
69 lines
2.8 KiB

package com.discord.widgets.hubs;
import android.content.Context;
import b.a.d.j;
import com.discord.api.directory.DirectoryEntryGuild;
import com.discord.utilities.directories.DirectoryUtils;
import d0.z.d.m;
import d0.z.d.o;
import java.util.Iterator;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
/* compiled from: WidgetHubAddServer.kt */
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public final class WidgetHubAddServer$onServerClickListener$1 extends o implements Function1<HubAddServerState, Unit> {
public final /* synthetic */ long $channelId;
public final /* synthetic */ Context $context;
public final /* synthetic */ long $guildId;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean $isNewGuild;
public final /* synthetic */ WidgetHubAddServer this$0;
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public WidgetHubAddServer$onServerClickListener$1(WidgetHubAddServer widgetHubAddServer, long j, Context context, long j2, boolean z2) {
this.this$0 = widgetHubAddServer;
this.$guildId = j;
this.$context = context;
this.$channelId = j2;
this.$isNewGuild = z2;
@Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1
public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Unit invoke(HubAddServerState hubAddServerState) {
return Unit.a;
/* renamed from: invoke reason: avoid collision after fix types in other method */
public final void invoke2(HubAddServerState hubAddServerState) {
Object obj;
boolean z2;
m.checkNotNullParameter(hubAddServerState, "state");
Iterator<T> it = hubAddServerState.getAddedDirectories().iterator();
while (true) {
if (!it.hasNext()) {
obj = null;
obj = it.next();
if (((DirectoryEntryGuild) obj).e().h() == this.$guildId) {
z2 = true;
} else {
z2 = false;
if (z2) {
DirectoryEntryGuild directoryEntryGuild = (DirectoryEntryGuild) obj;
if (directoryEntryGuild != null) {
DirectoryUtils.INSTANCE.showServerOptions(this.this$0, directoryEntryGuild, hubAddServerState.getHubName(), true, new WidgetHubAddServer$onServerClickListener$1$$special$$inlined$let$lambda$1(directoryEntryGuild, this, hubAddServerState));
WidgetHubAddServer widgetHubAddServer = this.this$0;
j.g(j.g, widgetHubAddServer.getParentFragmentManager(), this.$context, WidgetHubDescription.class, 0, true, null, new HubDescriptionArgs(this.$guildId, this.$channelId, false, widgetHubAddServer.getViewModel().getHubName(), this.$isNewGuild, null, null, 96, null), 40);