package com.discord.panels; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android.os.Build; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.VelocityTracker; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.FastOutSlowInInterpolator; import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.LinearOutSlowInInterpolator; import com.discord.panels.PanelState; import d0.t.n; import d0.z.d.h; import d0.z.d.m; import d0.z.d.o; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import kotlin.TypeCastException; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public class OverlappingPanelsLayout extends FrameLayout { public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); private static final long SIDE_PANEL_CLOSE_DURATION_MS = 200; private static final long SIDE_PANEL_OPEN_DURATION_MS = 250; private HashMap _$_findViewCache; private View centerPanel; private float centerPanelAnimationEndX; private float centerPanelDiffX; private ValueAnimator centerPanelXAnimator; private List childGestureRegions; private View endPanel; private LockState endPanelLockState; private float endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; private PanelState endPanelState; private final ArrayList endPanelStateListeners; private float homeGestureFromBottomThreshold; private boolean isHomeSystemGesture; private boolean isLeftToRight; private boolean isScrollingHorizontally; private final boolean isSystemGestureNavigationPossible; private float minFlingPxPerSecond; private int nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth; private Function0 pendingUpdate; private float scrollingSlopPx; private Panel selectedPanel; private View startPanel; private LockState startPanelLockState; private float startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; private PanelState startPanelState; private final ArrayList startPanelStateListeners; private SwipeDirection swipeDirection; private boolean useFullWidthForStartPanel; private VelocityTracker velocityTracker; private boolean wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel; private float xFromInterceptActionDown; private float yFromInterceptActionDown; /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public static final class Companion { public Companion() { } public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { } } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public enum LockState { OPEN, CLOSE, UNLOCKED } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public enum Panel { START, CENTER, END } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public interface PanelStateListener { void onPanelStateChange(PanelState panelState); } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public enum SwipeDirection { LEFT, RIGHT } /* compiled from: java-style lambda group */ public static final class a implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener { public final /* synthetic */ int a; public final /* synthetic */ Object b; public a(int i, Object obj) { this.a = i; this.b = obj; } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { int i = this.a; if (i == 0) { OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout = (OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.b; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(valueAnimator, "animator"); Object animatedValue = valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); if (animatedValue != null) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$updateCenterPanelX(overlappingPanelsLayout, ((Float) animatedValue).floatValue()); return; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Float"); } else if (i == 1) { OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout2 = (OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.b; m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(valueAnimator, "animator"); Object animatedValue2 = valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); if (animatedValue2 != null) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$updateCenterPanelX(overlappingPanelsLayout2, ((Float) animatedValue2).floatValue()); return; } throw new TypeCastException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Float"); } else { throw null; } } } /* compiled from: java-style lambda group */ public static final class b implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener { public final /* synthetic */ int i; public final /* synthetic */ Object j; public b(int i, Object obj) { this.i = i; this.j = obj; } @Override // android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener public final void onLayoutChange(View view, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8) { int i9 = this.i; if (i9 != 0) { if (i9 != 1) { throw null; } else if (OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$isLeftToRight$p((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j) && i != i5) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$handleEndPanelWidthUpdate((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j); } else if (!OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$isLeftToRight$p((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j) && i3 != i7) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$handleEndPanelWidthUpdate((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j); } } else if (OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$isLeftToRight$p((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j) && i3 != i7) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$handleStartPanelWidthUpdate((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j); } else if (!OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$isLeftToRight$p((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j) && i != i5) { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$handleStartPanelWidthUpdate((OverlappingPanelsLayout) this.j); } } } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public static final class c extends o implements Function0 { public final /* synthetic */ boolean $isFling; public final /* synthetic */ OverlappingPanelsLayout this$0; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public c(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { super(0); this.this$0 = overlappingPanelsLayout; this.$isFling = z2; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0 /* renamed from: invoke */ public Unit mo1invoke() { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$closePanels(this.this$0, this.$isFling); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public static final class d extends o implements Function0 { public final /* synthetic */ boolean $isFling; public final /* synthetic */ OverlappingPanelsLayout this$0; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public d(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { super(0); this.this$0 = overlappingPanelsLayout; this.$isFling = z2; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0 /* renamed from: invoke */ public Unit mo1invoke() { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$openEndPanel(this.this$0, this.$isFling); return Unit.a; } } /* compiled from: OverlappingPanelsLayout.kt */ public static final class e extends o implements Function0 { public final /* synthetic */ boolean $isFling; public final /* synthetic */ OverlappingPanelsLayout this$0; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public e(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { super(0); this.this$0 = overlappingPanelsLayout; this.$isFling = z2; } /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */ @Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0 /* renamed from: invoke */ public Unit mo1invoke() { OverlappingPanelsLayout.access$openStartPanel(this.this$0, this.$isFling); return Unit.a; } } /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public OverlappingPanelsLayout(Context context) { super(context); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(context, "context"); boolean z2 = true; this.isLeftToRight = true; h hVar = h.a; this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMIN_VALUE(); this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMAX_VALUE(); this.startPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.endPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.selectedPanel = Panel.CENTER; LockState lockState = LockState.UNLOCKED; this.startPanelLockState = lockState; this.endPanelLockState = lockState; PanelState.a aVar = PanelState.a.a; this.startPanelState = aVar; this.endPanelState = aVar; this.childGestureRegions = n.emptyList(); this.isSystemGestureNavigationPossible = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29 ? false : z2; } /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public OverlappingPanelsLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { super(context, attributeSet); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(context, "context"); boolean z2 = true; this.isLeftToRight = true; h hVar = h.a; this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMIN_VALUE(); this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMAX_VALUE(); this.startPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.endPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.selectedPanel = Panel.CENTER; LockState lockState = LockState.UNLOCKED; this.startPanelLockState = lockState; this.endPanelLockState = lockState; PanelState.a aVar = PanelState.a.a; this.startPanelState = aVar; this.endPanelState = aVar; this.childGestureRegions = n.emptyList(); this.isSystemGestureNavigationPossible = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29 ? false : z2; initialize(attributeSet); } /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public OverlappingPanelsLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i) { super(context, attributeSet, i); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(context, "context"); boolean z2 = true; this.isLeftToRight = true; h hVar = h.a; this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMIN_VALUE(); this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = hVar.getMAX_VALUE(); this.startPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.endPanelStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); this.selectedPanel = Panel.CENTER; LockState lockState = LockState.UNLOCKED; this.startPanelLockState = lockState; this.endPanelLockState = lockState; PanelState.a aVar = PanelState.a.a; this.startPanelState = aVar; this.endPanelState = aVar; this.childGestureRegions = n.emptyList(); this.isSystemGestureNavigationPossible = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29 ? false : z2; initialize(attributeSet); } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ OverlappingPanelsLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i, int i2, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(context, (i2 & 2) != 0 ? null : attributeSet, (i2 & 4) != 0 ? 0 : i); } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ OverlappingPanelsLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(context, (i & 2) != 0 ? null : attributeSet); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$closePanels(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { overlappingPanelsLayout.closePanels(z2); } public static final /* synthetic */ View access$getCenterPanel$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout) { View view = overlappingPanelsLayout.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } return view; } public static final /* synthetic */ View access$getStartPanel$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout) { View view = overlappingPanelsLayout.startPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } return view; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$handleEndPanelWidthUpdate(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout) { overlappingPanelsLayout.handleEndPanelWidthUpdate(); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$handleStartPanelWidthUpdate(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout) { overlappingPanelsLayout.handleStartPanelWidthUpdate(); } public static final /* synthetic */ boolean access$isLeftToRight$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout) { return overlappingPanelsLayout.isLeftToRight; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$openEndPanel(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { overlappingPanelsLayout.openEndPanel(z2); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$openStartPanel(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { overlappingPanelsLayout.openStartPanel(z2); } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setCenterPanel$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, View view) { overlappingPanelsLayout.centerPanel = view; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setLeftToRight$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2) { overlappingPanelsLayout.isLeftToRight = z2; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setStartPanel$p(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, View view) { overlappingPanelsLayout.startPanel = view; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$updateCenterPanelX(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, float f) { overlappingPanelsLayout.updateCenterPanelX(f); } private final float calculateDistanceX(float f, MotionEvent motionEvent) { return motionEvent.getX() - f; } private final float calculateDistanceY(float f, MotionEvent motionEvent) { return motionEvent.getY() - f; } private final void closePanels(boolean z2) { if (this.centerPanel == null) { this.pendingUpdate = new c(this, z2); } else { updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation(0.0f, z2, 200); } } public static /* synthetic */ void closePanels$default(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } overlappingPanelsLayout.closePanels(z2); return; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: closePanels"); } private final PanelState getEndPanelState(float f, float f2) { boolean z2 = this.isLeftToRight; return (!z2 || f2 < 0.0f) ? (z2 || f2 > 0.0f) ? f2 == this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX ? PanelState.c.a : (!z2 || f2 >= f) ? (z2 || f2 <= f) ? PanelState.b.a : PanelState.d.a : PanelState.d.a : PanelState.a.a : PanelState.a.a; } private final Panel getLeftPanel() { return this.isLeftToRight ? Panel.START : Panel.END; } private final LockState getLeftPanelLockState() { return this.isLeftToRight ? this.startPanelLockState : this.endPanelLockState; } private final float getNormalizedX(float f) { LockState lockState = this.startPanelLockState; LockState lockState2 = LockState.OPEN; if (lockState == lockState2) { return this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; } if (this.endPanelLockState == lockState2) { return this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; } LockState leftPanelLockState = getLeftPanelLockState(); LockState lockState3 = LockState.CLOSE; float f2 = 0.0f; float max = (leftPanelLockState == lockState3 || (this.selectedPanel == Panel.CENTER && this.swipeDirection == SwipeDirection.LEFT)) ? 0.0f : Math.max(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); if (!(getRightPanelLockState() == lockState3 || (this.selectedPanel == Panel.CENTER && this.swipeDirection == SwipeDirection.RIGHT))) { f2 = Math.min(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); } return f > max ? max : f < f2 ? f2 : f; } private final Panel getRightPanel() { return this.isLeftToRight ? Panel.END : Panel.START; } private final LockState getRightPanelLockState() { return this.isLeftToRight ? this.endPanelLockState : this.startPanelLockState; } private final PanelState getStartPanelState(float f, float f2) { boolean z2 = this.isLeftToRight; return (!z2 || f2 > 0.0f) ? (z2 || f2 < 0.0f) ? f2 == this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX ? PanelState.c.a : (!z2 || f2 <= f) ? (z2 || f2 >= f) ? PanelState.b.a : PanelState.d.a : PanelState.d.a : PanelState.a.a : PanelState.a.a; } private final float getTargetedX(MotionEvent motionEvent) { return motionEvent.getRawX() + this.centerPanelDiffX; } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:16:0x0034, code lost: if (r1.getX() < ((float) 0)) goto L_0x0036; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x0036, code lost: r1 = 0; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:28:0x0057, code lost: if (r1.getX() >= ((float) 0)) goto L_0x0059; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x006b, code lost: if (r1.getX() > ((float) 0)) goto L_0x006d; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:36:0x006d, code lost: r1 = 0; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0020, code lost: if (r1.getX() <= ((float) 0)) goto L_0x0022; */ private final void handleCenterPanelX(float f, float f2) { View view = this.startPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } int i = 4; boolean z2 = false; if (this.isLeftToRight) { View view2 = this.centerPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } } if (!this.isLeftToRight) { View view3 = this.centerPanel; if (view3 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } } int i2 = 4; view.setVisibility(i2); View view4 = this.endPanel; if (view4 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } if (this.isLeftToRight) { View view5 = this.centerPanel; if (view5 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } } if (!this.isLeftToRight) { View view6 = this.centerPanel; if (view6 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } } int i3 = 4; view4.setVisibility(i3); float f3 = 0.0f; int i4 = (f2 > 0.0f ? 1 : (f2 == 0.0f ? 0 : -1)); if (i4 == 0) { this.selectedPanel = Panel.CENTER; } else if (f2 == this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX) { this.selectedPanel = Panel.START; } else if (f2 == this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX) { this.selectedPanel = Panel.END; } boolean z3 = f2 == this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX || f2 == this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; View view7 = this.centerPanel; if (view7 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } boolean z4 = !z3; float f4 = 0.5f; m.checkParameterIsNotNull(view7, "$this$setEnabledAlpha"); if (z4) { f4 = 1.0f; } view7.setAlpha(f4); View view8 = this.centerPanel; if (view8 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } if (!z3) { i = 0; } view8.setImportantForAccessibility(i); if (i4 == 0 || z3) { z2 = true; } View view9 = this.centerPanel; if (view9 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } if (!z2) { f3 = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_center_panel_non_resting_elevation); } view9.setElevation(f3); this.startPanelState = getStartPanelState(f, f2); Iterator it = this.startPanelStateListeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } this.endPanelState = getEndPanelState(f, f2); Iterator it2 = this.endPanelStateListeners.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) {; } } private final void handleEndPanelWidthUpdate() { float f = this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; float dimension = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_margin_between_panels); View view = this.endPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } float f2 = -(((float) view.getWidth()) + dimension); this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = f2; if (!this.isLeftToRight) { f2 = -f2; } this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = f2; View view2 = this.centerPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } if (view2.getX() == f || this.centerPanelAnimationEndX == f) { openEndPanel(); } } private final void handleStartPanelWidthUpdate() { float f = this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX; float dimension = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_margin_between_panels); View view = this.startPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } float width = ((float) view.getWidth()) + dimension; this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = width; if (!this.isLeftToRight) { width = -width; } this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX = width; View view2 = this.centerPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } if (view2.getX() == f || this.centerPanelAnimationEndX == f) { openStartPanel(); } } private final void initPanels() { View childAt = getChildAt(0); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(childAt, "getChildAt(0)"); this.startPanel = childAt; View childAt2 = getChildAt(1); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(childAt2, "getChildAt(1)"); this.centerPanel = childAt2; View childAt3 = getChildAt(2); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(childAt3, "getChildAt(2)"); this.endPanel = childAt3; View view = this.startPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } view.setVisibility(4); View view2 = this.startPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } view2.setElevation(0.0f); View view3 = this.centerPanel; if (view3 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } view3.setVisibility(0); View view4 = this.centerPanel; if (view4 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } view4.setElevation(0.0f); View view5 = this.endPanel; if (view5 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } view5.setVisibility(4); View view6 = this.endPanel; if (view6 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } view6.setElevation(0.0f); resetStartPanelWidth(); resetEndPanelWidth(); handleStartPanelWidthUpdate(); handleEndPanelWidthUpdate(); Function0 function0 = this.pendingUpdate; if (function0 != null) { function0.mo1invoke(); } this.pendingUpdate = null; View view7 = this.startPanel; if (view7 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } view7.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new b(0, this)); View view8 = this.endPanel; if (view8 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } view8.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new b(1, this)); } private final void initialize(AttributeSet attributeSet) { int i; c.a.p.a aVar = c.a.p.a.b; Context context = getContext(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(context, "context"); m.checkParameterIsNotNull(context, "context"); this.isLeftToRight = TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(c.a.p.a.a.invoke(context)) == 0; this.scrollingSlopPx = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_scroll_slop); this.homeGestureFromBottomThreshold = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_home_gesture_from_bottom_threshold); this.minFlingPxPerSecond = getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_min_fling_dp_per_second); Resources resources = getResources(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(resources, "resources"); if (resources.getConfiguration().orientation == 1) { Resources resources2 = getResources(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(resources2, "resources"); i = resources2.getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels; } else { Resources resources3 = getResources(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(resources3, "resources"); i = resources3.getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels; } this.nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth = (int) ((((float) i) - getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_margin_between_panels)) - getResources().getDimension(R.a.overlapping_panels_closed_center_panel_visible_width)); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.b.OverlappingPanelsLayout, 0, 0); try { this.nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth = Math.min(this.nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth, (int) obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(R.b.OverlappingPanelsLayout_maxSidePanelNonFullScreenWidth, (float) Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } finally { obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } } private final boolean isTouchingCenterPanelWhileSidePanelOpen(MotionEvent motionEvent) { float x2 = motionEvent.getX(); View view = this.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } float x3 = view.getX(); float max = Math.max(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); float min = Math.min(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); View view2 = this.centerPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } float width = ((float) view2.getWidth()) + min; boolean z2 = x2 > max; boolean z3 = x2 < width; boolean z4 = x3 == max; boolean z5 = x3 == min; if (!z4 || !z2) { return z5 && z3; } return true; } private final boolean isTouchingChildGestureRegion(MotionEvent motionEvent) { boolean z2; float rawX = motionEvent.getRawX(); float rawY = motionEvent.getRawY(); Iterator it = this.childGestureRegions.iterator(); do { z2 = false; if (!it.hasNext()) { return false; } Rect rect = (Rect); boolean z3 = rawX >= ((float) rect.left) && rawX <= ((float) rect.right); boolean z4 = rawY <= ((float) rect.bottom) && rawY >= ((float); if (z3 && z4) { z2 = true; continue; } } while (!z2); return true; } private final void openEndPanel(boolean z2) { if (this.centerPanel == null) { this.pendingUpdate = new d(this, z2); } else { updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation(this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, z2, 250); } } public static /* synthetic */ void openEndPanel$default(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } overlappingPanelsLayout.openEndPanel(z2); return; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: openEndPanel"); } private final void openPanel(Panel panel) { int ordinal = panel.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 0) { openStartPanel(false); } else if (ordinal == 1) { closePanels(false); } else if (ordinal == 2) { openEndPanel(false); } } private final void openStartPanel(boolean z2) { if (this.centerPanel == null) { this.pendingUpdate = new e(this, z2); } else if (this.startPanelLockState == LockState.OPEN) { updateCenterPanelX(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); } else { updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, z2, 250); } } public static /* synthetic */ void openStartPanel$default(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } overlappingPanelsLayout.openStartPanel(z2); return; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: openStartPanel"); } private final void resetEndPanelWidth() { View view = this.endPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = this.nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth; View view2 = this.endPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("endPanel"); } view2.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } private final void resetStartPanelWidth() { View view = this.startPanel; if (view != null) { if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = this.useFullWidthForStartPanel ? -1 : this.nonFullScreenSidePanelWidth; View view2 = this.startPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("startPanel"); } view2.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } } private final boolean shouldHandleActionMoveEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { float normalizedX = getNormalizedX(getTargetedX(motionEvent)); View view = this.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } float abs = Math.abs(normalizedX - view.getX()); Resources resources = getResources(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(resources, "resources"); return normalizedX == 0.0f || normalizedX == this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX || normalizedX == this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX || ((abs > resources.getDisplayMetrics().density ? 1 : (abs == resources.getDisplayMetrics().density ? 0 : -1)) > 0); } private final void snapOpenOrClose(MotionEvent motionEvent) { float targetedX = getTargetedX(motionEvent); VelocityTracker velocityTracker = this.velocityTracker; if (velocityTracker != null) { velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000); } VelocityTracker velocityTracker2 = this.velocityTracker; float xVelocity = velocityTracker2 != null ? velocityTracker2.getXVelocity() : h.a.getMIN_VALUE(); boolean z2 = false; boolean z3 = Math.abs(xVelocity) > this.minFlingPxPerSecond; if (!this.isLeftToRight ? xVelocity < ((float) 0) : xVelocity > ((float) 0)) { z2 = true; } if (z3) { if (z2) { Panel panel = this.selectedPanel; if (panel == Panel.END) { closePanels(true); return; } else if (panel == Panel.CENTER) { openStartPanel(true); return; } } else { Panel panel2 = this.selectedPanel; if (panel2 == Panel.START) { closePanels(true); return; } else if (panel2 == Panel.CENTER) { openEndPanel(true); return; } } } float max = Math.max(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); float min = Math.min(this.startPanelOpenedCenterPanelX, this.endPanelOpenedCenterPanelX); float f = (float) 2; if (targetedX > max / f) { openPanel(getLeftPanel()); } else if (targetedX < min / f) { openPanel(getRightPanel()); } else { closePanels(); } } private final void translateCenterPanel(MotionEvent motionEvent) { updateCenterPanelX(getNormalizedX(getTargetedX(motionEvent))); } private final void updateCenterPanelX(float f) { View view = this.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } float x2 = view.getX(); View view2 = this.centerPanel; if (view2 == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } view2.setX(f); handleCenterPanelX(x2, f); } private final void updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation(float f, boolean z2, long j) { View view = this.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } float x2 = view.getX(); ValueAnimator valueAnimator = this.centerPanelXAnimator; if (valueAnimator != null) { valueAnimator.cancel(); } float normalizedX = getNormalizedX(f); this.centerPanelAnimationEndX = normalizedX; if (z2) { ValueAnimator ofFloat = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(x2, normalizedX); ofFloat.setInterpolator(new LinearOutSlowInInterpolator()); ofFloat.setDuration(j); this.centerPanelXAnimator = ofFloat; ofFloat.addUpdateListener(new a(0, this)); } else { ValueAnimator ofFloat2 = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(x2, normalizedX); ofFloat2.setInterpolator(new FastOutSlowInInterpolator()); ofFloat2.setDuration(j); this.centerPanelXAnimator = ofFloat2; ofFloat2.addUpdateListener(new a(1, this)); } ValueAnimator valueAnimator2 = this.centerPanelXAnimator; if (valueAnimator2 != null) { valueAnimator2.start(); } } public static /* synthetic */ void updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation$default(OverlappingPanelsLayout overlappingPanelsLayout, float f, boolean z2, long j, int i, Object obj) { if (obj == null) { if ((i & 2) != 0) { z2 = false; } if ((i & 4) != 0) { j = 250; } overlappingPanelsLayout.updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation(f, z2, j); return; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: updateCenterPanelXWithAnimation"); } public void _$_clearFindViewByIdCache() { HashMap hashMap = this._$_findViewCache; if (hashMap != null) { hashMap.clear(); } } public View _$_findCachedViewById(int i) { if (this._$_findViewCache == null) { this._$_findViewCache = new HashMap(); } View view = (View) this._$_findViewCache.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); if (view != null) { return view; } View findViewById = findViewById(i); this._$_findViewCache.put(Integer.valueOf(i), findViewById); return findViewById; } public final void closePanels() { closePanels(false); } public final Panel getSelectedPanel() { return this.selectedPanel; } public final void handleEndPanelState(PanelState panelState) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(panelState, "endPanelState"); PanelState panelState2 = this.endPanelState; PanelState.c cVar = PanelState.c.a; if (m.areEqual(panelState, cVar) && (!m.areEqual(panelState2, cVar))) { openEndPanel(); } else if ((panelState instanceof PanelState.a) && m.areEqual(panelState2, cVar)) { closePanels(); } this.endPanelState = panelState; } public final void handleStartPanelState(PanelState panelState) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(panelState, "startPanelState"); PanelState panelState2 = this.startPanelState; PanelState.c cVar = PanelState.c.a; if (m.areEqual(panelState, cVar) && (!m.areEqual(panelState2, cVar))) { openStartPanel(); } else if (m.areEqual(panelState, PanelState.a.a) && m.areEqual(panelState2, cVar)) { closePanels(); } this.startPanelState = panelState; } @Override // android.view.ViewGroup public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(motionEvent, "event"); int actionMasked = motionEvent.getActionMasked(); boolean z2 = false; if (actionMasked != 0) { if (actionMasked != 1) { if (actionMasked == 2) { if (!this.isScrollingHorizontally) { float calculateDistanceX = calculateDistanceX(this.xFromInterceptActionDown, motionEvent); float calculateDistanceY = calculateDistanceY(this.yFromInterceptActionDown, motionEvent); boolean isTouchingChildGestureRegion = isTouchingChildGestureRegion(motionEvent); if (Math.abs(calculateDistanceX) <= this.scrollingSlopPx || Math.abs(calculateDistanceX) <= Math.abs(calculateDistanceY) || isTouchingChildGestureRegion) { return false; } this.isScrollingHorizontally = true; } } else if (actionMasked != 3) { return this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel; } } VelocityTracker velocityTracker = this.velocityTracker; if (velocityTracker != null) { velocityTracker.recycle(); } this.velocityTracker = null; return this.isScrollingHorizontally || this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel; } this.isScrollingHorizontally = false; this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel = isTouchingCenterPanelWhileSidePanelOpen(motionEvent); View view = this.centerPanel; if (view == null) { m.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("centerPanel"); } this.centerPanelDiffX = view.getX() - motionEvent.getRawX(); this.xFromInterceptActionDown = motionEvent.getX(); float y2 = motionEvent.getY(); this.yFromInterceptActionDown = y2; Resources resources = getResources(); m.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(resources, "resources"); if (Math.abs(y2 - ((float) resources.getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels)) < this.homeGestureFromBottomThreshold && this.isSystemGestureNavigationPossible) { z2 = true; } this.isHomeSystemGesture = z2; VelocityTracker velocityTracker2 = this.velocityTracker; if (velocityTracker2 == null) { VelocityTracker obtain = VelocityTracker.obtain(); this.velocityTracker = obtain; if (obtain != null) { obtain.addMovement(motionEvent); } } else if (velocityTracker2 != null) { velocityTracker2.clear(); } return this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel; } @Override // android.widget.FrameLayout, android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup public void onLayout(boolean z2, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { super.onLayout(z2, i, i2, i3, i4); if (getChildCount() == 3 && this.centerPanel == null) { initPanels(); } } @Override // android.view.View public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(motionEvent, "event"); if (this.isHomeSystemGesture) { return false; } int actionMasked = motionEvent.getActionMasked(); if (actionMasked != 0) { if (actionMasked != 1) { if (actionMasked != 2) { if (actionMasked != 3) { return false; } } else if (isTouchingChildGestureRegion(motionEvent)) { return false; } else { float calculateDistanceX = calculateDistanceX(this.xFromInterceptActionDown, motionEvent); if (Math.abs(calculateDistanceX) > this.scrollingSlopPx && this.swipeDirection == null) { this.swipeDirection = calculateDistanceX > ((float) 0) ? SwipeDirection.RIGHT : SwipeDirection.LEFT; } VelocityTracker velocityTracker = this.velocityTracker; if (velocityTracker != null) { velocityTracker.addMovement(motionEvent); } if (shouldHandleActionMoveEvent(motionEvent)) { translateCenterPanel(motionEvent); } } } if (this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel && Math.abs(motionEvent.getX() - this.xFromInterceptActionDown) < this.scrollingSlopPx && !this.isScrollingHorizontally) { closePanels(); } else { VelocityTracker velocityTracker2 = this.velocityTracker; if (velocityTracker2 != null) { velocityTracker2.addMovement(motionEvent); } snapOpenOrClose(motionEvent); } this.wasActionDownOnClosedCenterPanel = false; this.isScrollingHorizontally = false; this.swipeDirection = null; } return true; } public final void openEndPanel() { openEndPanel(false); } public final void openStartPanel() { openStartPanel(false); } public final void registerEndPanelStateListeners(PanelStateListener... panelStateListenerArr) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(panelStateListenerArr, "panelStateListenerArgs"); for (PanelStateListener panelStateListener : panelStateListenerArr) { this.endPanelStateListeners.add(panelStateListener); } } public final void registerStartPanelStateListeners(PanelStateListener... panelStateListenerArr) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(panelStateListenerArr, "panelStateListenerArgs"); for (PanelStateListener panelStateListener : panelStateListenerArr) { this.startPanelStateListeners.add(panelStateListener); } } public final void setChildGestureRegions(List list) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(list, "childGestureRegions"); this.childGestureRegions = list; } public final void setEndPanelLockState(LockState lockState) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(lockState, "lockState"); this.endPanelLockState = lockState; if (lockState == LockState.OPEN) { openEndPanel(); } } public final void setStartPanelLockState(LockState lockState) { m.checkParameterIsNotNull(lockState, "lockState"); this.startPanelLockState = lockState; if (lockState == LockState.OPEN) { openStartPanel(); } } public final void setStartPanelUseFullPortraitWidth(boolean z2) { this.useFullWidthForStartPanel = z2; resetStartPanelWidth(); } }