
101 lines
3.6 KiB

package b.f.j.p;
import b.c.a.a0.d;
import b.f.j.d.a;
import b.f.j.j.e;
import com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.request.ImageRequest;
import com.facebook.imagepipeline.request.ImageRequestBuilder;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import z.c;
import z.g;
/* compiled from: PartialDiskCacheProducer */
public class p0 implements c<e, Void> {
public final /* synthetic */ z0 a;
/* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */
public final /* synthetic */ x0 f630b;
public final /* synthetic */ l c;
public final /* synthetic */ CacheKey d;
public final /* synthetic */ r0 e;
public p0(r0 r0Var, z0 z0Var, x0 x0Var, l lVar, CacheKey cacheKey) {
this.e = r0Var;
this.a = z0Var;
this.f630b = x0Var;
this.c = lVar;
this.d = cacheKey;
/* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
/* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [z.g] */
@Override // z.c
public Void a(g<e> gVar) throws Exception {
boolean z2;
e eVar;
synchronized (gVar.g) {
z2 = gVar.i;
boolean z3 = false;
if (z2 || (gVar.e() && (gVar.d() instanceof CancellationException))) {
this.a.d(this.f630b, "PartialDiskCacheProducer", null);
} else if (gVar.e()) {
this.a.k(this.f630b, "PartialDiskCacheProducer", gVar.d(), null);
this.e.d(this.c, this.f630b, this.d, null);
} else {
synchronized (gVar.g) {
eVar = gVar.j;
e eVar2 = eVar;
if (eVar2 != null) {
z0 z0Var = this.a;
x0 x0Var = this.f630b;
z0Var.j(x0Var, "PartialDiskCacheProducer", r0.c(z0Var, x0Var, true, eVar2.n()));
int n = eVar2.n() - 1;
d.i(Boolean.valueOf(n > 0));
eVar2.f587s = new a(0, n);
int n2 = eVar2.n();
ImageRequest e = this.f630b.e();
a aVar = e.l;
if (aVar != null && aVar.a >= 0 && n >= aVar.f560b) {
this.f630b.i("disk", "partial");
this.a.c(this.f630b, "PartialDiskCacheProducer", true);
this.c.b(eVar2, 9);
} else {
this.c.b(eVar2, 8);
ImageRequestBuilder b2 = ImageRequestBuilder.b(e.c);
b2.f = e.i;
b2.o = e.l;
b2.g = e.f2879b;
b2.i = e.g;
b2.j = e.h;
b2.f2881b = e.n;
b2.c = e.o;
b2.l = e.f2880s;
b2.h = e.f;
b2.k = e.m;
b2.d = e.j;
b2.n = e.t;
b2.e = e.k;
b2.m = e.r;
b2.p = e.u;
int i = n2 - 1;
if (i >= 0) {
z3 = true;
b2.o = new a(i, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
this.e.d(this.c, new d1(b2.a(), this.f630b), this.d, eVar2);
} else {
z0 z0Var2 = this.a;
x0 x0Var2 = this.f630b;
z0Var2.j(x0Var2, "PartialDiskCacheProducer", r0.c(z0Var2, x0Var2, false, 0));
this.e.d(this.c, this.f630b, this.d, eVar2);
return null;