2021-07-13 22:23:20 +02:00

1000 lines
44 KiB

package com.discord.utilities.fcm;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.text.Html;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat;
import androidx.core.app.Person;
import androidx.core.app.RemoteInput;
import androidx.core.graphics.drawable.IconCompat;
import c.a.l.b;
import c.d.b.a.a;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.AnimatableValueParser;
import com.discord.api.application.Application;
import com.discord.api.channel.Channel;
import com.discord.api.message.Message;
import com.discord.api.message.activity.MessageActivity;
import com.discord.api.message.activity.MessageActivityType;
import com.discord.api.sticker.Sticker;
import com.discord.api.user.User;
import com.discord.app.AppActivity;
import com.discord.nullserializable.NullSerializable;
import com.discord.utilities.dsti.StickerUtils;
import com.discord.utilities.extensions.PendingIntentExtensionsKt;
import com.discord.utilities.icon.IconUtils;
import com.discord.utilities.intent.IntentUtils;
import com.discord.utilities.media.AppSound;
import com.discord.utilities.message.MessageUtils;
import com.discord.utilities.time.Clock;
import d0.g0.s;
import d0.g0.t;
import d0.g0.w;
import d0.t.n;
import d0.t.o;
import d0.t.u;
import d0.z.d.m;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import kotlin.Pair;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
/* compiled from: NotificationData.kt */
public final class NotificationData {
private static final int ACTIVITY_TYPE_PLAYING = 0;
private static final int ACTIVITY_TYPE_STREAMING = 1;
private static final String ANALYTICS_ACTIVITY_NAME = "activity_name";
private static final String ANALYTICS_ACTIVITY_TYPE = "activity_type";
private static final String ANALYTICS_CHANNEL_ID = "channel_id";
private static final String ANALYTICS_CHANNEL_TYPE = "channel_type";
private static final String ANALYTICS_GUILD_ID = "guild_id";
private static final String ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_ID = "message_id";
private static final String ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_TYPE = "message_type";
private static final String ANALYTICS_NOTIF_IN_APP = "notif_in_app";
private static final String ANALYTICS_NOTIF_TYPE = "notif_type";
private static final String ANALYTICS_NOTIF_USER_ID = "notif_user_id";
private static final String ANALYTICS_REL_TYPE = "rel_type";
public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null);
private static final String GROUP_KEY_PREFIX = "GROUP_";
private static final int MSG_MUTE_MIN_COUNT = 2;
public static final String REPLYING_TO_UNTRANSLATED = "replying to";
public static final String TYPE_ACTIVITY_START = "ACTIVITY_START";
public static final String TYPE_CALL_RING = "CALL_RING";
public static final String TYPE_MESSAGE_CREATE = "MESSAGE_CREATE";
public static final String TYPE_RELATIONSHIP_ADD = "RELATIONSHIP_ADD";
public static final int UNSET_INT = -1;
public static final long UNSET_LONG = -1;
private final List<Long> ackChannelIds;
private final String activityName;
private final int activityType;
private final String applicationIcon;
private final long applicationId;
private final String applicationName;
private final Channel channel;
private final String guildIcon;
private final long guildId;
private final String guildName;
private final boolean isGroupConversation;
private final MessageActivityType messageActivityType;
private final String messageApplicationName;
private final String messageContent;
private final long messageId;
private final int messageType;
private final int relationshipType;
private final Sticker sticker;
private final String subtitle;
private final String type;
private final String userAvatar;
private final long userId;
private final String userUsername;
/* compiled from: NotificationData.kt */
public static final class Companion {
private Companion() {
public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
public static final /* synthetic */ List access$parseAckChannelIds(Companion companion, String str) {
return companion.parseAckChannelIds(str);
private final void copyIntIntoMap(Intent intent, Map<String, Object> map, String str) {
int i = -1;
if (intent != null) {
i = intent.getIntExtra(str, -1);
if (i >= 0) {
map.put(str, Integer.valueOf(i));
private final void copyLongIntoMap(Intent intent, Map<String, Object> map, String str) {
long j = -1;
if (intent != null) {
j = intent.getLongExtra(str, -1);
if (j >= 0) {
map.put(str, Long.valueOf(j));
private final void copyStringIntoMap(Intent intent, Map<String, Object> map, String str) {
String stringExtra;
if (intent != null && (stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra(str)) != null) {
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(stringExtra, "this?.getStringExtra(key) ?: return");
if (!(stringExtra.length() == 0)) {
map.put(str, stringExtra);
private final List<Long> parseAckChannelIds(String str) {
if (str == null) {
str = "";
List split$default = w.split$default((CharSequence) str, new String[]{","}, false, 0, 6, (Object) null);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(o.collectionSizeOrDefault(split$default, 10));
Iterator it = split$default.iterator();
while (true) {
long j = -1;
if (!it.hasNext()) {
Long longOrNull = s.toLongOrNull((String) it.next());
if (longOrNull != null) {
j = longOrNull.longValue();
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
for (Object obj : arrayList) {
if (((Number) obj).longValue() != -1) {
return arrayList2;
public final Map<String, Object> buildTrackingData(Intent intent) {
String stringExtra;
HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
copyStringIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "notif_type");
copyLongIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "notif_user_id");
copyLongIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "message_id");
copyLongIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "guild_id");
copyLongIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "channel_id");
copyIntIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "message_type");
copyIntIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "channel_type");
copyIntIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "rel_type");
copyIntIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "activity_type");
copyStringIntoMap(intent, hashMap, "activity_name");
if (!(intent == null || (stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_SOURCE")) == null)) {
hashMap.put("notif_in_app", Boolean.valueOf(t.equals(stringExtra, "com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_NOTIF_INAPP", true)));
return hashMap;
/* compiled from: NotificationData.kt */
public static final class DisplayPayload {
private NotificationData data;
private final LinkedHashMap<Long, NotificationData> extras;
/* renamed from: id reason: collision with root package name */
private final int f2122id;
private boolean ignoreNextClearForAck;
public DisplayPayload() {
this(new NotificationData());
public DisplayPayload(NotificationData notificationData) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(notificationData, "data");
this.data = notificationData;
this.f2122id = new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
this.extras = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final void trimExtrasWhenOversized(int i) {
if (this.extras.size() >= i) {
Set<Map.Entry<Long, NotificationData>> entrySet = this.extras.entrySet();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(entrySet, "extras\n .entries");
List<Map.Entry> drop = u.drop(entrySet, this.extras.size() - (i / 2));
LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap(a.x(drop, 10, 16));
for (Map.Entry entry : drop) {
linkedHashMap.put((Long) entry.getKey(), (NotificationData) entry.getValue());
public static /* synthetic */ void update$default(DisplayPayload displayPayload, NotificationData notificationData, int i, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
i = 20;
displayPayload.update(notificationData, i);
public final NotificationData getData() {
return this.data;
public final synchronized List<NotificationData> getExtras() {
Collection<NotificationData> values;
values = this.extras.values();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(values, "extras.values");
return u.toList(values);
public final int getId() {
return this.f2122id;
public final boolean getIgnoreNextClearForAck() {
return this.ignoreNextClearForAck;
public final void setData(NotificationData notificationData) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(notificationData, "<set-?>");
this.data = notificationData;
public final void setIgnoreNextClearForAck(boolean z2) {
this.ignoreNextClearForAck = z2;
public final synchronized void update(NotificationData notificationData, int i) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(notificationData, "data");
this.data = notificationData;
if (notificationData.getShouldGroup()) {
this.extras.put(Long.valueOf(notificationData.getMessageId()), notificationData);
} else {
public NotificationData() {
this(new HashMap());
public NotificationData(String str, long j, MessageActivityType messageActivityType, String str2, int i, String str3, Channel channel, List<Long> list, long j2, String str4, String str5, int i2, long j3, String str6, String str7, int i3, String str8, long j4, String str9, String str10, Sticker sticker, String str11) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "type");
m.checkNotNullParameter(channel, "channel");
m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "ackChannelIds");
this.type = str;
this.messageId = j;
this.messageActivityType = messageActivityType;
this.messageApplicationName = str2;
this.messageType = i;
this.messageContent = str3;
this.channel = channel;
this.ackChannelIds = list;
this.userId = j2;
this.userUsername = str4;
this.userAvatar = str5;
this.relationshipType = i2;
this.guildName = str6;
this.guildIcon = str7;
this.activityType = i3;
this.activityName = str8;
this.applicationId = j4;
this.applicationName = str9;
this.applicationIcon = str10;
this.sticker = sticker;
this.subtitle = str11;
Long valueOf = Long.valueOf(j3);
boolean z2 = false;
long j5 = -1;
valueOf = (valueOf.longValue() > -1 ? 1 : (valueOf.longValue() == -1 ? 0 : -1)) == 0 ? null : valueOf;
if (valueOf != null) {
j5 = valueOf.longValue();
} else {
int A = channel.A();
if (A == 1 || A == 3) {
j5 = 0;
this.guildId = j5;
if (m.areEqual(str, "MESSAGE_CREATE") && (channel.A() == 0 || channel.A() == 3 || channel.A() == 10 || channel.A() == 11 || channel.A() == 12)) {
z2 = true;
this.isGroupConversation = z2;
/* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
public NotificationData(Map<String, String> map) {
this(r1, r1, r6, r7, r8, r9, r49, r11, r12, r14, r15, r16, r1, r19, r20, r21, r22, (r1 == null || (r1 = s.toLongOrNull(r1)) == null) ? -1 : r1.longValue(), map.get("application_name"), map.get("application_icon"), StickerUtils.INSTANCE.parseFromMessageNotificationJson(map.get("message")), map.get("subtitle"));
Long longOrNull;
Integer intOrNull;
Long longOrNull2;
Integer intOrNull2;
Long longOrNull3;
Long longOrNull4;
Long longOrNull5;
Integer intOrNull3;
Integer intOrNull4;
Integer intOrNull5;
Long longOrNull6;
m.checkNotNullParameter(map, "data");
String str = map.get("type");
str = str == null ? "" : str;
String str2 = map.get("message_id");
long longValue = (str2 == null || (longOrNull6 = s.toLongOrNull(str2)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull6.longValue();
String str3 = map.get("message_activity_type");
String str4 = null;
MessageActivityType a = (str3 == null || (intOrNull5 = s.toIntOrNull(str3)) == null) ? null : MessageActivityType.Companion.a(intOrNull5);
String str5 = map.get("message_application_name");
String str6 = map.get("message_type_");
int intValue = (str6 == null || (intOrNull4 = s.toIntOrNull(str6)) == null) ? -1 : intOrNull4.intValue();
String str7 = map.get("message_content");
String str8 = map.get("channel_type");
int intValue2 = (str8 == null || (intOrNull3 = s.toIntOrNull(str8)) == null) ? -1 : intOrNull3.intValue();
String str9 = map.get("guild_id");
long longValue2 = (str9 == null || (longOrNull5 = s.toLongOrNull(str9)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull5.longValue();
String str10 = map.get("channel_name");
str4 = str10 != null ? b.k(a.u("!!", str10, "!!"), new Object[0], null, 2).toString() : str4;
String str11 = map.get("channel_id");
Channel channel = new Channel(null, intValue2, longValue2, str4, 0, (str11 == null || (longOrNull4 = s.toLongOrNull(str11)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull4.longValue(), 0, null, null, 0, null, 0, 0, map.get("channel_icon"), 0, 0, null, false, 0, null, 0, null, map.get("rtc_region"), null, null, null, null, null, null);
List access$parseAckChannelIds = Companion.access$parseAckChannelIds(Companion, map.get("channel_ids"));
String str12 = map.get("user_id");
long longValue3 = (str12 == null || (longOrNull3 = s.toLongOrNull(str12)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull3.longValue();
String str13 = map.get("user_username");
String str14 = map.get("user_avatar");
String str15 = map.get("rel_type");
int intValue3 = (str15 == null || (intOrNull2 = s.toIntOrNull(str15)) == null) ? -1 : intOrNull2.intValue();
String str16 = map.get("guild_id");
long longValue4 = (str16 == null || (longOrNull2 = s.toLongOrNull(str16)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull2.longValue();
String str17 = map.get("guild_name");
String str18 = map.get("guild_icon");
String str19 = map.get("activity_type");
int intValue4 = (str19 == null || (intOrNull = s.toIntOrNull(str19)) == null) ? -1 : intOrNull.intValue();
String str20 = map.get("activity_name");
String str21 = map.get("application_id");
private final Intent addTrackingData(Intent intent) {
Intent putExtra = intent.putExtra("notif_type", this.type).putExtra("notif_user_id", this.userId).putExtra("message_id", this.messageId).putExtra("message_type", this.messageType).putExtra("guild_id", this.guildId).putExtra("channel_id", this.channel.h()).putExtra("channel_type", this.channel.A()).putExtra("rel_type", this.relationshipType).putExtra("activity_type", this.activityType).putExtra("activity_name", this.activityName);
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(putExtra, "intent\n .putExtra…IVITY_NAME, activityName)");
return putExtra;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x0036, code lost:
if (r0.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD") != false) goto L_0x0038;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x001c, code lost:
if (r0.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE") == false) goto L_0x0061;
private final Intent getContentIntentInternal() {
String str = this.type;
int hashCode = str.hashCode();
if (hashCode != -1327124998) {
if (hashCode != 974015250) {
if (hashCode == 998188116) {
} else if (str.equals("ACTIVITY_START")) {
return IntentUtils.RouteBuilders.INSTANCE.selectDirectMessage(this.userId);
return IntentUtils.RouteBuilders.selectChannel$default(this.channel.h(), this.guildId, null, 4, null);
return this.channel.A() != 1 ? IntentUtils.RouteBuilders.selectChannel$default(this.channel.h(), this.guildId, null, 4, null) : IntentUtils.RouteBuilders.selectChannel$default(this.channel.h(), 0, null, 4, null);
private final String getIconUrlForChannel() {
int A = this.channel.A();
if (A != 0) {
if (A == 1) {
return getIconUrlForUser();
if (A != 5) {
switch (A) {
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
return IconUtils.getForChannel$default(this.channel.h(), this.channel.g(), this.channel.A(), true, null, 16, null);
return IconUtils.getForGuild$default(Long.valueOf(this.guildId), this.guildIcon, "", false, null, 24, null);
public final NotificationData copyForDirectReply(Message message) {
NullSerializable<String> a;
String a2;
String r;
m.checkNotNullParameter(message, "message");
long o = message.o();
MessageActivity a3 = message.a();
MessageActivityType b = a3 != null ? a3.b() : null;
Application b2 = message.b();
String g = b2 != null ? b2.g() : null;
Integer E = message.E();
int intValue = E.intValue();
String i = message.i();
Channel a4 = Channel.a(this.channel, null, 0, 0, null, 0, message.g(), 0, null, null, 0, null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, null, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 536870879);
List emptyList = n.emptyList();
User e = message.e();
long i2 = e != null ? e.i() : 0;
User e2 = message.e();
String str = "";
String str2 = (e2 == null || (r = e2.r()) == null) ? str : r;
User e3 = message.e();
if (!(e3 == null || (a = e3.a()) == null || (a2 = a.a()) == null)) {
str = a2;
long j = this.guildId;
String str3 = this.guildName;
String str4 = this.guildIcon;
List<Sticker> A = message.A();
return new NotificationData("MESSAGE_CREATE", o, b, g, intValue, i, a4, emptyList, i2, str2, str, -1, j, str3, str4, -1, null, -1, null, null, A != null ? (Sticker) u.firstOrNull((List<? extends Object>) A) : null, null);
public final List<Long> getAckChannelIds() {
return this.ackChannelIds;
public final NotificationCompat.Action getCallAction(Context context, boolean z2) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "ctx");
if (!m.areEqual(this.type, "CALL_RING")) {
return null;
PendingIntent broadcast = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, addTrackingData(NotificationActions.Companion.callAction(context, this.channel.h(), this.messageId, z2)), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag$default(0, 1, null));
Pair pair = z2 ? d0.o.to(2131890781, 2131100249) : d0.o.to(2131888047, 2131100324);
int intValue = ((Number) pair.component1()).intValue();
int intValue2 = ((Number) pair.component2()).intValue();
StringBuilder L = a.L("**");
L.append(b.g(context, intValue, new Object[0], null, 4));
return new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(z2 ? 2131231461 : 2131231462, b.f(L.toString(), new Object[0], new NotificationData$getCallAction$coloredString$1(context, intValue2)), broadcast).build();
public final long getChannelId() {
return this.channel.h();
public final CharSequence getContent(Context context) {
CharSequence charSequence;
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
if (!str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD")) {
return "";
int i = this.relationshipType;
return i != 1 ? i != 3 ? "" : b.g(context, 2131891671, new Object[0], null, 4) : b.g(context, 2131891658, new Object[0], null, 4);
case -1237752112:
return str.equals("APPLICATION_LIBRARY_INSTALL_COMPLETE") ? b.g(context, 2131888919, new Object[]{this.applicationName}, null, 4) : "";
case 974015250:
return (!str.equals("ACTIVITY_START") || this.activityType != 0) ? "" : b.g(context, 2131891660, new Object[]{this.userUsername, this.activityName}, null, 4);
case 998188116:
if (!str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return "";
int A = this.channel.A();
if (A != 0) {
if (A == 1 || A == 3) {
if (this.messageActivityType == MessageActivityType.JOIN) {
return b.g(context, 2131891662, new Object[]{this.userUsername, this.messageApplicationName}, null, 4);
Sticker sticker = this.sticker;
if (sticker != null) {
return b.g(context, 2131893700, new Object[]{sticker.h()}, null, 4);
String str2 = this.messageContent;
if (str2 != null) {
charSequence = b.k(str2, new Object[0], null, 2);
return charSequence;
return null;
} else if (A != 5) {
switch (A) {
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
return "";
if (this.messageType == 7) {
return b.g(context, MessageUtils.INSTANCE.getSystemMessageUserJoin(context, this.messageId), new Object[]{this.userUsername}, null, 4);
if (this.messageActivityType == MessageActivityType.JOIN) {
return b.g(context, 2131891667, new Object[]{this.userUsername, this.messageApplicationName}, null, 4);
Sticker sticker2 = this.sticker;
if (sticker2 != null) {
return b.g(context, 2131893700, new Object[]{sticker2.h()}, null, 4);
String str3 = this.messageContent;
if (str3 != null) {
charSequence = b.k(str3, new Object[0], null, 2);
return charSequence;
return null;
case 1770025841:
return str.equals("CALL_RING") ? b.k(b.g(context, 2131891861, new Object[]{a.D(a.L("**"), this.userUsername, "**")}, null, 4), new Object[0], null, 2) : "";
return "";
public final PendingIntent getContentIntent(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
Intent contentIntentInternal = getContentIntentInternal();
contentIntentInternal.putExtra("com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_SOURCE", "com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_NOTIF");
contentIntentInternal.setClass(context, AppActivity.Main.class);
PendingIntent activity = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, addTrackingData(contentIntentInternal), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag(134217728));
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(activity, "PendingIntent.getActivit…LAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)\n )");
return activity;
public final PendingIntent getContentIntentInApp(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
Intent contentIntentInternal = getContentIntentInternal();
contentIntentInternal.putExtra("com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_SOURCE", "com.discord.intent.ORIGIN_NOTIF_INAPP");
contentIntentInternal.setClass(context, AppActivity.Main.class);
PendingIntent activity = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, addTrackingData(contentIntentInternal), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag(134217728));
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(activity, "PendingIntent.getActivit…LAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)\n )");
return activity;
public final CharSequence getConversationTitle(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
String str = this.type;
if (str.hashCode() != 998188116 || !str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return null;
int A = this.channel.A();
if (A != 0) {
if (A == 3) {
return AnimatableValueParser.A0(this.channel, context, false, 2);
if (A != 5) {
switch (A) {
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
return null;
return b.k(this.guildName + " _" + AnimatableValueParser.A0(this.channel, context, false, 2) + '_', new Object[0], null, 2);
public final PendingIntent getDeleteIntent(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
PendingIntent broadcast = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, NotificationActions.Companion.delete(context, this.channel.h()), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag(134217728));
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(broadcast, "PendingIntent.getBroadca…LAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)\n )");
return broadcast;
public final NotificationCompat.Action getDirectReplyAction(Context context, Set<Long> set) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "ctx");
m.checkNotNullParameter(set, "deniedChannels");
if ((!m.areEqual(this.type, "MESSAGE_CREATE")) || set.contains(Long.valueOf(this.channel.h()))) {
return null;
RemoteInput build = new RemoteInput.Builder("discord_notif_text_input").setLabel(b.g(context, 2131893319, new Object[0], null, 4)).build();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(build, "RemoteInput.Builder(Inte…essage))\n .build()");
return new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(2131231928, b.g(context, 2131891672, new Object[0], null, 4), PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, (int) this.channel.h(), addTrackingData(NotificationActions.Companion.directReply(context, this.channel.h(), getTitle(context))), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.mutablePendingIntentFlag(134217728))).addRemoteInput(build).setAllowGeneratedReplies(true).build();
public final PendingIntent getFullScreenIntent(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
if (!m.areEqual(getNotificationCategory(), "call")) {
return null;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, AppActivity.IncomingCall.class);
return PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, addTrackingData(intent), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag(134217728));
public final String getGroupKey() {
StringBuilder L = a.L("GROUP_");
return L.toString();
public final long getGuildId() {
return this.guildId;
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x0043 */
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:21:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:8:0x0023 */
public final String getIconUrl() {
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
if (!str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD")) {
return "";
String str2 = this.applicationIcon;
return str2 != null ? IconUtils.getApplicationIcon$default(this.applicationId, str2, 0, 4, null) : "";
case -1237752112:
return "";
String str2 = this.applicationIcon;
if (str2 != null) {
case 974015250:
if (!str.equals("ACTIVITY_START")) {
return "";
String str2 = this.applicationIcon;
if (str2 != null) {
case 998188116:
if (!str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return "";
String iconUrlForChannel = getIconUrlForChannel();
return iconUrlForChannel == null ? iconUrlForChannel : "";
case 1770025841:
if (!str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return "";
String iconUrlForChannel = getIconUrlForChannel();
if (iconUrlForChannel == null) {
return "";
public final String getIconUrlForUser() {
return IconUtils.getForUser$default(Long.valueOf(this.userId), this.userAvatar, null, false, null, 28, null);
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:?, code lost:
return r3.type + r3.channel.h();
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:3:0x0011, code lost:
if (r0.equals("CALL_RING") != false) goto L_0x001c;
/* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x001a, code lost:
if (r0.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE") != false) goto L_0x001c;
public final String getKey() {
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
if (str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD")) {
return this.type + this.userId;
return "";
case -1237752112:
return this.type + this.applicationId;
return "";
case 974015250:
if (str.equals("ACTIVITY_START")) {
return this.type + this.activityType + this.activityName;
return "";
case 998188116:
case 1770025841:
return "";
public final NotificationCompat.Action getMarkAsReadAction(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "ctx");
if (!m.areEqual(this.type, "MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return null;
return new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(2131231518, b.g(context, 2131891073, new Object[0], null, 4), PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, addTrackingData(NotificationActions.Companion.markAsRead(context, this.channel.h(), this.messageId)), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag$default(0, 1, null))).build();
public final long getMessageId() {
return this.messageId;
public final long getMessageIdTimestamp() {
return (this.messageId >>> 22) + 1420070400000L;
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0032 A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x0036 A[ORIG_RETURN, RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
public final String getNotificationCategory() {
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
return str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD") ? "social" : "msg";
case -1237752112:
return "progress";
case 974015250:
if (str.equals("ACTIVITY_START")) {
case 1770025841:
if (str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return "call";
public final String getNotificationChannelId() {
String str = this.type;
int hashCode = str.hashCode();
if (hashCode != 998188116) {
if (hashCode == 1770025841 && str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return "Calls";
} else if (str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
int A = this.channel.A();
return (A == 1 || A == 3) ? "DirectMessages" : "Messages";
return "Social";
public final int getNotificationPriority() {
String notificationChannelId = getNotificationChannelId();
switch (notificationChannelId.hashCode()) {
case -1917463435:
if (notificationChannelId.equals("DirectMessages")) {
return 1;
case -1813183603:
case -397449876:
if (notificationChannelId.equals("Messages")) {
return 0;
case 64872885:
if (notificationChannelId.equals("Calls")) {
return 2;
case 526428889:
if (notificationChannelId.equals("Media Connections")) {
return 2;
return -1;
public final Uri getNotificationSound(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
String str = this.type;
if (str.hashCode() != 1770025841 || !str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return null;
StringBuilder L = a.L("android.resource://");
L.append(context.getPackageName() + '/' + AppSound.Companion.getSOUND_CALL_RINGING().getResId());
String sb = L.toString();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(sb, "StringBuilder()\n …)\n .toString()");
return Uri.parse(sb);
public final Person getSender(Context context) {
String replaceAfterLast$default;
MessageActivityType messageActivityType;
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
IconCompat iconCompat = null;
boolean z2 = false;
CharSequence g = (!m.areEqual(this.type, "MESSAGE_CREATE") || this.messageType == 7 || (messageActivityType = this.messageActivityType) == MessageActivityType.SPECTATE || messageActivityType == MessageActivityType.JOIN) ? b.g(context, 2131888148, new Object[0], null, 4) : this.userUsername;
String valueOf = String.valueOf(this.userId);
String str = this.subtitle;
if (!(str == null || g == null)) {
if (this.messageType == 19 && str.length() > 11) {
String str2 = this.subtitle;
Objects.requireNonNull(str2, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring = str2.substring(0, 11);
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)");
if (m.areEqual(substring, "replying to")) {
StringBuilder L = a.L("<b>");
L.append("</b> ");
String str3 = this.subtitle;
Objects.requireNonNull(str3, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring2 = str3.substring(0, 11);
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring2, "(this as java.lang.Strin…ing(startIndex, endIndex)");
String str4 = this.subtitle;
Objects.requireNonNull(str4, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring3 = str4.substring(11);
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring3, "(this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)");
g = Html.fromHtml(L.toString());
StringBuilder L2 = a.L(valueOf);
valueOf = L2.toString();
StringBuilder L3 = a.L("<b>");
L3.append("</b> ");
g = Html.fromHtml(L3.toString());
StringBuilder L2 = a.L(valueOf);
valueOf = L2.toString();
String forUser$default = IconUtils.getForUser$default(Long.valueOf(this.userId), this.userAvatar, null, false, null, 28, null);
if (!(forUser$default == null || (replaceAfterLast$default = w.replaceAfterLast$default(forUser$default, '.', "jpg", null, 4, null)) == null)) {
iconCompat = IconCompat.createWithContentUri(replaceAfterLast$default);
Person.Builder icon = new Person.Builder().setName(g).setKey(valueOf).setIcon(iconCompat);
if (this.relationshipType == 1) {
z2 = true;
Person build = icon.setImportant(z2).build();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(build, "Person.Builder()\n …_FRIEND)\n .build()");
return build;
public final boolean getShouldGroup() {
String str = this.type;
int hashCode = str.hashCode();
return hashCode == 974015250 ? str.equals("ACTIVITY_START") : !(hashCode != 998188116 || !str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE"));
public final int getSmallIcon() {
String str = this.type;
int hashCode = str.hashCode();
if (hashCode != -1327124998) {
if (hashCode != 998188116) {
if (hashCode == 1770025841 && str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return 2131231812;
} else if (str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return 2131231814;
} else if (str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD")) {
return 2131231813;
return 2131231811;
public final Sticker getSticker() {
return this.sticker;
public final NotificationCompat.Action getTimedMute(Context context, Clock clock, int i) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "ctx");
m.checkNotNullParameter(clock, "clock");
if ((!m.areEqual(this.type, "MESSAGE_CREATE")) || i < 2) {
return null;
return new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(2131231817, b.g(context, 2131891669, new Object[0], null, 4), PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, addTrackingData(NotificationActions.Companion.timedMute(context, this.guildId, this.channel.h(), clock.currentTimeMillis() + 3600000)), PendingIntentExtensionsKt.immutablePendingIntentFlag$default(0, 1, null))).build();
public final CharSequence getTitle(Context context) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
return str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD") ? this.userUsername : "";
case -1237752112:
return str.equals("APPLICATION_LIBRARY_INSTALL_COMPLETE") ? b.g(context, 2131888920, new Object[0], null, 4) : "";
case 974015250:
return (!str.equals("ACTIVITY_START") || this.activityType != 0) ? "" : b.g(context, 2131891677, new Object[0], null, 4);
case 998188116:
if (!str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return "";
int A = this.channel.A();
if (A != 0) {
if (A == 1) {
return this.userUsername;
if (A == 3) {
return AnimatableValueParser.A0(this.channel, context, false, 2);
if (A != 5) {
switch (A) {
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
return "";
return b.k(this.guildName + " _" + AnimatableValueParser.A0(this.channel, context, false, 2) + '_', new Object[0], null, 2);
case 1770025841:
return str.equals("CALL_RING") ? this.channel.A() != 1 ? AnimatableValueParser.y0(this.channel) : b.g(context, 2131890467, new Object[0], null, 4) : "";
return "";
public final String getType() {
return this.type;
public final boolean isGroupConversation() {
return this.isGroupConversation;
public final boolean isValid() {
String str = this.type;
switch (str.hashCode()) {
case -1327124998:
if (!str.equals("RELATIONSHIP_ADD")) {
return false;
case -1237752112:
return false;
case 974015250:
if (!str.equals("ACTIVITY_START") || this.activityType == 1) {
return false;
case 998188116:
if (!str.equals("MESSAGE_CREATE")) {
return false;
case 1770025841:
if (!str.equals("CALL_RING")) {
return false;
return false;
return true;