
91 lines
2.5 KiB

package ra;
import java.util.Arrays;
import qa.g;
/* compiled from: CompactHashing.java */
/* loaded from: classes4.dex */
final class l {
static Object a(int i10) {
if (i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 1073741824 && Integer.highestOneBit(i10) == i10) {
return i10 <= 256 ? new byte[i10] : i10 <= 65536 ? new short[i10] : new int[i10];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be power of 2 between 2^1 and 2^30: " + i10);
static int b(int i10, int i11) {
return i10 & (~i11);
static int c(int i10, int i11) {
return i10 & i11;
static int d(int i10, int i11, int i12) {
return (i10 & (~i12)) | (i11 & i12);
static int e(int i10) {
return (i10 < 32 ? 4 : 2) * (i10 + 1);
static int f(Object obj, Object obj2, int i10, Object obj3, int[] iArr, Object[] objArr, Object[] objArr2) {
int i11;
int i12;
int c10 = p.c(obj);
int i13 = c10 & i10;
int h10 = h(obj3, i13);
if (h10 == 0) {
return -1;
int b10 = b(c10, i10);
int i14 = -1;
while (true) {
i11 = h10 - 1;
i12 = iArr[i11];
if (b(i12, i10) != b10 || !g.a(obj, objArr[i11]) || (objArr2 != null && !g.a(obj2, objArr2[i11]))) {
int c11 = c(i12, i10);
if (c11 == 0) {
return -1;
i14 = i11;
h10 = c11;
int c12 = c(i12, i10);
if (i14 == -1) {
i(obj3, i13, c12);
} else {
iArr[i14] = d(iArr[i14], c12, i10);
return i11;
static void g(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
Arrays.fill((byte[]) obj, (byte) 0);
} else if (obj instanceof short[]) {
Arrays.fill((short[]) obj, (short) 0);
} else {
Arrays.fill((int[]) obj, 0);
static int h(Object obj, int i10) {
return obj instanceof byte[] ? ((byte[]) obj)[i10] & 255 : obj instanceof short[] ? ((short[]) obj)[i10] & 65535 : ((int[]) obj)[i10];
static void i(Object obj, int i10, int i11) {
if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
((byte[]) obj)[i10] = (byte) i11;
} else if (obj instanceof short[]) {
((short[]) obj)[i10] = (short) i11;
} else {
((int[]) obj)[i10] = i11;
static int j(int i10) {
return Math.max(4, p.a(i10 + 1, 1.0d));