j)) / 2.0f) + pointF2.y;
Rect rect2 = (Rect) this.g.get(CaptureRequest.SCALER_CROP_REGION);
pointF2.x += rect2 == null ? 0.0f : (float) rect2.left;
pointF2.y += rect2 == null ? 0.0f : (float) rect2.top;
Rect rect3 = (Rect) this.f.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE);
if (rect3 == null) {
rect3 = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
int width2 = rect3.width();
int height2 = rect3.height();
c.o.a.b bVar4 = a;
bVar4.a(1, "input:", pointF, "output (before clipping):", pointF2);
if (pointF2.x < 0.0f) {
pointF2.x = 0.0f;
if (pointF2.y < 0.0f) {
pointF2.y = 0.0f;
float f8 = (float) width2;
if (pointF2.x > f8) {
pointF2.x = f8;
float f9 = (float) height2;
if (pointF2.y > f9) {
pointF2.y = f9;
bVar4.a(1, "input:", pointF, "output (after clipping):", pointF2);
return pointF2;