Juby210 02b39b5eaf
Enable replacing const values in jadx
Tracking changes should be much easier now.
2021-08-10 00:50:52 +02:00

508 lines
20 KiB

package com.discord.stores;
import android.content.Context;
import c.d.b.a.a;
import com.discord.models.domain.ModelGift;
import com.discord.restapi.RestAPIParams;
import com.discord.utilities.error.Error;
import com.discord.utilities.rest.RestAPI;
import com.discord.utilities.rx.ObservableExtensionsKt;
import com.discord.widgets.chat.input.MentionUtilsKt;
import d0.t.h0;
import d0.z.d.m;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject;
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public final class StoreGifting {
public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null);
private final Dispatcher dispatcher;
private HashMap<String, GiftState> knownGifts = new HashMap<>();
private final BehaviorSubject<Map<String, GiftState>> knownGiftsSubject = BehaviorSubject.l0(h0.emptyMap());
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Companion {
private Companion() {
public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
/* JADX DEBUG: TODO: convert one arg to string using `String.valueOf()`, args: [(r2v0 long), (wrap: char : ?: SGET com.discord.widgets.chat.input.MentionUtilsKt.EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS_CHAR char), (r4v0 java.lang.Long)] */
public final String makeComboId(long j, Long l) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static abstract class GiftState {
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Invalid extends GiftState {
public static final Invalid INSTANCE = new Invalid();
private Invalid() {
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class LoadFailed extends GiftState {
public static final LoadFailed INSTANCE = new LoadFailed();
private LoadFailed() {
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Loading extends GiftState {
public static final Loading INSTANCE = new Loading();
private Loading() {
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class RedeemedFailed extends GiftState {
private final boolean canRetry;
private final Integer errorCode;
private final ModelGift gift;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public RedeemedFailed(ModelGift modelGift, boolean z2, Integer num) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
this.gift = modelGift;
this.canRetry = z2;
this.errorCode = num;
public static /* synthetic */ RedeemedFailed copy$default(RedeemedFailed redeemedFailed, ModelGift modelGift, boolean z2, Integer num, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
modelGift = redeemedFailed.gift;
if ((i & 2) != 0) {
z2 = redeemedFailed.canRetry;
if ((i & 4) != 0) {
num = redeemedFailed.errorCode;
return redeemedFailed.copy(modelGift, z2, num);
public final ModelGift component1() {
return this.gift;
public final boolean component2() {
return this.canRetry;
public final Integer component3() {
return this.errorCode;
public final RedeemedFailed copy(ModelGift modelGift, boolean z2, Integer num) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
return new RedeemedFailed(modelGift, z2, num);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof RedeemedFailed)) {
return false;
RedeemedFailed redeemedFailed = (RedeemedFailed) obj;
return m.areEqual(this.gift, redeemedFailed.gift) && this.canRetry == redeemedFailed.canRetry && m.areEqual(this.errorCode, redeemedFailed.errorCode);
public final boolean getCanRetry() {
return this.canRetry;
public final Integer getErrorCode() {
return this.errorCode;
public final ModelGift getGift() {
return this.gift;
public int hashCode() {
ModelGift modelGift = this.gift;
int i = 0;
int hashCode = (modelGift != null ? modelGift.hashCode() : 0) * 31;
boolean z2 = this.canRetry;
if (z2) {
z2 = true;
int i2 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i3 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i4 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i5 = (hashCode + i2) * 31;
Integer num = this.errorCode;
if (num != null) {
i = num.hashCode();
return i5 + i;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder K = a.K("RedeemedFailed(gift=");
K.append(", canRetry=");
K.append(", errorCode=");
return a.z(K, this.errorCode, ")");
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Redeeming extends GiftState {
private final ModelGift gift;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public Redeeming(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
this.gift = modelGift;
public static /* synthetic */ Redeeming copy$default(Redeeming redeeming, ModelGift modelGift, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
modelGift = redeeming.gift;
return redeeming.copy(modelGift);
public final ModelGift component1() {
return this.gift;
public final Redeeming copy(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
return new Redeeming(modelGift);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this != obj) {
return (obj instanceof Redeeming) && m.areEqual(this.gift, ((Redeeming) obj).gift);
return true;
public final ModelGift getGift() {
return this.gift;
public int hashCode() {
ModelGift modelGift = this.gift;
if (modelGift != null) {
return modelGift.hashCode();
return 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder K = a.K("Redeeming(gift=");
return K.toString();
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Resolved extends GiftState {
private final ModelGift gift;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public Resolved(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
this.gift = modelGift;
public static /* synthetic */ Resolved copy$default(Resolved resolved, ModelGift modelGift, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
modelGift = resolved.gift;
return resolved.copy(modelGift);
public final ModelGift component1() {
return this.gift;
public final Resolved copy(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
return new Resolved(modelGift);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this != obj) {
return (obj instanceof Resolved) && m.areEqual(this.gift, ((Resolved) obj).gift);
return true;
public final ModelGift getGift() {
return this.gift;
public int hashCode() {
ModelGift modelGift = this.gift;
if (modelGift != null) {
return modelGift.hashCode();
return 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder K = a.K("Resolved(gift=");
return K.toString();
/* compiled from: StoreGifting.kt */
public static final class Revoking extends GiftState {
private final ModelGift gift;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public Revoking(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
this.gift = modelGift;
public static /* synthetic */ Revoking copy$default(Revoking revoking, ModelGift modelGift, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
modelGift = revoking.gift;
return revoking.copy(modelGift);
public final ModelGift component1() {
return this.gift;
public final Revoking copy(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
return new Revoking(modelGift);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this != obj) {
return (obj instanceof Revoking) && m.areEqual(this.gift, ((Revoking) obj).gift);
return true;
public final ModelGift getGift() {
return this.gift;
public int hashCode() {
ModelGift modelGift = this.gift;
if (modelGift != null) {
return modelGift.hashCode();
return 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder K = a.K("Revoking(gift=");
return K.toString();
private GiftState() {
public /* synthetic */ GiftState(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
public final /* synthetic */ class WhenMappings {
public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0;
public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$1;
public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$2;
static {
int[] iArr = new int[17];
$EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr;
Error.Type type = Error.Type.DISCORD_REQUEST_ERROR;
iArr[type.ordinal()] = 1;
Error.Type type2 = Error.Type.NETWORK;
iArr[type2.ordinal()] = 2;
int[] iArr2 = new int[17];
$EnumSwitchMapping$1 = iArr2;
iArr2[type.ordinal()] = 1;
iArr2[type2.ordinal()] = 2;
int[] iArr3 = new int[17];
$EnumSwitchMapping$2 = iArr3;
iArr3[type.ordinal()] = 1;
iArr3[type2.ordinal()] = 2;
public StoreGifting(Dispatcher dispatcher) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(dispatcher, "dispatcher");
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
public static final /* synthetic */ void access$clearGiftsForSku(StoreGifting storeGifting, long j, Long l) {
storeGifting.clearGiftsForSku(j, l);
public static final /* synthetic */ void access$fetchGift(StoreGifting storeGifting, String str) {
public static final /* synthetic */ void access$removeGiftCode(StoreGifting storeGifting, String str) {
public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setGifts(StoreGifting storeGifting, String str, GiftState giftState) {
storeGifting.setGifts(str, giftState);
private final void clearGiftsForSku(long j, Long l) {
HashMap<String, GiftState> hashMap = this.knownGifts;
LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, GiftState> entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
GiftState value = entry.getValue();
boolean z2 = true;
if (value instanceof GiftState.Resolved) {
GiftState.Resolved resolved = (GiftState.Resolved) value;
if (resolved.getGift().getSkuId() == j && l != null && !(!m.areEqual(resolved.getGift().getSubscriptionPlanId(), l))) {
z2 = false;
if (z2) {
linkedHashMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
this.knownGifts = new HashMap<>(linkedHashMap);
this.knownGiftsSubject.onNext(new HashMap(this.knownGifts));
private final void fetchGift(String str) {
if (this.knownGifts.containsKey(str) && !(this.knownGifts.get(str) instanceof GiftState.LoadFailed)) {
if (this.knownGifts.get(str) instanceof GiftState.Resolved) {
GiftState giftState = this.knownGifts.get(str);
Objects.requireNonNull(giftState, "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.discord.stores.StoreGifting.GiftState.Resolved");
if (((GiftState.Resolved) giftState).getGift().isComplete()) {
} else {
setGifts(str, GiftState.Loading.INSTANCE);
ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(RestAPI.Companion.getApi().resolveGiftCode(str, true, true), false, 1, null), StoreGifting.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new StoreGifting$fetchGift$2(this, str), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new StoreGifting$fetchGift$1(this, str), 54, (Object) null);
public static /* synthetic */ void generateGiftCode$default(StoreGifting storeGifting, long j, Long l, Function1 function1, Function1 function12, int i, Object obj) {
storeGifting.generateGiftCode(j, (i & 2) != 0 ? null : l, (i & 4) != 0 ? null : function1, (i & 8) != 0 ? null : function12);
private final void removeGiftCode(String str) {
this.knownGiftsSubject.onNext(new HashMap(this.knownGifts));
private final void setGifts(String str, GiftState giftState) {
this.knownGifts.put(str, giftState);
this.knownGiftsSubject.onNext(new HashMap(this.knownGifts));
public final void acceptGift(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
this.dispatcher.schedule(new StoreGifting$acceptGift$1(this, modelGift));
public final void fetchMyGiftsForSku(long j, Long l) {
String makeComboId = Companion.makeComboId(j, l);
if (!this.knownGifts.containsKey(makeComboId) || (this.knownGifts.get(makeComboId) instanceof GiftState.LoadFailed)) {
this.dispatcher.schedule(new StoreGifting$fetchMyGiftsForSku$1(this, makeComboId));
ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(RestAPI.Companion.getApi().resolveSkuIdGift(j, l), false, 1, null), StoreGifting.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new StoreGifting$fetchMyGiftsForSku$2(this, makeComboId), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new StoreGifting$fetchMyGiftsForSku$3(this, makeComboId, j, l), 54, (Object) null);
public final void generateGiftCode(long j, Long l, Function1<? super ModelGift, Unit> function1, Function1<? super Error, Unit> function12) {
String makeComboId = Companion.makeComboId(j, l);
if (!(this.knownGifts.get(makeComboId) instanceof GiftState.Loading)) {
this.dispatcher.schedule(new StoreGifting$generateGiftCode$1(this, makeComboId));
ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(RestAPI.Companion.getApi().generateGiftCode(new RestAPIParams.GenerateGiftCode(j, l)), false, 1, null), StoreGifting.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new StoreGifting$generateGiftCode$2(this, makeComboId, function12), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new StoreGifting$generateGiftCode$3(this, makeComboId, function1), 54, (Object) null);
public final Dispatcher getDispatcher() {
return this.dispatcher;
public final HashMap<String, GiftState> getKnownGifts() {
return this.knownGifts;
public final Observable<List<ModelGift>> getMyResolvedGifts(long j) {
Observable<R> F = this.knownGiftsSubject.F(new StoreGifting$getMyResolvedGifts$1(j));
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(F, "knownGiftsSubject\n … }\n }");
return F;
public final void handlePreLogout() {
public final Observable<GiftState> requestGift(String str) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "giftCode");
this.dispatcher.schedule(new StoreGifting$requestGift$1(this, str));
Observable<GiftState> r = this.knownGiftsSubject.F(new StoreGifting$requestGift$2(str)).r();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(r, "knownGiftsSubject\n … .distinctUntilChanged()");
return r;
public final void revokeGiftCode(ModelGift modelGift) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(modelGift, "gift");
if (!this.knownGifts.containsKey(modelGift.getCode()) || !(this.knownGifts.get(modelGift.getCode()) instanceof GiftState.Revoking)) {
this.dispatcher.schedule(new StoreGifting$revokeGiftCode$1(this, modelGift));
ObservableExtensionsKt.appSubscribe$default(ObservableExtensionsKt.restSubscribeOn$default(RestAPI.Companion.getApi().revokeGiftCode(modelGift.getCode()), false, 1, null), StoreGifting.class, (Context) null, (Function1) null, new StoreGifting$revokeGiftCode$2(this, modelGift), (Function0) null, (Function0) null, new StoreGifting$revokeGiftCode$3(this, modelGift), 54, (Object) null);
public final void setKnownGifts(HashMap<String, GiftState> hashMap) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(hashMap, "<set-?>");
this.knownGifts = hashMap;