Juby210 02b39b5eaf
Enable replacing const values in jadx
Tracking changes should be much easier now.
2021-08-10 00:50:52 +02:00

55 lines
2.6 KiB

package com.discord.gateway;
import c.d.b.a.a;
import com.discord.gateway.GatewaySocket;
import com.discord.gateway.io.Outgoing;
import com.discord.gateway.io.OutgoingPayload;
import com.discord.gateway.opcodes.Opcode;
import com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger;
import d0.z.d.o;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0;
/* compiled from: GatewaySocket.kt */
public final class GatewaySocket$voiceStateUpdate$1 extends o implements Function0<Unit> {
public final /* synthetic */ Long $channelId;
public final /* synthetic */ Long $guildId;
public final /* synthetic */ String $preferredRegion;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean $selfDeaf;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean $selfMute;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean $selfVideo;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean $shouldIncludePreferredRegion;
public final /* synthetic */ GatewaySocket this$0;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public GatewaySocket$voiceStateUpdate$1(GatewaySocket gatewaySocket, Long l, Long l2, boolean z2, boolean z3, String str, boolean z4, boolean z5) {
this.this$0 = gatewaySocket;
this.$guildId = l;
this.$channelId = l2;
this.$selfMute = z2;
this.$selfDeaf = z3;
this.$preferredRegion = str;
this.$shouldIncludePreferredRegion = z4;
this.$selfVideo = z5;
@Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0
/* renamed from: invoke */
public final void mo1invoke() {
GatewaySocket.Companion companion = GatewaySocket.Companion;
Logger access$getLogger$p = GatewaySocket.access$getLogger$p(this.this$0);
StringBuilder K = a.K("Sending voice state update for guild [");
K.append("] and channel [");
K.append("]. ");
K.append("Muted: ");
K.append(", deafened: ");
K.append(", preferredRegion: ");
GatewaySocket.Companion.log$default(companion, access$getLogger$p, K.toString(), false, 2, null);
GatewaySocket.send$default(this.this$0, new Outgoing(Opcode.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE, this.$shouldIncludePreferredRegion ? new OutgoingPayload.VoiceStateUpdate(this.$guildId, this.$channelId, this.$selfMute, this.$selfDeaf, this.$selfVideo, this.$preferredRegion) : new OutgoingPayload.VoiceStateUpdateNoPreferredRegion(this.$guildId, this.$channelId, this.$selfMute, this.$selfDeaf, this.$selfVideo)), false, null, 6, null);