
210 lines
7.5 KiB

package c.i.a.f.i.b;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.collection.ArrayMap;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.f9;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.g1;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.h1;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.u4;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.y0;
import c.i.a.f.h.l.z0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement@@18.0.0 */
public final class da {
public String a;
public boolean b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public g1 f1149c;
public BitSet d;
public BitSet e;
public Map<Integer, Long> f;
public Map<Integer, List<Long>> g;
public final /* synthetic */ ba h;
public da(ba baVar, String str, g1 g1Var, BitSet bitSet, BitSet bitSet2, Map map, Map map2, aa aaVar) {
this.h = baVar;
this.a = str;
this.d = bitSet;
this.e = bitSet2;
this.f = map;
this.g = new ArrayMap();
for (Integer num : map2.keySet()) {
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
arrayList.add((Long) map2.get(num));
this.g.put(num, arrayList);
this.b = false;
this.f1149c = g1Var;
public da(ba baVar, String str, aa aaVar) {
this.h = baVar;
this.a = str;
this.b = true;
this.d = new BitSet();
this.e = new BitSet();
this.f = new ArrayMap();
this.g = new ArrayMap();
/* JADX DEBUG: Failed to insert an additional move for type inference into block B:61:0x0151 */
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r1v1. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r1v4. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r3v1. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r3v4. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r3v7. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r3v10. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r1v15. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r7v1. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r6v3. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r6v6. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r4v16. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r1v22. Raw type applied. Possible types: MessageType extends c.i.a.f.h.l.u4<MessageType, BuilderType> */
/* JADX WARNING: Unknown variable types count: 1 */
public final y0 a(int i) {
ArrayList arrayList;
?? r1;
y0.a F = y0.F();
if (F.k) {
F.k = false;
y0.u((y0) F.j, i);
boolean z2 = this.b;
if (F.k) {
F.k = false;
y0.w((y0) F.j, z2);
g1 g1Var = this.f1149c;
if (g1Var != null) {
if (F.k) {
F.k = false;
y0.z((y0) F.j, g1Var);
g1.a M = g1.M();
List<Long> B = q9.B(this.d);
if (M.k) {
M.k = false;
g1.D((g1) M.j, B);
List<Long> B2 = q9.B(this.e);
if (M.k) {
M.k = false;
g1.y((g1) M.j, B2);
if (this.f == null) {
arrayList = null;
} else {
arrayList = new ArrayList(this.f.size());
for (Integer num : this.f.keySet()) {
int intValue = num.intValue();
z0.a A = z0.A();
if (A.k) {
A.k = false;
z0.u((z0) A.j, intValue);
long longValue = this.f.get(Integer.valueOf(intValue)).longValue();
if (A.k) {
A.k = false;
z0.v((z0) A.j, longValue);
arrayList.add((z0) ((u4) A.p()));
if (M.k) {
M.k = false;
g1.F((g1) M.j, arrayList);
if (this.g == null) {
r1 = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
r1 = new ArrayList(this.g.size());
for (Integer num2 : this.g.keySet()) {
h1.a B3 = h1.B();
int intValue2 = num2.intValue();
if (B3.k) {
B3.k = false;
h1.v((h1) B3.j, intValue2);
List<Long> list = this.g.get(num2);
if (list != null) {
if (B3.k) {
B3.k = false;
h1.w((h1) B3.j, list);
r1.add((h1) ((u4) B3.p()));
if (M.k) {
M.k = false;
g1.H((g1) M.j, r1);
if (F.k) {
F.k = false;
y0.v((y0) F.j, (g1) ((u4) M.p()));
return (y0) ((u4) F.p());
public final void b(@NonNull ea eaVar) {
int a = eaVar.a();
Boolean bool = eaVar.f1150c;
if (bool != null) {
this.e.set(a, bool.booleanValue());
Boolean bool2 = eaVar.d;
if (bool2 != null) {
this.d.set(a, bool2.booleanValue());
if (eaVar.e != null) {
Long l = this.f.get(Integer.valueOf(a));
long longValue = eaVar.e.longValue() / 1000;
if (l == null || longValue > l.longValue()) {
this.f.put(Integer.valueOf(a), Long.valueOf(longValue));
if (eaVar.f != null) {
List<Long> list = this.g.get(Integer.valueOf(a));
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
this.g.put(Integer.valueOf(a), list);
if (eaVar.g()) {
if (f9.b() && this.h.a.h.u(this.a, p.f1177c0) && eaVar.h()) {
if (!f9.b() || !this.h.a.h.u(this.a, p.f1177c0)) {
list.add(Long.valueOf(eaVar.f.longValue() / 1000));
long longValue2 = eaVar.f.longValue() / 1000;
if (!list.contains(Long.valueOf(longValue2))) {