
771 lines
25 KiB

package c.i.a.f.e.k;
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.DeadObjectException;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.IInterface;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.BinderThread;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RecentlyNonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RecentlyNullable;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import c.i.a.f.e.h.j.w;
import c.i.a.f.e.h.j.x;
import c.i.a.f.e.k.e;
import c.i.a.f.e.k.h;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.AnimatableValueParser;
import com.google.android.gms.common.ConnectionResult;
import com.google.android.gms.common.Feature;
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.Scope;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public abstract class b<T extends IInterface> {
public static final Feature[] a = new Feature[0];
public volatile String b = null;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public j0 f1048c;
public final Context d;
public final e e;
public final c.i.a.f.e.c f;
public final Handler g;
public final Object h = new Object();
public final Object i = new Object();
public j j;
public c k;
public T l;
public final ArrayList<h<?>> m = new ArrayList<>();
public i n;
public int o = 1;
public final a p;
public final AbstractC0103b q;
public final int r;
/* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */
public final String f1049s;
public ConnectionResult t = null;
public boolean u = false;
public volatile zzc v = null;
public AtomicInteger w = new AtomicInteger(0);
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public interface a {
void e(@RecentlyNonNull int i);
void h(@Nullable Bundle bundle);
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
/* renamed from: c.i.a.f.e.k.b$b reason: collision with other inner class name */
public interface AbstractC0103b {
void g(@RecentlyNonNull ConnectionResult connectionResult);
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public interface c {
void a(@RecentlyNonNull ConnectionResult connectionResult);
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public class d implements c {
public d() {
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.c
public void a(@RecentlyNonNull ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
if (connectionResult.w0()) {
b bVar = b.this;
bVar.b(null, bVar.u());
AbstractC0103b bVar2 = b.this.q;
if (bVar2 != null) {
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public interface e {
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public abstract class f extends h<Boolean> {
public final int d;
public final Bundle e;
public f(int i, @Nullable Bundle bundle) {
this.d = i;
this.e = bundle;
/* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.h
public final /* synthetic */ void a(Boolean bool) {
PendingIntent pendingIntent = null;
if (this.d != 0) {
b.this.B(1, null);
Bundle bundle = this.e;
if (bundle != null) {
pendingIntent = (PendingIntent) bundle.getParcelable("pendingIntent");
d(new ConnectionResult(this.d, pendingIntent));
} else if (!e()) {
b.this.B(1, null);
d(new ConnectionResult(8, null));
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.h
public final void b() {
public abstract void d(ConnectionResult connectionResult);
public abstract boolean e();
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public final class g extends c.i.a.f.h.g.d {
public g(Looper looper) {
public static boolean a(Message message) {
int i = message.what;
return i == 2 || i == 1 || i == 7;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x002f, code lost:
if (r0 == 5) goto L_0x0031;
@Override // android.os.Handler
public final void handleMessage(Message message) {
TListener tlistener;
if (b.this.w.get() == message.arg1) {
int i = message.what;
if (!(i == 1 || i == 7)) {
if (i == 4) {
if (!b.this.e()) {
h hVar = (h) message.obj;
int i2 = message.what;
PendingIntent pendingIntent = null;
if (i2 == 4) {
b.this.t = new ConnectionResult(message.arg2);
if (b.E(b.this)) {
b bVar = b.this;
if (!bVar.u) {
bVar.B(3, null);
ConnectionResult connectionResult = b.this.t;
if (connectionResult == null) {
connectionResult = new ConnectionResult(8);
} else if (i2 == 5) {
ConnectionResult connectionResult2 = b.this.t;
if (connectionResult2 == null) {
connectionResult2 = new ConnectionResult(8);
} else if (i2 == 3) {
Object obj = message.obj;
if (obj instanceof PendingIntent) {
pendingIntent = (PendingIntent) obj;
b.this.k.a(new ConnectionResult(message.arg2, pendingIntent));
} else if (i2 == 6) {
b.this.B(5, null);
a aVar = b.this.p;
if (aVar != null) {
b.D(b.this, 5, 1, null);
} else if (i2 == 2 && !b.this.j()) {
h hVar2 = (h) message.obj;
} else if (a(message)) {
h hVar3 = (h) message.obj;
synchronized (hVar3) {
tlistener = hVar3.a;
if (hVar3.b) {
String valueOf = String.valueOf(hVar3);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(valueOf.length() + 47);
sb.append("Callback proxy ");
sb.append(" being reused. This is not safe.");
Log.w("GmsClient", sb.toString());
if (tlistener != 0) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} else {
synchronized (hVar3) {
hVar3.b = true;
} else {
Log.wtf("GmsClient", c.d.b.a.a.e(45, "Don't know how to handle message: ", message.what), new Exception());
} else if (a(message)) {
h hVar4 = (h) message.obj;
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public abstract class h<TListener> {
public TListener a;
public boolean b = false;
public h(TListener tlistener) {
this.a = tlistener;
public abstract void a(TListener tlistener);
public abstract void b();
public final void c() {
synchronized (this) {
this.a = null;
synchronized (b.this.m) {
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public final class i implements ServiceConnection {
public final int i;
public i(int i) {
this.i = i;
@Override // android.content.ServiceConnection
public final void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
if (iBinder == null) {
synchronized (b.this.i) {
b bVar = b.this;
IInterface queryLocalInterface = iBinder.queryLocalInterface("com.google.android.gms.common.internal.IGmsServiceBroker");
bVar.j = (queryLocalInterface == null || !(queryLocalInterface instanceof j)) ? new i(iBinder) : (j) queryLocalInterface;
b bVar2 = b.this;
int i = this.i;
Handler handler = bVar2.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(7, i, -1, new l(0)));
@Override // android.content.ServiceConnection
public final void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
b bVar;
synchronized (b.this.i) {
bVar = b.this;
bVar.j = null;
Handler handler = bVar.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(6, this.i, 1));
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public static final class j extends h.a {
public b a;
public final int b;
public j(@NonNull b bVar, int i) {
this.a = bVar;
this.b = i;
public final void g(int i, @NonNull IBinder iBinder, @Nullable Bundle bundle) {
AnimatableValueParser.z(this.a, "onPostInitComplete can be called only once per call to getRemoteService");
b bVar = this.a;
int i2 = this.b;
Handler handler = bVar.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(1, i2, -1, new k(i, iBinder, bundle)));
this.a = null;
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public final class k extends f {
public final IBinder g;
public k(int i, @Nullable IBinder iBinder, @Nullable Bundle bundle) {
super(i, bundle);
this.g = iBinder;
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.f
public final void d(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
AbstractC0103b bVar = b.this.q;
if (bVar != null) {
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.f
public final boolean e() {
try {
IBinder iBinder = this.g;
Objects.requireNonNull(iBinder, "null reference");
String interfaceDescriptor = iBinder.getInterfaceDescriptor();
if (!b.this.w().equals(interfaceDescriptor)) {
String w = b.this.w();
Log.e("GmsClient", c.d.b.a.a.g(c.d.b.a.a.b(interfaceDescriptor, c.d.b.a.a.b(w, 34)), "service descriptor mismatch: ", w, " vs. ", interfaceDescriptor));
return false;
IInterface r = b.this.r(this.g);
if (r == null || (!b.D(b.this, 2, 4, r) && !b.D(b.this, 3, 4, r))) {
return false;
b bVar = b.this;
bVar.t = null;
a aVar = bVar.p;
if (aVar == null) {
return true;
return true;
} catch (RemoteException unused) {
Log.w("GmsClient", "service probably died");
return false;
/* compiled from: com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@17.4.0 */
public final class l extends f {
public l(int i) {
super(i, null);
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.f
public final void d(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.k.b.f
public final boolean e() {
return true;
public b(@RecentlyNonNull Context context, @RecentlyNonNull Looper looper, @RecentlyNonNull e eVar, @RecentlyNonNull c.i.a.f.e.c cVar, @RecentlyNonNull int i2, @Nullable a aVar, @Nullable AbstractC0103b bVar, @Nullable String str) {
AnimatableValueParser.z(context, "Context must not be null");
this.d = context;
AnimatableValueParser.z(looper, "Looper must not be null");
AnimatableValueParser.z(eVar, "Supervisor must not be null");
this.e = eVar;
AnimatableValueParser.z(cVar, "API availability must not be null");
this.f = cVar;
this.g = new g(looper);
this.r = i2;
this.p = aVar;
this.q = bVar;
this.f1049s = str;
public static void C(b bVar) {
boolean z2;
int i2;
synchronized (bVar.h) {
z2 = bVar.o == 3;
if (z2) {
i2 = 5;
bVar.u = true;
} else {
i2 = 4;
Handler handler = bVar.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(i2, bVar.w.get(), 16));
public static boolean D(b bVar, int i2, int i3, IInterface iInterface) {
boolean z2;
synchronized (bVar.h) {
if (bVar.o != i2) {
z2 = false;
} else {
bVar.B(i3, iInterface);
z2 = true;
return z2;
public static boolean E(b bVar) {
if (bVar.u || TextUtils.isEmpty(bVar.w()) || TextUtils.isEmpty(null)) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) {
return false;
public final String A() {
String str = this.f1049s;
return str == null ? this.d.getClass().getName() : str;
public final void B(int i2, @Nullable T t) {
j0 j0Var;
AnimatableValueParser.m((i2 == 4) == (t != null));
synchronized (this.h) {
this.o = i2;
this.l = t;
if (i2 == 1) {
i iVar = this.n;
if (iVar != null) {
e eVar = this.e;
String str = this.f1048c.a;
Objects.requireNonNull(str, "null reference");
String A = A();
eVar.c(new e.a(str, "com.google.android.gms", 4225, false), iVar, A);
this.n = null;
} else if (i2 == 2 || i2 == 3) {
i iVar2 = this.n;
if (!(iVar2 == null || (j0Var = this.f1048c) == null)) {
String str2 = j0Var.a;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(str2).length() + 70 + "com.google.android.gms".length());
sb.append("Calling connect() while still connected, missing disconnect() for ");
sb.append(" on ");
Log.e("GmsClient", sb.toString());
e eVar2 = this.e;
String str3 = this.f1048c.a;
Objects.requireNonNull(str3, "null reference");
String A2 = A();
eVar2.c(new e.a(str3, "com.google.android.gms", 4225, false), iVar2, A2);
i iVar3 = new i(this.w.get());
this.n = iVar3;
String x2 = x();
Object obj = e.a;
this.f1048c = new j0("com.google.android.gms", x2, false, 4225, false);
e eVar3 = this.e;
Objects.requireNonNull(x2, "null reference");
String A3 = A();
if (!eVar3.b(new e.a(x2, "com.google.android.gms", 4225, false), iVar3, A3)) {
String str4 = this.f1048c.a;
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(str4).length() + 34 + "com.google.android.gms".length());
sb2.append("unable to connect to service: ");
sb2.append(" on ");
Log.e("GmsClient", sb2.toString());
int i3 = this.w.get();
Handler handler = this.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(7, i3, -1, new l(16)));
} else if (i2 == 4) {
Objects.requireNonNull(t, "null reference");
public void b(@Nullable g gVar, @RecentlyNonNull Set<Scope> set) {
Bundle t = t();
GetServiceRequest getServiceRequest = new GetServiceRequest(this.r);
getServiceRequest.l = this.d.getPackageName();
getServiceRequest.o = t;
if (set != null) {
getServiceRequest.n = (Scope[]) set.toArray(new Scope[set.size()]);
if (o()) {
Account s2 = s();
if (s2 == null) {
s2 = new Account("<<default account>>", "com.google");
getServiceRequest.p = s2;
if (gVar != null) {
getServiceRequest.m = gVar.asBinder();
Feature[] featureArr = a;
getServiceRequest.q = featureArr;
getServiceRequest.r = featureArr;
try {
synchronized (this.i) {
j jVar = this.j;
if (jVar != null) {
jVar.w(new j(this, this.w.get()), getServiceRequest);
} else {
Log.w("GmsClient", "mServiceBroker is null, client disconnected");
} catch (DeadObjectException e2) {
Log.w("GmsClient", "IGmsServiceBroker.getService failed", e2);
Handler handler = this.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(6, this.w.get(), 3));
} catch (SecurityException e3) {
throw e3;
} catch (RemoteException | RuntimeException e4) {
Log.w("GmsClient", "IGmsServiceBroker.getService failed", e4);
int i2 = this.w.get();
Handler handler2 = this.g;
handler2.sendMessage(handler2.obtainMessage(1, i2, -1, new k(8, null, null)));
public void c(@RecentlyNonNull String str) {
this.b = str;
public boolean e() {
boolean z2;
synchronized (this.h) {
int i2 = this.o;
if (i2 != 2) {
if (i2 != 3) {
z2 = false;
z2 = true;
return z2;
public String f() {
j0 j0Var;
if (!j() || (j0Var = this.f1048c) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to connect when checking package");
return "com.google.android.gms";
public void g(@RecentlyNonNull c cVar) {
AnimatableValueParser.z(cVar, "Connection progress callbacks cannot be null.");
this.k = cVar;
B(2, null);
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.h.a.f
public void h() {
synchronized (this.m) {
int size = this.m.size();
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < size; i2++) {
h<?> hVar = this.m.get(i2);
synchronized (hVar) {
hVar.a = null;
synchronized (this.i) {
this.j = null;
B(1, null);
public void i(@RecentlyNonNull e eVar) {
x xVar = (x) eVar;
c.i.a.f.e.h.j.g.this.w.post(new w(xVar));
public boolean j() {
boolean z2;
synchronized (this.h) {
z2 = this.o == 4;
return z2;
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.h.a.f
public boolean k() {
return true;
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.h.a.f
public int l() {
return c.i.a.f.e.c.a;
public final Feature[] m() {
zzc zzc = this.v;
if (zzc == null) {
return null;
return zzc.j;
public String n() {
return this.b;
@Override // c.i.a.f.e.h.a.f
public boolean o() {
return false;
public void q() {
int b = this.f.b(this.d, l());
if (b != 0) {
B(1, null);
d dVar = new d();
AnimatableValueParser.z(dVar, "Connection progress callbacks cannot be null.");
this.k = dVar;
Handler handler = this.g;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(3, this.w.get(), b, null));
g(new d());
public abstract T r(@RecentlyNonNull IBinder iBinder);
public Account s() {
return null;
public Bundle t() {
return new Bundle();
public Set<Scope> u() {
return Collections.emptySet();
public final T v() throws DeadObjectException {
T t;
synchronized (this.h) {
if (this.o == 5) {
throw new DeadObjectException();
} else if (j()) {
T t2 = this.l;
AnimatableValueParser.z(t2, "Client is connected but service is null");
t = t2;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not connected. Call connect() and wait for onConnected() to be called.");
return t;
public abstract String w();
public abstract String x();
public void y(@RecentlyNonNull T t) {
public void z(@RecentlyNonNull int i2) {