2021-06-27 22:44:35 +02:00

40 lines
2.4 KiB

package com.discord.widgets.channels;
import com.discord.api.guild.GuildFeature;
import com.discord.api.role.GuildRole;
import com.discord.models.guild.Guild;
import com.discord.models.user.MeUser;
import com.discord.utilities.mg_recycler.SingleTypePayload;
import com.discord.utilities.permissions.PermissionUtils;
import com.discord.widgets.channels.WidgetCreateChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import rx.functions.Func5;
/* compiled from: WidgetCreateChannel.kt */
public final class WidgetCreateChannel$Model$Companion$get$1<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> implements Func5<MeUser, Guild, Long, Long, List<? extends GuildRole>, WidgetCreateChannel.Model> {
public static final WidgetCreateChannel$Model$Companion$get$1 INSTANCE = new WidgetCreateChannel$Model$Companion$get$1();
public final WidgetCreateChannel.Model call(MeUser meUser, Guild guild, Long l, Long l2, List<GuildRole> list) {
if (guild == null || l == null || list == null) {
return null;
boolean canAndIsElevated = PermissionUtils.canAndIsElevated(16, Long.valueOf(l2 != null ? l2.longValue() : l.longValue()), meUser.getMfaEnabled(), guild.getMfaLevel());
boolean contains = guild.getFeatures().contains(GuildFeature.COMMUNITY);
boolean canAndIsElevated2 = PermissionUtils.canAndIsElevated(268435456, Long.valueOf(l2 != null ? l2.longValue() : l.longValue()), meUser.getMfaEnabled(), guild.getMfaLevel());
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
for (GuildRole guildRole : list) {
SingleTypePayload singleTypePayload = guildRole.getId() != guild.getId() ? new SingleTypePayload(guildRole, String.valueOf(guildRole.getId()), 0) : null;
if (singleTypePayload != null) {
return new WidgetCreateChannel.Model(canAndIsElevated, canAndIsElevated2, contains, arrayList, null);
/* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
/* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */
@Override // rx.functions.Func5
public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ WidgetCreateChannel.Model call(MeUser meUser, Guild guild, Long l, Long l2, List<? extends GuildRole> list) {
return call(meUser, guild, l, l2, (List<GuildRole>) list);