
197 lines
6.0 KiB

package j0.l.c;
import j0.l.e.i;
import j0.o.l;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import rx.Scheduler;
import rx.Subscription;
import rx.functions.Action0;
import rx.internal.util.SubscriptionList;
import rx.subscriptions.CompositeSubscription;
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
public final class b extends Scheduler implements k {
public static final int a;
public static final c b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public static final C0329b f2844c = new C0329b(null, 0);
public final ThreadFactory d;
public final AtomicReference<C0329b> e;
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
public static final class a extends Scheduler.Worker {
public final SubscriptionList i;
public final CompositeSubscription j;
public final SubscriptionList k;
public final c l;
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
/* renamed from: j0.l.c.b$a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */
public class C0327a implements Action0 {
public final /* synthetic */ Action0 i;
public C0327a(Action0 action0) {
this.i = action0;
@Override // rx.functions.Action0
public void call() {
if (!a.this.k.j) {
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
/* renamed from: j0.l.c.b$a$b reason: collision with other inner class name */
public class C0328b implements Action0 {
public final /* synthetic */ Action0 i;
public C0328b(Action0 action0) {
this.i = action0;
@Override // rx.functions.Action0
public void call() {
if (!a.this.k.j) {
public a(c cVar) {
SubscriptionList subscriptionList = new SubscriptionList();
this.i = subscriptionList;
CompositeSubscription compositeSubscription = new CompositeSubscription();
this.j = compositeSubscription;
this.k = new SubscriptionList(subscriptionList, compositeSubscription);
this.l = cVar;
@Override // rx.Scheduler.Worker
public Subscription a(Action0 action0) {
if (this.k.j) {
return j0.r.c.a;
c cVar = this.l;
C0327a aVar = new C0327a(action0);
SubscriptionList subscriptionList = this.i;
j jVar = new j(l.d(aVar), subscriptionList);
return jVar;
@Override // rx.Scheduler.Worker
public Subscription b(Action0 action0, long j, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
if (this.k.j) {
return j0.r.c.a;
c cVar = this.l;
C0328b bVar = new C0328b(action0);
CompositeSubscription compositeSubscription = this.j;
j jVar = new j(l.d(bVar), compositeSubscription);
jVar.a(j <= 0 ? cVar.o.submit(jVar) : cVar.o.schedule(jVar, j, timeUnit));
return jVar;
@Override // rx.Subscription
public boolean isUnsubscribed() {
return this.k.j;
@Override // rx.Subscription
public void unsubscribe() {
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
/* renamed from: j0.l.c.b$b reason: collision with other inner class name */
public static final class C0329b {
public final int a;
public final c[] b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public long f2845c;
public C0329b(ThreadFactory threadFactory, int i) {
this.a = i;
this.b = new c[i];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) {
this.b[i2] = new c(threadFactory);
public c a() {
int i = this.a;
if (i == 0) {
return b.b;
c[] cVarArr = this.b;
long j = this.f2845c;
this.f2845c = 1 + j;
return cVarArr[(int) (j % ((long) i))];
/* compiled from: EventLoopsScheduler */
public static final class c extends g {
public c(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
static {
int intValue = Integer.getInteger("rx.scheduler.max-computation-threads", 0).intValue();
int availableProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (intValue <= 0 || intValue > availableProcessors) {
intValue = availableProcessors;
a = intValue;
c cVar = new c(i.i);
b = cVar;
public b(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
this.d = threadFactory;
C0329b bVar = f2844c;
AtomicReference<C0329b> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(bVar);
this.e = atomicReference;
C0329b bVar2 = new C0329b(threadFactory, a);
if (!atomicReference.compareAndSet(bVar, bVar2)) {
for (c cVar : bVar2.b) {
@Override // rx.Scheduler
public Scheduler.Worker a() {
return new a(this.e.get().a());
@Override // j0.l.c.k
public void shutdown() {
C0329b bVar;
C0329b bVar2;
do {
bVar = this.e.get();
bVar2 = f2844c;
if (bVar == bVar2) {
} while (!this.e.compareAndSet(bVar, bVar2));
for (c cVar : bVar.b) {