2021-07-24 04:37:17 +02:00

70 lines
2.6 KiB

package com.discord.widgets.chat.input;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Parcel;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import c.d.b.a.a;
import com.lytefast.flexinput.model.Attachment;
import d0.z.d.m;
/* compiled from: SourcedAttachment.kt */
public final class SourcedAttachment<T> extends Attachment<T> {
private final String source;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public SourcedAttachment(long j, Uri uri, String str, T t, String str2) {
super(j, uri, str, t);
m.checkNotNullParameter(uri, "uri");
m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "displayName");
m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, "source");
this.source = str2;
/* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
public SourcedAttachment(Parcel parcel) {
this(r2, r0, r5, null, r7);
m.checkNotNullParameter(parcel, "parcelIn");
long readLong = parcel.readLong();
Uri uri = (Uri) parcel.readParcelable(Uri.class.getClassLoader());
if (uri == null) {
uri = Uri.EMPTY;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(uri, "Uri.EMPTY");
String readString = parcel.readString();
String str = readString != null ? readString : "";
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(str, "parcelIn.readString() ?: \"\"");
String readString2 = parcel.readString();
String str2 = readString2 != null ? readString2 : "";
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(str2, "parcelIn.readString() ?: \"\"");
/* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public SourcedAttachment(Attachment<? extends T> attachment, String str) {
this(attachment.getId(), attachment.getUri(), attachment.getDisplayName(), attachment.getData(), str);
m.checkNotNullParameter(attachment, "attachment");
m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "source");
public final String getSource() {
return this.source;
@Override // java.lang.Object
public String toString() {
StringBuilder K = a.K("SourcedAttachment(uri=");
K.append(", data=");
K.append((Object) getData());
return K.toString();
@Override // com.lytefast.flexinput.model.Attachment, android.os.Parcelable
public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(parcel, "dest");
super.writeToParcel(parcel, i);