package b.i.a.f.i.b; import; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.Settings; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import androidx.collection.ArrayMap; import b.c.a.a0.d; import b.i.a.f.e.o.c; import b.i.a.f.e.p.b; import b.i.a.f.h.l.a1; import b.i.a.f.h.l.a4; import b.i.a.f.h.l.c1; import b.i.a.f.h.l.d1; import b.i.a.f.h.l.da; import b.i.a.f.h.l.e1; import b.i.a.f.h.l.ea; import b.i.a.f.h.l.hb; import b.i.a.f.h.l.i1; import b.i.a.f.h.l.m9; import b.i.a.f.h.l.o8; import b.i.a.f.h.l.p9; import b.i.a.f.h.l.t8; import b.i.a.f.h.l.u0; import b.i.a.f.h.l.u4; import b.i.a.f.h.l.x7; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class k9 implements t5 { public static volatile k9 a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public p4 f1539b; public x3 c; public g d; public b4 e; public h9 f; public ba g; public final q9 h; public g7 i; public q8 j; public final u4 k; public boolean m; public long n; public List o; public int p; public int q; public boolean r; /* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */ public boolean f1540s; public boolean t; public FileLock u; public FileChannel v; public List w; /* renamed from: x reason: collision with root package name */ public List f1541x; public boolean l = false; public final v9 A = new n9(this); /* renamed from: y reason: collision with root package name */ public long f1542y = -1; /* renamed from: z reason: collision with root package name */ public final Map f1543z = new HashMap(); /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class a { public e1 a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public List f1544b; public List c; public long d; public a(k9 k9Var, j9 j9Var) { } public final void a(e1 e1Var) { this.a = e1Var; } public final boolean b(long j, a1 a1Var) { if (this.c == null) { this.c = new ArrayList(); } if (this.f1544b == null) { this.f1544b = new ArrayList(); } if (this.c.size() > 0 && ((this.c.get(0).H() / 1000) / 60) / 60 != ((a1Var.H() / 1000) / 60) / 60) { return false; } long g = this.d + a1Var.g(); if (g >= Math.max(0, p.i.a(null).intValue())) { return false; } this.d = g; this.c.add(a1Var); this.f1544b.add(Long.valueOf(j)); return this.c.size() < Math.max(1, p.j.a(null).intValue()); } } public k9(r9 r9Var) { u4 b2 = u4.b(r9Var.a, null, null); this.k = b2; q9 q9Var = new q9(this); q9Var.o(); this.h = q9Var; x3 x3Var = new x3(this); x3Var.o(); this.c = x3Var; p4 p4Var = new p4(this); p4Var.o(); this.f1539b = p4Var; b2.f().v(new j9(this, r9Var)); } public static void C(i9 i9Var) { if (i9Var == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Upload Component not created"); } else if (!i9Var.c) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(i9Var.getClass()); throw new IllegalStateException(b.d.b.a.a.i(valueOf.length() + 27, "Component not initialized: ", valueOf)); } } public static k9 b(Context context) { Objects.requireNonNull(context, "null reference"); Objects.requireNonNull(context.getApplicationContext(), "null reference"); if (a == null) { synchronized (k9.class) { if (a == null) { a = new k9(new r9(context)); } } } return a; } public static void d(a1.a aVar, int i, String str) { List v = aVar.v(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < v.size(); i2++) { if ("_err".equals(v.get(i2).B())) { return; } } c1.a Q = c1.Q(); Q.s("_err"); Q.r(Long.valueOf(i).longValue()); c1 c1Var = (c1) ((u4) Q.p()); c1.a Q2 = c1.Q(); Q2.s("_ev"); Q2.t(str); c1 c1Var2 = (c1) ((u4) Q2.p()); if (aVar.l) { aVar.n(); aVar.l = false; } a1.A((a1) aVar.k, c1Var); if (aVar.l) { aVar.n(); aVar.l = false; } a1.A((a1) aVar.k, c1Var2); } public static void e(a1.a aVar, @NonNull String str) { List v = aVar.v(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { if (str.equals(v.get(i).B())) { aVar.x(i); return; } } } public final void A(a1.a aVar, a1.a aVar2) { d.l("_e".equals(aVar.y())); N(); c1 w = q9.w((a1) ((u4) aVar.p()), "_et"); if (w.I() && w.J() > 0) { long J = w.J(); N(); c1 w2 = q9.w((a1) ((u4) aVar2.p()), "_et"); if (w2 != null && w2.J() > 0) { J += w2.J(); } N(); q9.E(aVar2, "_et", Long.valueOf(J)); N(); q9.E(aVar, "_fr", 1L); } } @WorkerThread public final void B(zzaq zzaqVar, zzn zznVar) { if (ea.b() && this.k.h.o(p.A0)) { u3 b2 = u3.b(zzaqVar); this.k.t().H(b2.d, K().h0(zznVar.j)); this.k.t().Q(b2, this.k.h.m(zznVar.j)); zzaqVar = b2.a(); } if (this.k.h.o(p.f1553e0) && "_cmp".equals(zzaqVar.j) && "referrer API v2".equals(zzaqVar.k.j.getString("_cis"))) { String string = zzaqVar.k.j.getString("gclid"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) { o(new zzku("_lgclid", zzaqVar.m, string, "auto"), zznVar); } } l(zzaqVar, zznVar); } @WorkerThread public final void D(zzku zzkuVar, zzn zznVar) { U(); P(); if (L(zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); } else if (!"_npa".equals(zzkuVar.k) || zznVar.B == null) { this.k.g().m.b("Removing user property", this.k.u().y(zzkuVar.k)); K().b0(); try { G(zznVar); K().V(zznVar.j, zzkuVar.k); K().s(); this.k.g().m.b("User property removed", this.k.u().y(zzkuVar.k)); } finally { K().e0(); } } else { this.k.g().m.a("Falling back to manifest metadata value for ad personalization"); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); o(new zzku("_npa", System.currentTimeMillis(), Long.valueOf(zznVar.B.booleanValue() ? 1L : 0L), "auto"), zznVar); } } } /* JADX WARN: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(7:158|97|(2:101|(8:103|(3:105|(2:107|(1:109))(1:110)|111)(1:112)|113|(1:115)(1:116)|117|164|119|(4:123|(1:125)|126|(1:128))))|118|164|119|(0)) */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:120:0x039d, code lost: r0 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:121:0x039e, code lost: r22.k.g().f.c("Application info is null, first open report might be inaccurate. appId", b.i.a.f.i.b.q3.s(r23.j), r0); r14 = r18; */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:123:0x03b5 A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:149:0x0488 A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x0125 A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:56:0x01d8 A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:76:0x023d A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:77:0x024a */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:82:0x025e A[Catch: all -> 0x04b4, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x04b4, blocks: (B:24:0x00ad, B:26:0x00bb, B:30:0x00c9, B:32:0x00cd, B:36:0x00dc, B:38:0x00f6, B:40:0x0100, B:43:0x0109, B:44:0x0119, B:46:0x0125, B:48:0x013c, B:49:0x0162, B:51:0x01b4, B:53:0x01c5, B:56:0x01d8, B:58:0x01e3, B:62:0x01f0, B:64:0x01fb, B:66:0x0201, B:70:0x0210, B:72:0x0213, B:74:0x0238, B:76:0x023d, B:79:0x024d, B:82:0x025e, B:85:0x0273, B:87:0x02cb, B:89:0x02d7, B:91:0x02db, B:92:0x02de, B:94:0x02fd, B:97:0x0317, B:99:0x0328, B:101:0x033f, B:103:0x0347, B:105:0x034f, B:109:0x0361, B:110:0x0367, B:113:0x036f, B:117:0x037a, B:119:0x038d, B:121:0x039e, B:123:0x03b5, B:125:0x03bb, B:126:0x03c0, B:128:0x03c6, B:131:0x03d1, B:132:0x03d4, B:135:0x03f0, B:137:0x0423, B:139:0x042b, B:141:0x042f, B:142:0x0432, B:143:0x0446, B:145:0x0454, B:147:0x046c, B:148:0x0473, B:149:0x0488, B:151:0x048c, B:152:0x04a5), top: B:162:0x00ad, inners: #0, #1, #3 }] */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void E(zzn zznVar) { a4 a4Var; a4 T; String str; long j; long j2; String str2; PackageInfo packageInfo; long j3; ApplicationInfo applicationInfo; boolean z2; U(); P(); Objects.requireNonNull(zznVar, "null reference"); d.w(zznVar.j); if (L(zznVar)) { a4 T2 = K().T(zznVar.j); if (T2 != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(T2.v()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.k)) { T2.F(0L); K().I(T2); p4 H = H(); String str3 = zznVar.j; H.b(); H.g.remove(str3); } if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } long j4 = zznVar.v; if (j4 == 0) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); j4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } j y2 = this.k.y(); y2.b(); y2.g = null; y2.h = 0L; int i = zznVar.w; if (!(i == 0 || i == 1)) { this.k.g().i.c("Incorrect app type, assuming installed app. appId, appType", q3.s(zznVar.j), Integer.valueOf(i)); i = 0; } K().b0(); try { u9 Y = K().Y(zznVar.j, "_npa"); if (Y != null && !"auto".equals(Y.f1573b)) { a4Var = null; T = K().T(zznVar.j); if (T != null) { this.k.t(); if (t9.d0(zznVar.k, T.v(), zznVar.A, T.y())) { this.k.g().i.b("New GMP App Id passed in. Removing cached database data. appId", q3.s(T.o())); g K = K(); String o = T.o(); K.n(); K.b(); d.w(o); try { SQLiteDatabase t = K.t(); String[] strArr = {o}; int delete = t.delete("events", "app_id=?", strArr) + 0 + t.delete("user_attributes", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("conditional_properties", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("apps", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("raw_events", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("raw_events_metadata", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("event_filters", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("property_filters", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("audience_filter_values", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("consent_settings", "app_id=?", strArr); if (delete > 0) { K.g().n.c("Deleted application data. app, records", o, Integer.valueOf(delete)); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { K.g().f.c("Error deleting application data. appId, error", q3.s(o), e); } T = a4Var; } } if (T != null) { if (((T.N() == -2147483648L || T.N() == zznVar.f2985s) ? false : true) || (T.N() == -2147483648L && T.M() != null && !T.M().equals(zznVar.l))) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("_pv", T.M()); l(new zzaq("_au", new zzap(bundle), "auto", j4), zznVar); G(zznVar); if ((i == 0 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_f") : i == 1 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_v") : a4Var) == null) { long j5 = ((j4 / 3600000) + 1) * 3600000; if (i == 0) { o(new zzku("_fot", j4, Long.valueOf(j5), "auto"), zznVar); U(); this.k.f1569x.a(zznVar.j); U(); P(); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putLong("_c", 1L); bundle2.putLong("_r", 1L); bundle2.putLong("_uwa", 0L); bundle2.putLong("_pfo", 0L); bundle2.putLong("_sys", 0L); bundle2.putLong("_sysu", 0L); if (this.k.h.u(zznVar.j, p.T)) { str2 = "_et"; j2 = 1; bundle2.putLong(str2, 1L); } else { str2 = "_et"; j2 = 1; } if (zznVar.f2988z) { bundle2.putLong("_dac", j2); } g K2 = K(); String str4 = zznVar.j; d.w(str4); K2.b(); K2.n(); long g02 = K2.g0(str4, "first_open_count"); if (this.k.f1567b.getPackageManager() == null) { this.k.g().f.b("PackageManager is null, first open report might be inaccurate. appId", q3.s(zznVar.j)); str = str2; j3 = g02; } else { try { packageInfo = b.a(this.k.f1567b).b(zznVar.j, 0); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e2) { this.k.g().f.c("Package info is null, first open report might be inaccurate. appId", q3.s(zznVar.j), e2); packageInfo = a4Var; } if (packageInfo != 0) { long j6 = packageInfo.firstInstallTime; if (j6 != 0) { str = str2; if (j6 != packageInfo.lastUpdateTime) { if (!this.k.h.o(p.n0)) { bundle2.putLong("_uwa", 1L); } else if (g02 == 0) { bundle2.putLong("_uwa", 1L); } z2 = false; } else { z2 = true; } j3 = g02; o(new zzku("_fi", j4, Long.valueOf(z2 ? 1L : 0L), "auto"), zznVar); applicationInfo = b.a(this.k.f1567b).a(zznVar.j, 0); if (applicationInfo != null) { if ((applicationInfo.flags & 1) != 0) { bundle2.putLong("_sys", 1L); } if ((applicationInfo.flags & 128) != 0) { bundle2.putLong("_sysu", 1L); } } } } str = str2; j3 = g02; applicationInfo = b.a(this.k.f1567b).a(zznVar.j, 0); if (applicationInfo != null) { } } if (j3 >= 0) { bundle2.putLong("_pfo", j3); } B(new zzaq("_f", new zzap(bundle2), "auto", j4), zznVar); } else { str = "_et"; if (i == 1) { o(new zzku("_fvt", j4, Long.valueOf(j5), "auto"), zznVar); U(); P(); Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle(); bundle3.putLong("_c", 1L); bundle3.putLong("_r", 1L); if (this.k.h.u(zznVar.j, p.T)) { j = 1; bundle3.putLong(str, 1L); } else { j = 1; } if (zznVar.f2988z) { bundle3.putLong("_dac", j); } B(new zzaq("_v", new zzap(bundle3), "auto", j4), zznVar); } } if (!this.k.h.u(zznVar.j, p.U)) { Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle(); bundle4.putLong(str, 1L); if (this.k.h.u(zznVar.j, p.T)) { bundle4.putLong("_fr", 1L); } B(new zzaq("_e", new zzap(bundle4), "auto", j4), zznVar); } } else if (zznVar.r) { B(new zzaq("_cd", new zzap(new Bundle()), "auto", j4), zznVar); } K().s(); } } G(zznVar); if ((i == 0 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_f") : i == 1 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_v") : a4Var) == null) { } K().s(); } Boolean bool = zznVar.B; if (bool != null) { a4Var = null; zzku zzkuVar = new zzku("_npa", j4, Long.valueOf(bool.booleanValue() ? 1L : 0L), "auto"); if (Y == null || !Y.e.equals(zzkuVar.m)) { o(zzkuVar, zznVar); } } else { a4Var = null; if (Y != null) { D(new zzku("_npa", j4, null, "auto"), zznVar); } } T = K().T(zznVar.j); if (T != null) { } if (T != null) { } G(zznVar); if ((i == 0 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_f") : i == 1 ? K().z(zznVar.j, "_v") : a4Var) == null) { } K().s(); } finally { K().e0(); } } } @WorkerThread public final void F(zzz zzzVar, zzn zznVar) { Objects.requireNonNull(zzzVar, "null reference"); d.w(zzzVar.j); Objects.requireNonNull(zzzVar.l, "null reference"); d.w(zzzVar.l.k); U(); P(); if (L(zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } K().b0(); try { G(zznVar); zzz Z = K().Z(zzzVar.j, zzzVar.l.k); if (Z != null) { this.k.g().m.c("Removing conditional user property", zzzVar.j, this.k.u().y(zzzVar.l.k)); K().a0(zzzVar.j, zzzVar.l.k); if (Z.n) { K().V(zzzVar.j, zzzVar.l.k); } zzaq zzaqVar = zzzVar.t; if (zzaqVar != null) { Bundle bundle = null; zzap zzapVar = zzaqVar.k; if (zzapVar != null) { bundle = zzapVar.x0(); } t9 t = this.k.t(); String str = zzzVar.j; zzaq zzaqVar2 = zzzVar.t; I(t.B(str, zzaqVar2.j, bundle, Z.k, zzaqVar2.m, true, x7.b() && this.k.h.o(p.M0)), zznVar); } } else { this.k.g().i.c("Conditional user property doesn't exist", q3.s(zzzVar.j), this.k.u().y(zzzVar.l.k)); } K().s(); } finally { K().e0(); } } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:129:0x02bf */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:132:0x02d1 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:157:0x0351 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:165:0x0375 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:168:0x0383 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:171:0x0391 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:181:0x03ce */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:184:0x03dc */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:187:0x03ea */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:195:0x0407 */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final a4 G(zzn zznVar) { long j; String str; long j2; U(); P(); Objects.requireNonNull(zznVar, "null reference"); d.w(zznVar.j); a4 T = K().T(zznVar.j); d dVar = d.a; d h = (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) ? dVar : a(zznVar.j).h(d.b(zznVar.F)); String t = (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || h.j()) ? this.j.t(zznVar.j) : ""; if (!((p9) m9.j.a()).a() || !this.k.h.o(p.o0)) { if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { dVar = a(zznVar.j).h(d.b(zznVar.F)); } boolean z2 = true; if (T == null) { T = new a4(this.k, zznVar.j); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { T.c(W()); T.x(t); } else { if (dVar.k()) { T.c(c(dVar)); } if (dVar.j()) { T.x(t); } } } else if ((!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || dVar.j()) && !t.equals(T.E())) { T.x(t); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { T.c(W()); } else if (dVar.k()) { T.c(c(dVar)); } } else if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(T.s()) || !dVar.k()) { z2 = false; if (!TextUtils.equals(zznVar.k, T.v())) { T.m(zznVar.k); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(zznVar.A, T.y())) { T.q(zznVar.A); z2 = true; } if (da.b() && this.k.h.u(T.o(), p.f1558j0) && !TextUtils.equals(zznVar.E, T.B())) { T.u(zznVar.E); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.t) && !zznVar.t.equals(T.H())) { T.A(zznVar.t); z2 = true; } j = zznVar.n; if (!(j == 0 || j == T.P())) { T.t(zznVar.n); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.l) && !zznVar.l.equals(T.M())) { T.D(zznVar.l); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.f2985s != T.N()) { T.p(zznVar.f2985s); z2 = true; } str = zznVar.m; if (str != null && !str.equals(T.O())) { T.G(zznVar.m); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.o != T.Q()) { T.w(zznVar.o); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.q != T.T()) { T.e(zznVar.q); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.p)) { String str2 = zznVar.p; T.a.f().b(); if (!str2.equals(T.D)) { T.J(zznVar.p); z2 = true; } } if (!this.k.h.o(p.y0) && zznVar.u != T.g()) { T.R(zznVar.u); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.f2986x != T.h()) { T.n(zznVar.f2986x); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.f2987y != T.i()) { T.r(zznVar.f2987y); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.B != T.j()) { T.b(zznVar.B); z2 = true; } j2 = zznVar.C; if (j2 == 0 && j2 != T.S()) { T.z(zznVar.C); } if (z2) { K().I(T); } return T; } else { T.c(c(dVar)); } z2 = true; if (!TextUtils.equals(zznVar.k, T.v())) { } if (!TextUtils.equals(zznVar.A, T.y())) { } if (da.b()) { T.u(zznVar.E); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.t)) { T.A(zznVar.t); z2 = true; } j = zznVar.n; if (j == 0) { T.t(zznVar.n); z2 = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.l)) { T.D(zznVar.l); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.f2985s != T.N()) { } str = zznVar.m; if (str != null) { T.G(zznVar.m); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.o != T.Q()) { } if (zznVar.q != T.T()) { } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.p)) { } if (!this.k.h.o(p.y0)) { T.R(zznVar.u); z2 = true; } if (zznVar.f2986x != T.h()) { } if (zznVar.f2987y != T.i()) { } if (zznVar.B != T.j()) { } j2 = zznVar.C; if (j2 == 0) { } if (z2) { } return T; } if (T == null) { T = new a4(this.k, zznVar.j); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { T.c(W()); T.x(t); } else { if (h.k()) { T.c(c(h)); } if (h.j()) { T.x(t); } } } else if ((!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || h.j()) && !t.equals(T.E())) { T.x(t); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { T.c(W()); } else { T.c(c(h)); } } else if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0) && TextUtils.isEmpty(T.s()) && h.k()) { T.c(c(h)); } T.m(zznVar.k); T.q(zznVar.A); if (da.b() && this.k.h.u(T.o(), p.f1558j0)) { T.u(zznVar.E); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.t)) { T.A(zznVar.t); } long j3 = zznVar.n; if (j3 != 0) { T.t(j3); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.l)) { T.D(zznVar.l); } T.p(zznVar.f2985s); String str3 = zznVar.m; if (str3 != null) { T.G(str3); } T.w(zznVar.o); T.e(zznVar.q); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.p)) { T.J(zznVar.p); } if (!this.k.h.o(p.y0)) { T.R(zznVar.u); } T.n(zznVar.f2986x); T.r(zznVar.f2987y); T.b(zznVar.B); T.z(zznVar.C); T.a.f().b(); if (T.E) { K().I(T); } return T; } public final p4 H() { C(this.f1539b); return this.f1539b; } /* JADX WARN: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(13:73|(1:75)(1:76)|77|(2:79|(1:81)(6:82|83|90|(1:92)|94|(0)))|84|303|85|89|83|90|(0)|94|(0)) */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:289:0x0942, code lost: if (r7.e < r26.k.a().s(r4.a)) goto L_0x0944; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:290:0x0944, code lost: r5 = true; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:86:0x0280, code lost: r0 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:88:0x0282, code lost: r7.g().z().c("Error pruning currencies. appId", b.i.a.f.i.b.q3.s(r15), r0); */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:102:0x0352 A[Catch: all -> 0x099c, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x099c, blocks: (B:37:0x013e, B:40:0x014d, B:42:0x0157, B:47:0x0163, B:54:0x0175, B:57:0x0181, B:59:0x0198, B:64:0x01b1, B:67:0x01bf, B:68:0x01dc, B:69:0x01e6, B:71:0x01ec, B:73:0x01fa, B:75:0x0202, B:76:0x0207, B:77:0x020c, B:79:0x0217, B:82:0x021e, B:84:0x0248, B:85:0x0267, B:88:0x0282, B:89:0x0293, B:90:0x02b0, B:92:0x02ba, B:96:0x02f3, B:100:0x0305, B:102:0x0352, B:104:0x0357, B:105:0x0370, B:109:0x0381, B:111:0x0396, B:113:0x039b, B:114:0x03b4, B:118:0x03d9, B:122:0x03fe, B:123:0x0417, B:126:0x0426, B:129:0x0449, B:130:0x0465, B:132:0x046f, B:134:0x047b, B:136:0x0481, B:137:0x048c, B:139:0x0498, B:140:0x04af, B:142:0x04d7, B:145:0x04f0, B:148:0x0536, B:149:0x0540, B:150:0x054e, B:152:0x0585, B:153:0x058a, B:155:0x0592, B:156:0x0597, B:158:0x059f, B:159:0x05a4, B:161:0x05ad, B:162:0x05b1, B:164:0x05be, B:165:0x05c3, B:167:0x05c9, B:169:0x05d7, B:170:0x05ee, B:172:0x05f4, B:174:0x0604, B:176:0x060e, B:178:0x0616, B:179:0x061b, B:181:0x0625, B:183:0x062f, B:185:0x0637, B:186:0x063d, B:188:0x0647, B:190:0x064f, B:191:0x0654, B:193:0x065c, B:194:0x065f, B:196:0x066e, B:197:0x0671, B:199:0x0687, B:201:0x0695, B:203:0x069b, B:205:0x06ad, B:207:0x06b1, B:209:0x06bc, B:210:0x06c7, B:212:0x06d9, B:214:0x06dd, B:216:0x06e3, B:218:0x06f3, B:220:0x0705, B:221:0x071f, B:223:0x0725, B:224:0x073c, B:225:0x073f, B:227:0x0784, B:228:0x0789, B:230:0x0791, B:232:0x0797, B:234:0x07a5, B:235:0x07a9, B:236:0x07ac, B:239:0x07b4, B:240:0x07b7, B:241:0x07b8, B:243:0x07c4, B:245:0x07d3, B:247:0x07e1, B:248:0x07e9, B:249:0x07f0, B:251:0x0800, B:253:0x080e, B:255:0x0814, B:256:0x081f, B:258:0x0854, B:259:0x0859, B:260:0x0865, B:262:0x086b, B:264:0x0879, B:266:0x087f, B:268:0x0889, B:269:0x0890, B:271:0x089a, B:272:0x08a1, B:273:0x08ac, B:275:0x08b2, B:277:0x08e1, B:278:0x08f1, B:280:0x08f9, B:281:0x08fd, B:283:0x0906, B:286:0x0913, B:288:0x0931, B:292:0x0947, B:294:0x094d, B:296:0x0951, B:297:0x0969), top: B:307:0x013e, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:108:0x037f */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:54:0x0175 A[Catch: all -> 0x099c, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x099c, blocks: (B:37:0x013e, B:40:0x014d, B:42:0x0157, B:47:0x0163, B:54:0x0175, B:57:0x0181, B:59:0x0198, B:64:0x01b1, B:67:0x01bf, B:68:0x01dc, B:69:0x01e6, B:71:0x01ec, B:73:0x01fa, B:75:0x0202, B:76:0x0207, B:77:0x020c, B:79:0x0217, B:82:0x021e, B:84:0x0248, B:85:0x0267, B:88:0x0282, B:89:0x0293, B:90:0x02b0, B:92:0x02ba, B:96:0x02f3, B:100:0x0305, B:102:0x0352, B:104:0x0357, B:105:0x0370, B:109:0x0381, B:111:0x0396, B:113:0x039b, B:114:0x03b4, B:118:0x03d9, B:122:0x03fe, B:123:0x0417, B:126:0x0426, B:129:0x0449, B:130:0x0465, B:132:0x046f, B:134:0x047b, B:136:0x0481, B:137:0x048c, B:139:0x0498, B:140:0x04af, B:142:0x04d7, B:145:0x04f0, B:148:0x0536, B:149:0x0540, B:150:0x054e, B:152:0x0585, B:153:0x058a, B:155:0x0592, B:156:0x0597, B:158:0x059f, B:159:0x05a4, B:161:0x05ad, B:162:0x05b1, B:164:0x05be, B:165:0x05c3, B:167:0x05c9, B:169:0x05d7, B:170:0x05ee, B:172:0x05f4, B:174:0x0604, B:176:0x060e, B:178:0x0616, B:179:0x061b, B:181:0x0625, B:183:0x062f, B:185:0x0637, B:186:0x063d, B:188:0x0647, B:190:0x064f, B:191:0x0654, B:193:0x065c, B:194:0x065f, B:196:0x066e, B:197:0x0671, B:199:0x0687, B:201:0x0695, B:203:0x069b, B:205:0x06ad, B:207:0x06b1, B:209:0x06bc, B:210:0x06c7, B:212:0x06d9, B:214:0x06dd, B:216:0x06e3, B:218:0x06f3, B:220:0x0705, B:221:0x071f, B:223:0x0725, B:224:0x073c, B:225:0x073f, B:227:0x0784, B:228:0x0789, B:230:0x0791, B:232:0x0797, B:234:0x07a5, B:235:0x07a9, B:236:0x07ac, B:239:0x07b4, B:240:0x07b7, B:241:0x07b8, B:243:0x07c4, B:245:0x07d3, B:247:0x07e1, B:248:0x07e9, B:249:0x07f0, B:251:0x0800, B:253:0x080e, B:255:0x0814, B:256:0x081f, B:258:0x0854, B:259:0x0859, B:260:0x0865, B:262:0x086b, B:264:0x0879, B:266:0x087f, B:268:0x0889, B:269:0x0890, B:271:0x089a, B:272:0x08a1, B:273:0x08ac, B:275:0x08b2, B:277:0x08e1, B:278:0x08f1, B:280:0x08f9, B:281:0x08fd, B:283:0x0906, B:286:0x0913, B:288:0x0931, B:292:0x0947, B:294:0x094d, B:296:0x0951, B:297:0x0969), top: B:307:0x013e, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:92:0x02ba A[Catch: all -> 0x099c, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x099c, blocks: (B:37:0x013e, B:40:0x014d, B:42:0x0157, B:47:0x0163, B:54:0x0175, B:57:0x0181, B:59:0x0198, B:64:0x01b1, B:67:0x01bf, B:68:0x01dc, B:69:0x01e6, B:71:0x01ec, B:73:0x01fa, B:75:0x0202, B:76:0x0207, B:77:0x020c, B:79:0x0217, B:82:0x021e, B:84:0x0248, B:85:0x0267, B:88:0x0282, B:89:0x0293, B:90:0x02b0, B:92:0x02ba, B:96:0x02f3, B:100:0x0305, B:102:0x0352, B:104:0x0357, B:105:0x0370, B:109:0x0381, B:111:0x0396, B:113:0x039b, B:114:0x03b4, B:118:0x03d9, B:122:0x03fe, B:123:0x0417, B:126:0x0426, B:129:0x0449, B:130:0x0465, B:132:0x046f, B:134:0x047b, B:136:0x0481, B:137:0x048c, B:139:0x0498, B:140:0x04af, B:142:0x04d7, B:145:0x04f0, B:148:0x0536, B:149:0x0540, B:150:0x054e, B:152:0x0585, B:153:0x058a, B:155:0x0592, B:156:0x0597, B:158:0x059f, B:159:0x05a4, B:161:0x05ad, B:162:0x05b1, B:164:0x05be, B:165:0x05c3, B:167:0x05c9, B:169:0x05d7, B:170:0x05ee, B:172:0x05f4, B:174:0x0604, B:176:0x060e, B:178:0x0616, B:179:0x061b, B:181:0x0625, B:183:0x062f, B:185:0x0637, B:186:0x063d, B:188:0x0647, B:190:0x064f, B:191:0x0654, B:193:0x065c, B:194:0x065f, B:196:0x066e, B:197:0x0671, B:199:0x0687, B:201:0x0695, B:203:0x069b, B:205:0x06ad, B:207:0x06b1, B:209:0x06bc, B:210:0x06c7, B:212:0x06d9, B:214:0x06dd, B:216:0x06e3, B:218:0x06f3, B:220:0x0705, B:221:0x071f, B:223:0x0725, B:224:0x073c, B:225:0x073f, B:227:0x0784, B:228:0x0789, B:230:0x0791, B:232:0x0797, B:234:0x07a5, B:235:0x07a9, B:236:0x07ac, B:239:0x07b4, B:240:0x07b7, B:241:0x07b8, B:243:0x07c4, B:245:0x07d3, B:247:0x07e1, B:248:0x07e9, B:249:0x07f0, B:251:0x0800, B:253:0x080e, B:255:0x0814, B:256:0x081f, B:258:0x0854, B:259:0x0859, B:260:0x0865, B:262:0x086b, B:264:0x0879, B:266:0x087f, B:268:0x0889, B:269:0x0890, B:271:0x089a, B:272:0x08a1, B:273:0x08ac, B:275:0x08b2, B:277:0x08e1, B:278:0x08f1, B:280:0x08f9, B:281:0x08fd, B:283:0x0906, B:286:0x0913, B:288:0x0931, B:292:0x0947, B:294:0x094d, B:296:0x0951, B:297:0x0969), top: B:307:0x013e, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:96:0x02f3 A[Catch: all -> 0x099c, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x099c, blocks: (B:37:0x013e, B:40:0x014d, B:42:0x0157, B:47:0x0163, B:54:0x0175, B:57:0x0181, B:59:0x0198, B:64:0x01b1, B:67:0x01bf, B:68:0x01dc, B:69:0x01e6, B:71:0x01ec, B:73:0x01fa, B:75:0x0202, B:76:0x0207, B:77:0x020c, B:79:0x0217, B:82:0x021e, B:84:0x0248, B:85:0x0267, B:88:0x0282, B:89:0x0293, B:90:0x02b0, B:92:0x02ba, B:96:0x02f3, B:100:0x0305, B:102:0x0352, B:104:0x0357, B:105:0x0370, B:109:0x0381, B:111:0x0396, B:113:0x039b, B:114:0x03b4, B:118:0x03d9, B:122:0x03fe, B:123:0x0417, B:126:0x0426, B:129:0x0449, B:130:0x0465, B:132:0x046f, B:134:0x047b, B:136:0x0481, B:137:0x048c, B:139:0x0498, B:140:0x04af, B:142:0x04d7, B:145:0x04f0, B:148:0x0536, B:149:0x0540, B:150:0x054e, B:152:0x0585, B:153:0x058a, B:155:0x0592, B:156:0x0597, B:158:0x059f, B:159:0x05a4, B:161:0x05ad, B:162:0x05b1, B:164:0x05be, B:165:0x05c3, B:167:0x05c9, B:169:0x05d7, B:170:0x05ee, B:172:0x05f4, B:174:0x0604, B:176:0x060e, B:178:0x0616, B:179:0x061b, B:181:0x0625, B:183:0x062f, B:185:0x0637, B:186:0x063d, B:188:0x0647, B:190:0x064f, B:191:0x0654, B:193:0x065c, B:194:0x065f, B:196:0x066e, B:197:0x0671, B:199:0x0687, B:201:0x0695, B:203:0x069b, B:205:0x06ad, B:207:0x06b1, B:209:0x06bc, B:210:0x06c7, B:212:0x06d9, B:214:0x06dd, B:216:0x06e3, B:218:0x06f3, B:220:0x0705, B:221:0x071f, B:223:0x0725, B:224:0x073c, B:225:0x073f, B:227:0x0784, B:228:0x0789, B:230:0x0791, B:232:0x0797, B:234:0x07a5, B:235:0x07a9, B:236:0x07ac, B:239:0x07b4, B:240:0x07b7, B:241:0x07b8, B:243:0x07c4, B:245:0x07d3, B:247:0x07e1, B:248:0x07e9, B:249:0x07f0, B:251:0x0800, B:253:0x080e, B:255:0x0814, B:256:0x081f, B:258:0x0854, B:259:0x0859, B:260:0x0865, B:262:0x086b, B:264:0x0879, B:266:0x087f, B:268:0x0889, B:269:0x0890, B:271:0x089a, B:272:0x08a1, B:273:0x08ac, B:275:0x08b2, B:277:0x08e1, B:278:0x08f1, B:280:0x08f9, B:281:0x08fd, B:283:0x0906, B:286:0x0913, B:288:0x0931, B:292:0x0947, B:294:0x094d, B:296:0x0951, B:297:0x0969), top: B:307:0x013e, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:99:0x0302 */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void I(zzaq zzaqVar, zzn zznVar) { boolean z2; boolean z3; long j; int i; long intValue; l lVar; u9 Y; boolean z4; long j2; u9 u9Var; Long l; a4 T; zzaq zzaqVar2 = zzaqVar; d.A(zznVar); d.w(zznVar.j); long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); U(); P(); String str = zznVar.j; N(); if (q9.O(zzaqVar, zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } boolean z5 = true; if (H().x(str, zzaqVar2.j)) { this.k.g().A().c("Dropping blacklisted event. appId", q3.s(str), this.k.u().u(zzaqVar2.j)); if (!H().C(str) && !H().D(str)) { z5 = false; } if (z5 || "_err".equals(zzaqVar2.j)) { l = null; } else { l = null; this.k.t().S(this.A, str, 11, "_ev", zzaqVar2.j, 0); } if (z5 && (T = K().T(str)) != null && Math.abs(((c) this.k.i()).a() - Math.max(T.W(), T.V())) > p.f1562z.a(l).longValue()) { this.k.g().C().a("Fetching config for blacklisted app"); n(T); return; } return; } if (o8.b() && this.k.a().o(p.w0)) { u3 b2 = u3.b(zzaqVar); this.k.t().Q(b2, this.k.a().m(str)); zzaqVar2 = b2.a(); } if (this.k.g().x(2)) { this.k.g().D().b("Logging event", this.k.u().t(zzaqVar2)); } K().b0(); try { G(zznVar); if (!"ecommerce_purchase".equals(zzaqVar2.j) && !"purchase".equals(zzaqVar2.j) && !"refund".equals(zzaqVar2.j)) { z2 = false; if (!"_iap".equals(zzaqVar2.j) && !z2) { z3 = false; if (!z3) { String A0 = zzaqVar2.k.A0("currency"); if (z2) { double doubleValue = zzaqVar2.k.z0("value").doubleValue() * 1000000.0d; if (doubleValue == ShadowDrawableWrapper.COS_45) { doubleValue = zzaqVar2.k.y0("value").longValue() * 1000000.0d; } if (doubleValue > 9.223372036854776E18d || doubleValue < -9.223372036854776E18d) { this.k.g().A().c("Data lost. Currency value is too big. appId", q3.s(str), Double.valueOf(doubleValue)); j = nanoTime; i = 0; z4 = false; if (!z4) { K().s(); return; } } else { j2 = Math.round(doubleValue); if ("refund".equals(zzaqVar2.j)) { j2 = -j2; } } } else { j2 = zzaqVar2.k.y0("value").longValue(); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(A0)) { String upperCase = A0.toUpperCase(Locale.US); if (upperCase.matches("[A-Z]{3}")) { String concat = upperCase.length() != 0 ? "_ltv_".concat(upperCase) : new String("_ltv_"); u9 Y2 = K().Y(str, concat); if (Y2 != null) { Object obj = Y2.e; if (obj instanceof Long) { j = nanoTime; i = 0; u9Var = new u9(str, zzaqVar2.l, concat, ((c) this.k.i()).a(), Long.valueOf(((Long) obj).longValue() + j2)); if (!K().M(u9Var)) { this.k.g().z().d("Too many unique user properties are set. Ignoring user property. appId", q3.s(str), this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); this.k.t().S(this.A, str, 9, null, null, 0); } z4 = true; if (!z4) { } } } j = nanoTime; i = 0; g K = K(); int q = this.k.a().q(str, p.E) - 1; d.w(str); K.b(); K.n(); K.t().execSQL("delete from user_attributes where app_id=? and name in (select name from user_attributes where app_id=? and name like '_ltv_%' order by set_timestamp desc limit ?,10);", new String[]{str, str, String.valueOf(q)}); u9Var = new u9(str, zzaqVar2.l, concat, ((c) this.k.i()).a(), Long.valueOf(j2)); if (!K().M(u9Var)) { } z4 = true; if (!z4) { } } } j = nanoTime; i = 0; z4 = true; if (!z4) { } } else { j = nanoTime; i = 0; } boolean X = t9.X(zzaqVar2.j); boolean equals = "_err".equals(zzaqVar2.j); this.k.t(); f x2 = K().x(V(), str, t9.v(zzaqVar2.k) + 1, true, X, false, equals, false); intValue = x2.f1529b - p.k.a(null).intValue(); if (intValue <= 0) { if (intValue % 1000 == 1) { this.k.g().z().c("Data loss. Too many events logged. appId, count", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(x2.f1529b)); } K().s(); return; } if (X) { long intValue2 = x2.a - p.m.a(null).intValue(); if (intValue2 > 0) { if (intValue2 % 1000 == 1) { this.k.g().z().c("Data loss. Too many public events logged. appId, count", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(x2.a)); } this.k.t().S(this.A, str, 16, "_ev", zzaqVar2.j, 0); K().s(); return; } } if (equals) { long max = x2.d - Math.max(i, Math.min(1000000, this.k.a().q(zznVar.j, p.l))); if (max > 0) { if (max == 1) { this.k.g().z().c("Too many error events logged. appId, count", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(x2.d)); } K().s(); return; } } Bundle x0 = zzaqVar2.k.x0(); this.k.t().I(x0, "_o", zzaqVar2.l); if (this.k.t().s0(str)) { this.k.t().I(x0, "_dbg", 1L); this.k.t().I(x0, "_r", 1L); } if ("_s".equals(zzaqVar2.j) && (Y = K().Y(zznVar.j, "_sno")) != null && (Y.e instanceof Long)) { this.k.t().I(x0, "_sno", Y.e); } long X2 = K().X(str); if (X2 > 0) { this.k.g().A().c("Data lost. Too many events stored on disk, deleted. appId", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(X2)); } m mVar = new m(this.k, zzaqVar2.l, str, zzaqVar2.j, zzaqVar2.m, 0L, x0); l z6 = K().z(str, mVar.f1546b); if (z6 != null) { mVar = mVar.a(this.k, z6.f); lVar = z6.a(mVar.d); } else if (K().f0(str) < this.k.a().p(str) || !X) { lVar = new l(str, mVar.f1546b, mVar.d); } else { this.k.g().z().d("Too many event names used, ignoring event. appId, name, supported count", q3.s(str), this.k.u().u(mVar.f1546b), Integer.valueOf(this.k.a().p(str))); this.k.t().S(this.A, str, 8, null, null, 0); return; } K().H(lVar); U(); P(); d.A(mVar); d.A(zznVar); d.w(mVar.a); d.l(mVar.a.equals(zznVar.j)); e1.a u0 = e1.u0(); u0.q(); u0.x("android"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.j)) { u0.X(zznVar.j); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.m)) { u0.T(zznVar.m); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.l)) { u0.a0(zznVar.l); } long j3 = zznVar.f2985s; if (j3 != -2147483648L) { u0.c0((int) j3); } u0.W(zznVar.n); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.k)) { u0.m0(zznVar.k); } if (t8.b() && this.k.a().o(p.J0)) { u0.w0(a(zznVar.j).h(d.b(zznVar.F)).d()); } if (da.b() && this.k.a().v(zznVar.j, p.f1558j0)) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(u0.s0()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.E)) { u0.u0(zznVar.E); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(u0.s0()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(u0.x0()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.A)) { u0.r0(zznVar.A); } } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(u0.s0()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.A)) { u0.r0(zznVar.A); } long j4 = zznVar.o; if (j4 != 0) { u0.d0(j4); } u0.l0(zznVar.C); List U = N().U(); if (U != null) { u0.M(U); } d h = a(zznVar.j).h(d.b(zznVar.F)); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.a().o(p.J0) || h.j()) { Pair s2 = this.j.s(zznVar.j, h); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty((CharSequence) s2.first)) { if (zznVar.f2986x) { u0.e0((String) s2.first); Object obj2 = s2.second; if (obj2 != null) { u0.y(((Boolean) obj2).booleanValue()); } } } else if (!this.k.y().s(this.k.j()) && zznVar.f2987y && (!hb.b() || !this.k.a().v(zznVar.j, p.G0))) { String string = Settings.Secure.getString(this.k.j().getContentResolver(), "android_id"); if (string == null) { this.k.g().A().b("null secure ID. appId", q3.s(u0.k0())); string = "null"; } else if (string.isEmpty()) { this.k.g().A().b("empty secure ID. appId", q3.s(u0.k0())); } u0.o0(string); } } this.k.y().o(); u0.J(Build.MODEL); this.k.y().o(); u0.E(Build.VERSION.RELEASE); u0.V((int) this.k.y().t()); u0.N(this.k.y().u()); if (!this.k.a().o(p.y0)) { u0.i0(zznVar.u); } if (this.k.d()) { if (!t8.b() || !this.k.a().o(p.J0)) { u0.k0(); } else { u0.k0(); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(null)) { u0.q0(); throw null; } } a4 T2 = K().T(zznVar.j); if (T2 == null) { T2 = new a4(this.k, zznVar.j); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.a().o(p.J0)) { T2.c(W()); } else { T2.c(c(h)); } T2.A(zznVar.t); T2.m(zznVar.k); if (!t8.b() || !this.k.a().o(p.J0) || h.j()) { T2.x(this.j.t(zznVar.j)); } T2.C(0L); T2.a(0L); T2.l(0L); T2.D(zznVar.l); T2.p(zznVar.f2985s); T2.G(zznVar.m); T2.t(zznVar.n); T2.w(zznVar.o); T2.e(zznVar.q); if (!this.k.a().o(p.y0)) { T2.R(zznVar.u); } T2.z(zznVar.C); K().I(T2); } if ((!t8.b() || !this.k.a().o(p.J0) || h.k()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(T2.s())) { u0.h0(T2.s()); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(T2.H())) { u0.n0(T2.H()); } List C = K().C(zznVar.j); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < C.size(); i2++) { i1.a L = i1.L(); L.r(C.get(i2).c); L.q(C.get(i2).d); N().G(L, C.get(i2).e); u0.u(L); } try { long v = K().v((e1) ((u4) u0.p())); g K2 = K(); zzap zzapVar = mVar.f; if (zzapVar != null) { Iterator it = zzapVar.iterator(); while (true) { n nVar = (n) it; if (nVar.hasNext()) { if ("_r".equals((String) { break; } } else { boolean y2 = H().y(mVar.a, mVar.f1546b); f y3 = K().y(V(), mVar.a, false, false); if (y2) { } } } } boolean z7 = false; if (K2.L(mVar, v, z7)) { this.n = 0L; } } catch (IOException e) { this.k.g().z().c("Data loss. Failed to insert raw event metadata. appId", q3.s(u0.k0()), e); } K().s(); K().e0(); w(); this.k.g().D().b("Background event processing time, ms", Long.valueOf(((System.nanoTime() - j) + 500000) / 1000000)); return; } z3 = true; if (!z3) { } boolean X3 = t9.X(zzaqVar2.j); boolean equals2 = "_err".equals(zzaqVar2.j); this.k.t(); f x22 = K().x(V(), str, t9.v(zzaqVar2.k) + 1, true, X3, false, equals2, false); intValue = x22.f1529b - p.k.a(null).intValue(); if (intValue <= 0) { } } z2 = true; if (!"_iap".equals(zzaqVar2.j)) { z3 = false; if (!z3) { } boolean X32 = t9.X(zzaqVar2.j); boolean equals22 = "_err".equals(zzaqVar2.j); this.k.t(); f x222 = K().x(V(), str, t9.v(zzaqVar2.k) + 1, true, X32, false, equals22, false); intValue = x222.f1529b - p.k.a(null).intValue(); if (intValue <= 0) { } } z3 = true; if (!z3) { } boolean X322 = t9.X(zzaqVar2.j); boolean equals222 = "_err".equals(zzaqVar2.j); this.k.t(); f x2222 = K().x(V(), str, t9.v(zzaqVar2.k) + 1, true, X322, false, equals222, false); intValue = x2222.f1529b - p.k.a(null).intValue(); if (intValue <= 0) { } } finally { K().e0(); } } } public final x3 J() { C(this.c); return this.c; } public final g K() { C(this.d); return this.d; } public final boolean L(zzn zznVar) { return (!da.b() || !this.k.h.u(zznVar.j, p.f1558j0)) ? !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.k) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.A) : !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.k) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.E) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(zznVar.A); } public final ba M() { C(this.g); return this.g; } public final q9 N() { C(this.h); return this.h; } public final o3 O() { return this.k.u(); } public final void P() { if (!this.l) { throw new IllegalStateException("UploadController is not initialized"); } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:140:0x031d A[Catch: all -> 0x0407, TryCatch #1 {all -> 0x0407, blocks: (B:3:0x000c, B:5:0x0016, B:8:0x0029, B:10:0x002f, B:13:0x0042, B:15:0x004a, B:18:0x0053, B:23:0x005f, B:26:0x0072, B:28:0x007c, B:31:0x0092, B:33:0x00bb, B:35:0x00c1, B:36:0x00c4, B:38:0x00d4, B:39:0x00eb, B:41:0x00fb, B:43:0x0101, B:44:0x010b, B:46:0x0131, B:48:0x0137, B:50:0x0143, B:52:0x014d, B:53:0x0151, B:55:0x0157, B:57:0x016b, B:61:0x0174, B:63:0x017a, B:65:0x018e, B:67:0x0198, B:68:0x019d, B:69:0x01a0, B:71:0x01c5, B:73:0x01cb, B:75:0x01d7, B:79:0x01e4, B:81:0x01ea, B:83:0x01f6, B:88:0x0204, B:90:0x020a, B:92:0x0216, B:99:0x0227, B:101:0x024f, B:102:0x0254, B:104:0x025f, B:105:0x0264, B:107:0x026f, B:108:0x0274, B:110:0x027d, B:112:0x0281, B:113:0x0286, B:114:0x028d, B:116:0x0293, B:119:0x02a1, B:121:0x02a5, B:122:0x02aa, B:124:0x02b5, B:125:0x02ba, B:127:0x02c3, B:129:0x02c7, B:130:0x02cc, B:131:0x02d3, B:133:0x02df, B:135:0x02f7, B:136:0x02fc, B:137:0x0303, B:138:0x030e, B:140:0x031d, B:142:0x032f, B:143:0x0347, B:147:0x0355, B:149:0x035c, B:150:0x036a, B:151:0x0373, B:153:0x0382, B:154:0x038e, B:155:0x03c4, B:156:0x03d6, B:158:0x03f4, B:160:0x03fe), top: B:168:0x000c, inners: #0 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:141:0x032e */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:145:0x0352 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:146:0x0354 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:149:0x035c A[Catch: MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, all -> 0x0407, TryCatch #0 {MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, blocks: (B:143:0x0347, B:147:0x0355, B:149:0x035c, B:150:0x036a, B:151:0x0373, B:153:0x0382, B:154:0x038e), top: B:166:0x0347, outer: #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:150:0x036a A[Catch: MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, all -> 0x0407, TryCatch #0 {MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, blocks: (B:143:0x0347, B:147:0x0355, B:149:0x035c, B:150:0x036a, B:151:0x0373, B:153:0x0382, B:154:0x038e), top: B:166:0x0347, outer: #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:153:0x0382 A[Catch: MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, all -> 0x0407, TryCatch #0 {MalformedURLException -> 0x03c4, blocks: (B:143:0x0347, B:147:0x0355, B:149:0x035c, B:150:0x036a, B:151:0x0373, B:153:0x0382, B:154:0x038e), top: B:166:0x0347, outer: #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:99:0x0227 A[Catch: all -> 0x0407, TryCatch #1 {all -> 0x0407, blocks: (B:3:0x000c, B:5:0x0016, B:8:0x0029, B:10:0x002f, B:13:0x0042, B:15:0x004a, B:18:0x0053, B:23:0x005f, B:26:0x0072, B:28:0x007c, B:31:0x0092, B:33:0x00bb, B:35:0x00c1, B:36:0x00c4, B:38:0x00d4, B:39:0x00eb, B:41:0x00fb, B:43:0x0101, B:44:0x010b, B:46:0x0131, B:48:0x0137, B:50:0x0143, B:52:0x014d, B:53:0x0151, B:55:0x0157, B:57:0x016b, B:61:0x0174, B:63:0x017a, B:65:0x018e, B:67:0x0198, B:68:0x019d, B:69:0x01a0, B:71:0x01c5, B:73:0x01cb, B:75:0x01d7, B:79:0x01e4, B:81:0x01ea, B:83:0x01f6, B:88:0x0204, B:90:0x020a, B:92:0x0216, B:99:0x0227, B:101:0x024f, B:102:0x0254, B:104:0x025f, B:105:0x0264, B:107:0x026f, B:108:0x0274, B:110:0x027d, B:112:0x0281, B:113:0x0286, B:114:0x028d, B:116:0x0293, B:119:0x02a1, B:121:0x02a5, B:122:0x02aa, B:124:0x02b5, B:125:0x02ba, B:127:0x02c3, B:129:0x02c7, B:130:0x02cc, B:131:0x02d3, B:133:0x02df, B:135:0x02f7, B:136:0x02fc, B:137:0x0303, B:138:0x030e, B:140:0x031d, B:142:0x032f, B:143:0x0347, B:147:0x0355, B:149:0x035c, B:150:0x036a, B:151:0x0373, B:153:0x0382, B:154:0x038e, B:155:0x03c4, B:156:0x03d6, B:158:0x03f4, B:160:0x03fe), top: B:168:0x000c, inners: #0 }] */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void Q() { a4 T; boolean z2; boolean z3; int i; String a2; String str; U(); P(); this.t = true; try { Boolean bool = this.k.x().e; if (bool == null) { this.k.g().i.a("Upload data called on the client side before use of service was decided"); } else if (bool.booleanValue()) { this.k.g().f.a("Upload called in the client side when service should be used"); } else if (this.n > 0) { w(); } else { U(); if (this.w != null) { this.k.g().n.a("Uploading requested multiple times"); } else if (!J().u()) { this.k.g().n.a("Network not connected, ignoring upload request"); w(); } else { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); int q = this.k.h.q(null, p.Q); long longValue = currentTimeMillis - p.d.a(null).longValue(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < q && t(longValue); i2++) { } long a3 = this.k.o().f.a(); if (a3 != 0) { this.k.g().m.b("Uploading events. Elapsed time since last upload attempt (ms)", Long.valueOf(Math.abs(currentTimeMillis - a3))); } String u = K().u(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(u)) { if (this.f1542y == -1) { this.f1542y = K().j0(); } List> D = K().D(u, this.k.h.q(u, p.g), Math.max(0, this.k.h.q(u, p.h))); if (!D.isEmpty()) { if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || a(u).j()) { Iterator> it = D.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { str = null; break; } e1 e1Var = (e1); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(e1Var.J())) { str = e1Var.J(); break; } } if (str != null) { int i3 = 0; while (true) { if (i3 >= D.size()) { break; } e1 e1Var2 = (e1) D.get(i3).first; if (!(TextUtils.isEmpty(e1Var2.J()) || e1Var2.J().equals(str))) { D = D.subList(0, i3); break; } i3++; } } } d1.a x2 = d1.x(); int size = D.size(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(D.size()); boolean z4 = "1".equals(this.k.h.c.h(u, "gaia_collection_enabled")) && (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || a(u).j()); try { if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0) && !a(u).j()) { z2 = false; if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0) && !a(u).k()) { z3 = false; i = 0; while (i < size) { e1.a t = ((e1) D.get(i).first).t(); arrayList.add((Long) D.get(i).second); if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.W0((e1) t.k, 33025L); if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.y((e1) t.k, currentTimeMillis); if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.m0((e1) t.k, false); if (!z4) { if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.i1((e1) t.k); } if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { if (!z2) { if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.F0((e1) t.k); if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.L0((e1) t.k); } if (!z3) { if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.Q0((e1) t.k); } } if (this.k.h.u(u, p.X)) { long t2 = N().t(((e1) ((u4) t.p())).d()); if (t.l) { t.n(); t.l = false; } e1.p1((e1) t.k, t2); } x2.q(t); i++; arrayList = arrayList; } String z5 = !this.k.g().x(2) ? N().z((d1) ((u4) x2.p())) : null; N(); byte[] d = ((d1) ((u4) x2.p())).d(); a2 = p.q.a(null); URL url = new URL(a2); d.l(arrayList.isEmpty()); if (this.w == null) { this.k.g().f.a("Set uploading progress before finishing the previous upload"); } else { this.w = new ArrayList(arrayList); } this.k.o().g.b(currentTimeMillis); String str2 = "?"; if (size > 0) { str2 = ((d1) x2.k).u().G1(); } this.k.g().n.d("Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data", str2, Integer.valueOf(d.length), z5); this.f1540s = true; x3 J = J(); m9 m9Var = new m9(this, u); J.b(); J.n(); J.f().x(new c4(J, u, url, d, null, m9Var)); } z3 = true; i = 0; while (i < size) { } if (!this.k.g().x(2)) { } N(); byte[] d2 = ((d1) ((u4) x2.p())).d(); a2 = p.q.a(null); URL url2 = new URL(a2); d.l(arrayList.isEmpty()); if (this.w == null) { } this.k.o().g.b(currentTimeMillis); String str22 = "?"; if (size > 0) { } this.k.g().n.d("Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data", str22, Integer.valueOf(d2.length), z5); this.f1540s = true; x3 J2 = J(); m9 m9Var2 = new m9(this, u); J2.b(); J2.n(); J2.f().x(new c4(J2, u, url2, d2, null, m9Var2)); } if (t8.b()) { z3 = false; i = 0; while (i < size) { } if (!this.k.g().x(2)) { } N(); byte[] d22 = ((d1) ((u4) x2.p())).d(); a2 = p.q.a(null); URL url22 = new URL(a2); d.l(arrayList.isEmpty()); if (this.w == null) { } this.k.o().g.b(currentTimeMillis); String str222 = "?"; if (size > 0) { } this.k.g().n.d("Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data", str222, Integer.valueOf(d22.length), z5); this.f1540s = true; x3 J22 = J(); m9 m9Var22 = new m9(this, u); J22.b(); J22.n(); J22.f().x(new c4(J22, u, url22, d22, null, m9Var22)); } URL url222 = new URL(a2); d.l(arrayList.isEmpty()); if (this.w == null) { } this.k.o().g.b(currentTimeMillis); String str2222 = "?"; if (size > 0) { } this.k.g().n.d("Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data", str2222, Integer.valueOf(d22.length), z5); this.f1540s = true; x3 J222 = J(); m9 m9Var222 = new m9(this, u); J222.b(); J222.n(); J222.f().x(new c4(J222, u, url222, d22, null, m9Var222)); } catch (MalformedURLException unused) { this.k.g().f.c("Failed to parse upload URL. Not uploading. appId", q3.s(u), a2); } z2 = true; z3 = true; i = 0; while (i < size) { } if (!this.k.g().x(2)) { } N(); byte[] d222 = ((d1) ((u4) x2.p())).d(); a2 = p.q.a(null); } } else { this.f1542y = -1L; String B = K().B(currentTimeMillis - p.d.a(null).longValue()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(B) && (T = K().T(B)) != null) { n(T); } } } } } finally { this.t = false; x(); } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x00a3 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:42:0x010b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:43:0x0122 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:57:0x018b */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x01a1 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:65:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void R() { boolean z2; int i; int i2; int read; FileLock tryLock; FileLock fileLock; U(); P(); if (!this.m) { boolean z3 = true; this.m = true; U(); if (!this.k.h.o(p.f1557i0) || (fileLock = this.u) == null || !fileLock.isValid()) { try { FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile(new File(this.k.f1567b.getFilesDir(), "google_app_measurement.db"), "rw").getChannel(); this.v = channel; tryLock = channel.tryLock(); this.u = tryLock; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { this.k.g().f.b("Failed to acquire storage lock", e); } catch (IOException e2) { this.k.g().f.b("Failed to access storage lock file", e2); } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e3) { this.k.g().i.b("Storage lock already acquired", e3); } if (tryLock != null) { this.k.g().n.a("Storage concurrent access okay"); } else { this.k.g().f.a("Storage concurrent data access panic"); z2 = false; if (!z2) { FileChannel fileChannel = this.v; U(); if (fileChannel == null || !fileChannel.isOpen()) { this.k.g().f.a("Bad channel to read from"); } else { ByteBuffer allocate = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); try { fileChannel.position(0L); read =; } catch (IOException e4) { this.k.g().f.b("Failed to read from channel", e4); } if (read == 4) { allocate.flip(); i = allocate.getInt(); n3 z4 = this.k.z(); z4.t(); i2 = z4.e; U(); if (i <= i2) { this.k.g().f.c("Panic: can't downgrade version. Previous, current version", Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2)); return; } else if (i < i2) { FileChannel fileChannel2 = this.v; U(); if (fileChannel2 == null || !fileChannel2.isOpen()) { this.k.g().f.a("Bad channel to read from"); } else { ByteBuffer allocate2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); allocate2.putInt(i2); allocate2.flip(); try { fileChannel2.truncate(0L); this.k.h.o(p.s0); fileChannel2.write(allocate2); fileChannel2.force(true); if (fileChannel2.size() != 4) { this.k.g().f.b("Error writing to channel. Bytes written", Long.valueOf(fileChannel2.size())); } } catch (IOException e5) { this.k.g().f.b("Failed to write to channel", e5); } if (!z3) { this.k.g().n.c("Storage version upgraded. Previous, current version", Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2)); return; } else { this.k.g().f.c("Storage version upgrade failed. Previous, current version", Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2)); return; } } z3 = false; if (!z3) { } } else { return; } } else if (read != -1) { this.k.g().i.b("Unexpected data length. Bytes read", Integer.valueOf(read)); } } i = 0; n3 z42 = this.k.z(); z42.t(); i2 = z42.e; U(); if (i <= i2) { } } else { return; } } } else { this.k.g().n.a("Storage concurrent access okay"); } z2 = true; if (!z2) { } } } public final b4 S() { b4 b4Var = this.e; if (b4Var != null) { return b4Var; } throw new IllegalStateException("Network broadcast receiver not created"); } public final h9 T() { C(this.f); return this.f; } @WorkerThread public final void U() { this.k.f().b(); } public final long V() { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); d4 o = this.k.o(); o.o(); o.b(); long a2 = o.j.a(); if (a2 == 0) { a2 = 1 + o.e().v0().nextInt(86400000); o.j.b(a2); } return ((((currentTimeMillis + a2) / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24; } @WorkerThread @Deprecated public final String W() { byte[] bArr = new byte[16]; this.k.t().v0().nextBytes(bArr); return String.format(Locale.US, "%032x", new BigInteger(1, bArr)); } @WorkerThread public final d a(String str) { String str2; d dVar = d.a; if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { return dVar; } U(); P(); d dVar2 = this.f1543z.get(str); if (dVar2 != null) { return dVar2; } g K = K(); Objects.requireNonNull(K); Objects.requireNonNull(str, "null reference"); K.b(); K.n(); Cursor cursor = null; try { try { cursor = K.t().rawQuery("select consent_state from consent_settings where app_id=? limit 1;", new String[]{str}); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { str2 = cursor.getString(0); cursor.close(); } else { cursor.close(); str2 = "G1"; } d b2 = d.b(str2); s(str, b2); return b2; } catch (SQLiteException e) { K.g().f.c("Database error", "select consent_state from consent_settings where app_id=? limit 1;", e); throw e; } } catch (Throwable th) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } throw th; } } @WorkerThread public final String c(d dVar) { if (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0) || dVar.k()) { return W(); } return null; } @Override // b.i.a.f.i.b.t5 public final r4 f() { return this.k.f(); } @Override // b.i.a.f.i.b.t5 public final q3 g() { return this.k.g(); } public final void h(e1.a aVar, long j, boolean z2) { u9 u9Var; boolean z3; String str = z2 ? "_se" : "_lte"; u9 Y = K().Y(aVar.k0(), str); if (Y == null || Y.e == null) { String k0 = aVar.k0(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); u9Var = new u9(k0, "auto", str, System.currentTimeMillis(), Long.valueOf(j)); } else { String k02 = aVar.k0(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); u9Var = new u9(k02, "auto", str, System.currentTimeMillis(), Long.valueOf(((Long) Y.e).longValue() + j)); } i1.a L = i1.L(); L.r(str); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); L.q(System.currentTimeMillis()); L.s(((Long) u9Var.e).longValue()); i1 i1Var = (i1) ((u4) L.p()); int s2 = q9.s(aVar, str); if (s2 >= 0) { if (aVar.l) { aVar.n(); aVar.l = false; } e1.x((e1) aVar.k, s2, i1Var); z3 = true; } else { z3 = false; } if (!z3) { if (aVar.l) { aVar.n(); aVar.l = false; } e1.A((e1) aVar.k, i1Var); } if (j > 0) { K().M(u9Var); this.k.g().n.c("Updated engagement user property. scope, value", z2 ? "session-scoped" : "lifetime", u9Var.e); } } @Override // b.i.a.f.i.b.t5 public final b.i.a.f.e.o.b i() { return this.k.o; } @Override // b.i.a.f.i.b.t5 public final Context j() { return this.k.f1567b; } @Override // b.i.a.f.i.b.t5 public final ga k() { return this.k.g; } @WorkerThread public final void l(zzaq zzaqVar, zzn zznVar) { List list; List list2; List list3; zzaq zzaqVar2 = zzaqVar; Objects.requireNonNull(zznVar, "null reference"); d.w(zznVar.j); U(); P(); String str = zznVar.j; long j = zzaqVar2.m; N(); if (q9.O(zzaqVar, zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } List list4 = zznVar.D; if (list4 != null) { if (list4.contains(zzaqVar2.j)) { Bundle x0 = zzaqVar2.k.x0(); x0.putLong("ga_safelisted", 1L); zzaqVar2 = new zzaq(zzaqVar2.j, new zzap(x0), zzaqVar2.l, zzaqVar2.m); } else { this.k.g().m.d("Dropping non-safelisted event. appId, event name, origin", str, zzaqVar2.j, zzaqVar2.l); return; } } K().b0(); try { g K = K(); d.w(str); K.b(); K.n(); int i = (j > 0L ? 1 : (j == 0L ? 0 : -1)); if (i < 0) { K.g().i.c("Invalid time querying timed out conditional properties", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(j)); list = Collections.emptyList(); } else { list = K.F("active=0 and app_id=? and abs(? - creation_timestamp) > trigger_timeout", new String[]{str, String.valueOf(j)}); } for (zzz zzzVar : list) { if (zzzVar != null) { this.k.g().n.d("User property timed out", zzzVar.j, this.k.u().y(zzzVar.l.k), zzzVar.l.w0()); zzaq zzaqVar3 = zzzVar.p; if (zzaqVar3 != null) { I(new zzaq(zzaqVar3, j), zznVar); } K().a0(str, zzzVar.l.k); } } g K2 = K(); d.w(str); K2.b(); K2.n(); if (i < 0) { K2.g().i.c("Invalid time querying expired conditional properties", q3.s(str), Long.valueOf(j)); list2 = Collections.emptyList(); } else { list2 = K2.F("active<>0 and app_id=? and abs(? - triggered_timestamp) > time_to_live", new String[]{str, String.valueOf(j)}); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list2.size()); for (zzz zzzVar2 : list2) { if (zzzVar2 != null) { this.k.g().n.d("User property expired", zzzVar2.j, this.k.u().y(zzzVar2.l.k), zzzVar2.l.w0()); K().V(str, zzzVar2.l.k); zzaq zzaqVar4 = zzzVar2.t; if (zzaqVar4 != null) { arrayList.add(zzaqVar4); } K().a0(str, zzzVar2.l.k); } } int size = arrayList.size(); int i2 = 0; while (i2 < size) { Object obj = arrayList.get(i2); i2++; I(new zzaq((zzaq) obj, j), zznVar); } g K3 = K(); String str2 = zzaqVar2.j; d.w(str); d.w(str2); K3.b(); K3.n(); if (i < 0) { K3.g().i.d("Invalid time querying triggered conditional properties", q3.s(str), K3.d().u(str2), Long.valueOf(j)); list3 = Collections.emptyList(); } else { list3 = K3.F("active=0 and app_id=? and trigger_event_name=? and abs(? - creation_timestamp) <= trigger_timeout", new String[]{str, str2, String.valueOf(j)}); } ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list3.size()); for (zzz zzzVar3 : list3) { if (zzzVar3 != null) { zzku zzkuVar = zzzVar3.l; u9 u9Var = new u9(zzzVar3.j, zzzVar3.k, zzkuVar.k, j, zzkuVar.w0()); if (K().M(u9Var)) { this.k.g().n.d("User property triggered", zzzVar3.j, this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); } else { this.k.g().f.d("Too many active user properties, ignoring", q3.s(zzzVar3.j), this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); } zzaq zzaqVar5 = zzzVar3.r; if (zzaqVar5 != null) { arrayList2.add(zzaqVar5); } zzzVar3.l = new zzku(u9Var); zzzVar3.n = true; K().N(zzzVar3); } } I(zzaqVar2, zznVar); int size2 = arrayList2.size(); int i3 = 0; while (i3 < size2) { Object obj2 = arrayList2.get(i3); i3++; I(new zzaq((zzaq) obj2, j), zznVar); } K().s(); } finally { K().e0(); } } } @WorkerThread public final void m(zzaq zzaqVar, String str) { boolean z2; String str2; a4 T = K().T(str); if (T == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(T.M())) { this.k.g().m.b("No app data available; dropping event", str); return; } Boolean z3 = z(T); if (z3 == null) { if (!"_ui".equals(zzaqVar.j)) { this.k.g().i.b("Could not find package. appId", q3.s(str)); } } else if (!z3.booleanValue()) { this.k.g().f.b("App version does not match; dropping event. appId", q3.s(str)); return; } String v = T.v(); String M = T.M(); long N = T.N(); String O = T.O(); long P = T.P(); long Q = T.Q(); boolean T2 = T.T(); String H = T.H(); long g = T.g(); boolean h = T.h(); boolean i = T.i(); String y2 = T.y(); Boolean j = T.j(); long S = T.S(); List k = T.k(); if (da.b()) { z2 = T2; if (this.k.h.u(T.o(), p.f1558j0)) { str2 = T.B(); B(zzaqVar, new zzn(str, v, M, N, O, P, Q, (String) null, z2, false, H, g, 0L, 0, h, i, false, y2, j, S, k, str2, (t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) ? "" : a(str).d())); } } else { z2 = T2; } str2 = null; B(zzaqVar, new zzn(str, v, M, N, O, P, Q, (String) null, z2, false, H, g, 0L, 0, h, i, false, y2, j, S, k, str2, (t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) ? "" : a(str).d())); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:27:0x009b, code lost: if (android.text.TextUtils.isEmpty(r2) != false) goto L_0x009d; */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void n(a4 a4Var) { U(); if (!da.b() || !this.k.h.u(a4Var.o(), p.f1558j0)) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(a4Var.v()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(a4Var.y())) { r(a4Var.o(), 204, null, null, null); return; } } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(a4Var.v()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(a4Var.B()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(a4Var.y())) { r(a4Var.o(), 204, null, null, null); return; } c cVar = this.k.h; Objects.requireNonNull(cVar); Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder(); String v = a4Var.v(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(v)) { if (da.b() && cVar.a.h.u(a4Var.o(), p.f1558j0)) { v = a4Var.B(); } v = a4Var.y(); } ArrayMap arrayMap = null; Uri.Builder encodedAuthority = builder.scheme(p.e.a(null)).encodedAuthority(p.f.a(null)); String valueOf = String.valueOf(v); encodedAuthority.path(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "config/app/".concat(valueOf) : new String("config/app/")).appendQueryParameter("app_instance_id", a4Var.s()).appendQueryParameter("platform", "android").appendQueryParameter("gmp_version", "33025"); String uri =; try { URL url = new URL(uri); this.k.g().n.b("Fetching remote configuration", a4Var.o()); u0 s2 = H().s(a4Var.o()); p4 H = H(); String o = a4Var.o(); H.b(); String str = H.i.get(o); if (s2 != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { arrayMap = new ArrayMap(); arrayMap.put("If-Modified-Since", str); } this.r = true; x3 J = J(); String o2 = a4Var.o(); l9 l9Var = new l9(this); J.b(); J.n(); J.f().x(new c4(J, o2, url, null, arrayMap, l9Var)); } catch (MalformedURLException unused) { this.k.g().f.c("Failed to parse config URL. Not fetching. appId", q3.s(a4Var.o()), uri); } } @WorkerThread public final void o(zzku zzkuVar, zzn zznVar) { U(); P(); if (L(zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } int h02 = this.k.t().h0(zzkuVar.k); if (h02 != 0) { this.k.t(); String E = t9.E(zzkuVar.k, 24, true); String str = zzkuVar.k; this.k.t().S(this.A, zznVar.j, h02, "_ev", E, str != null ? str.length() : 0); return; } int i02 = this.k.t().i0(zzkuVar.k, zzkuVar.w0()); if (i02 != 0) { this.k.t(); String E2 = t9.E(zzkuVar.k, 24, true); Object w0 = zzkuVar.w0(); this.k.t().S(this.A, zznVar.j, i02, "_ev", E2, (w0 == null || (!(w0 instanceof String) && !(w0 instanceof CharSequence))) ? 0 : String.valueOf(w0).length()); return; } Object n0 = this.k.t().n0(zzkuVar.k, zzkuVar.w0()); if (n0 != null) { if ("_sid".equals(zzkuVar.k)) { long j = zzkuVar.l; String str2 = zzkuVar.o; long j2 = 0; u9 Y = K().Y(zznVar.j, "_sno"); if (Y != null) { Object obj = Y.e; if (obj instanceof Long) { j2 = ((Long) obj).longValue(); o(new zzku("_sno", j, Long.valueOf(j2 + 1), str2), zznVar); } } if (Y != null) { this.k.g().i.b("Retrieved last session number from database does not contain a valid (long) value", Y.e); } l z2 = K().z(zznVar.j, "_s"); if (z2 != null) { j2 = z2.c; this.k.g().n.b("Backfill the session number. Last used session number", Long.valueOf(j2)); } o(new zzku("_sno", j, Long.valueOf(j2 + 1), str2), zznVar); } u9 u9Var = new u9(zznVar.j, zzkuVar.o, zzkuVar.k, zzkuVar.l, n0); this.k.g().n.c("Setting user property", this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), n0); K().b0(); try { G(zznVar); boolean M = K().M(u9Var); K().s(); if (!M) { this.k.g().f.c("Too many unique user properties are set. Ignoring user property", this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); this.k.t().S(this.A, zznVar.j, 9, null, null, 0); } } finally { K().e0(); } } } } @WorkerThread public final void p(zzn zznVar) { if (this.w != null) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); this.f1541x = arrayList; arrayList.addAll(this.w); } g K = K(); String str = zznVar.j; d.w(str); K.b(); K.n(); try { SQLiteDatabase t = K.t(); String[] strArr = {str}; int delete = t.delete("apps", "app_id=?", strArr) + 0 + t.delete("events", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("user_attributes", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("conditional_properties", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("raw_events", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("raw_events_metadata", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("queue", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("audience_filter_values", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("main_event_params", "app_id=?", strArr) + t.delete("default_event_params", "app_id=?", strArr); if (delete > 0) { K.g().n.c("Reset analytics data. app, records", str, Integer.valueOf(delete)); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { K.g().f.c("Error resetting analytics data. appId, error", q3.s(str), e); } if (zznVar.q) { E(zznVar); } } @WorkerThread public final void q(zzz zzzVar, zzn zznVar) { zzaq zzaqVar; boolean z2; Objects.requireNonNull(zzzVar, "null reference"); d.w(zzzVar.j); Objects.requireNonNull(zzzVar.k, "null reference"); Objects.requireNonNull(zzzVar.l, "null reference"); d.w(zzzVar.l.k); U(); P(); if (L(zznVar)) { if (!zznVar.q) { G(zznVar); return; } zzz zzzVar2 = new zzz(zzzVar); boolean z3 = false; zzzVar2.n = false; K().b0(); try { zzz Z = K().Z(zzzVar2.j, zzzVar2.l.k); if (Z != null && !Z.k.equals(zzzVar2.k)) { this.k.g().i.d("Updating a conditional user property with different origin. name, origin, origin (from DB)", this.k.u().y(zzzVar2.l.k), zzzVar2.k, Z.k); } if (Z != null && (z2 = Z.n)) { zzzVar2.k = Z.k; zzzVar2.m = Z.m; zzzVar2.q = Z.q; zzzVar2.o = Z.o; zzzVar2.r = Z.r; zzzVar2.n = z2; zzku zzkuVar = zzzVar2.l; zzzVar2.l = new zzku(zzkuVar.k, Z.l.l, zzkuVar.w0(), Z.l.o); } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(zzzVar2.o)) { zzku zzkuVar2 = zzzVar2.l; zzzVar2.l = new zzku(zzkuVar2.k, zzzVar2.m, zzkuVar2.w0(), zzzVar2.l.o); zzzVar2.n = true; z3 = true; } if (zzzVar2.n) { zzku zzkuVar3 = zzzVar2.l; u9 u9Var = new u9(zzzVar2.j, zzzVar2.k, zzkuVar3.k, zzkuVar3.l, zzkuVar3.w0()); if (K().M(u9Var)) { this.k.g().m.d("User property updated immediately", zzzVar2.j, this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); } else { this.k.g().f.d("(2)Too many active user properties, ignoring", q3.s(zzzVar2.j), this.k.u().y(u9Var.c), u9Var.e); } if (z3 && (zzaqVar = zzzVar2.r) != null) { I(new zzaq(zzaqVar, zzzVar2.m), zznVar); } } if (K().N(zzzVar2)) { this.k.g().m.d("Conditional property added", zzzVar2.j, this.k.u().y(zzzVar2.l.k), zzzVar2.l.w0()); } else { this.k.g().f.d("Too many conditional properties, ignoring", q3.s(zzzVar2.j), this.k.u().y(zzzVar2.l.k), zzzVar2.l.w0()); } K().s(); } finally { K().e0(); } } } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:27:0x00b6, code lost: r8 = r7.k.o().h; java.util.Objects.requireNonNull((b.i.a.f.e.o.c) r7.k.o); r8.b(java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:30:0x00d5, code lost: r10 = r12.get("Last-Modified"); */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x0126 A[Catch: all -> 0x0175, TryCatch #1 {all -> 0x017e, blocks: (B:4:0x000c, B:5:0x000e, B:55:0x0168, B:6:0x0027, B:15:0x0043, B:20:0x005e, B:27:0x00b6, B:28:0x00ce, B:30:0x00d5, B:33:0x00e1, B:35:0x00e7, B:40:0x00f4, B:41:0x00fc, B:43:0x0106, B:44:0x010d, B:46:0x0126, B:47:0x0134, B:48:0x014a, B:50:0x0154, B:52:0x015a, B:53:0x015e, B:54:0x0161), top: B:61:0x000c }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:0x0134 A[Catch: all -> 0x0175, TryCatch #1 {all -> 0x017e, blocks: (B:4:0x000c, B:5:0x000e, B:55:0x0168, B:6:0x0027, B:15:0x0043, B:20:0x005e, B:27:0x00b6, B:28:0x00ce, B:30:0x00d5, B:33:0x00e1, B:35:0x00e7, B:40:0x00f4, B:41:0x00fc, B:43:0x0106, B:44:0x010d, B:46:0x0126, B:47:0x0134, B:48:0x014a, B:50:0x0154, B:52:0x015a, B:53:0x015e, B:54:0x0161), top: B:61:0x000c }] */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void r(String str, int i, Throwable th, byte[] bArr, Map> map) { U(); P(); d.w(str); if (bArr == null) { try { bArr = new byte[0]; } finally { this.r = false; x(); } } this.k.g().n.b("onConfigFetched. Response size", Integer.valueOf(bArr.length)); K().b0(); a4 T = K().T(str); boolean z2 = true; boolean z3 = (i == 200 || i == 204 || i == 304) && th == null; if (T == null) { this.k.g().i.b("App does not exist in onConfigFetched. appId", q3.s(str)); } else { if (!z3 && i != 404) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); T.I(System.currentTimeMillis()); K().I(T); this.k.g().n.c("Fetching config failed. code, error", Integer.valueOf(i), th); p4 H = H(); H.b(); H.i.put(str, null); h4 h4Var = this.k.o().g; Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); h4Var.b(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!(i == 503 || i == 429)) { z2 = false; } w(); } List list = null; String str2 = (list == null || list.size() <= 0) ? null : list.get(0); if (!(i == 404 || i == 304)) { H().w(str, bArr, str2); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); T.F(System.currentTimeMillis()); K().I(T); if (i != 404) { this.k.g().k.b("Config not found. Using empty config. appId", str); } else { this.k.g().n.c("Successfully fetched config. Got network response. code, size", Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(bArr.length)); } if (J().u() || !v()) { w(); } else { Q(); } } if (H().s(str) == null) { H().w(str, null, null); } Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); T.F(System.currentTimeMillis()); K().I(T); if (i != 404) { } if (J().u()) { } w(); } K().s(); K().e0(); } @WorkerThread public final void s(String str, d dVar) { if (t8.b() && this.k.h.o(p.J0)) { U(); P(); this.f1543z.put(str, dVar); g K = K(); if (t8.b() && K.a.h.o(p.J0)) { Objects.requireNonNull(str, "null reference"); K.b(); K.n(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("app_id", str); contentValues.put("consent_state", dVar.d()); try { if (K.t().insertWithOnConflict("consent_settings", null, contentValues, 5) == -1) { K.g().f.b("Failed to insert/update consent setting (got -1). appId", q3.s(str)); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { K.g().f.c("Error storing consent setting. appId, error", q3.s(str), e); } } } } /* JADX ERROR: JadxRuntimeException in pass: BlockProcessor jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException: Unreachable block: B:72:0x018e at jadx.core.dex.visitors.blocks.BlockProcessor.checkForUnreachableBlocks( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.blocks.BlockProcessor.processBlocksTree( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.blocks.BlockProcessor.visit( */ @androidx.annotation.WorkerThread public final boolean t(long r44) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 4262 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: b.i.a.f.i.b.k9.t(long):boolean"); } public final boolean u(a1.a aVar, a1.a aVar2) { d.l("_e".equals(aVar.y())); N(); c1 w = q9.w((a1) ((u4) aVar.p()), "_sc"); String str = null; String G = w == null ? null : w.G(); N(); c1 w2 = q9.w((a1) ((u4) aVar2.p()), "_pc"); if (w2 != null) { str = w2.G(); } if (str == null || !str.equals(G)) { return false; } A(aVar, aVar2); return true; } public final boolean v() { U(); P(); return ((K().S("select count(1) > 0 from raw_events", null) > 0L ? 1 : (K().S("select count(1) > 0 from raw_events", null) == 0L ? 0 : -1)) != 0) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(K().u()); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:102:0x0399 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:0x00a8 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:32:0x00e4 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:35:0x012c */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:56:0x01a4 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x01c2 */ @WorkerThread /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public final void w() { boolean z2; long j; long max; long j2; int i; Method method; U(); P(); if (this.n > 0) { Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); long abs = 3600000 - Math.abs(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - this.n); if (abs > 0) { this.k.g().n.b("Upload has been suspended. Will update scheduling later in approximately ms", Long.valueOf(abs)); S().a(); T().s(); return; } this.n = 0L; } if (!this.k.m() || !v()) { this.k.g().n.a("Nothing to upload or uploading impossible"); S().a(); T().s(); return; } Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long max2 = Math.max(0L, p.A.a(null).longValue()); if (!(K().S("select count(1) > 0 from raw_events where realtime = 1", null) != 0)) { if (!(K().S("select count(1) > 0 from queue where has_realtime = 1", null) != 0)) { z2 = false; if (!z2) { String h = this.k.h.h("", ""); j = (TextUtils.isEmpty(h) || ".none.".equals(h)) ? Math.max(0L, p.u.a(null).longValue()) : Math.max(0L, p.v.a(null).longValue()); } else { j = Math.max(0L, p.t.a(null).longValue()); } long a2 = this.k.o().f.a(); long a3 = this.k.o().g.a(); max = Math.max(K().w("select max(bundle_end_timestamp) from queue", null, 0L), K().w("select max(timestamp) from raw_events", null, 0L)); if (max != 0) { long abs2 = currentTimeMillis - Math.abs(max - currentTimeMillis); long abs3 = currentTimeMillis - Math.abs(a2 - currentTimeMillis); long abs4 = currentTimeMillis - Math.abs(a3 - currentTimeMillis); long max3 = Math.max(abs3, abs4); j2 = max2 + abs2; if (z2 && max3 > 0) { j2 = Math.min(abs2, max3) + j; } if (!N().N(max3, j)) { j2 = max3 + j; } if (abs4 != 0 && abs4 >= abs2) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < Math.min(20, Math.max(0, p.C.a(null).intValue())); i2++) { j2 += Math.max(0L, p.B.a(null).longValue()) * (1 << i2); if (j2 > abs4) { break; } } } if (j2 == 0) { this.k.g().n.a("Next upload time is 0"); S().a(); T().s(); return; } else if (!J().u()) { this.k.g().n.a("No network"); b4 S = S(); S.a.P(); S.a.f().b(); if (!S.f1517b) { S.a.k.f1567b.registerReceiver(S, new IntentFilter("")); S.c = S.a.J().u(); S.a.g().n.b("Registering connectivity change receiver. Network connected", Boolean.valueOf(S.c)); S.f1517b = true; } T().s(); return; } else { long a4 = this.k.o().h.a(); long max4 = Math.max(0L, p.r.a(null).longValue()); if (!N().N(a4, max4)) { j2 = Math.max(j2, a4 + max4); } S().a(); Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); long currentTimeMillis2 = j2 - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTimeMillis2 <= 0) { currentTimeMillis2 = Math.max(0L, p.w.a(null).longValue()); h4 h4Var = this.k.o().f; Objects.requireNonNull((c) this.k.o); h4Var.b(System.currentTimeMillis()); } this.k.g().n.b("Upload scheduled in approximately ms", Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2)); h9 T = T(); T.n(); Context context = T.a.f1567b; if (!n4.a(context)) { T.g().m.a("Receiver not registered/enabled"); } if (!t9.U(context)) { T.g().m.a("Service not registered/enabled"); } T.s(); T.g().n.b("Scheduling upload, millis", Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis2)); Objects.requireNonNull((c) T.a.o); long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + currentTimeMillis2; if (currentTimeMillis2 < Math.max(0L, p.f1560x.a(null).longValue())) { if (!(T.e.d != 0)) { T.e.b(currentTimeMillis2); } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) { Context context2 = T.a.f1567b; ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context2, ""); int t = T.t(); PersistableBundle persistableBundle = new PersistableBundle(); persistableBundle.putString("action", ""); JobInfo build = new JobInfo.Builder(t, componentName).setMinimumLatency(currentTimeMillis2).setOverrideDeadline(currentTimeMillis2 << 1).setExtras(persistableBundle).build(); Method method2 = a4.a; JobScheduler jobScheduler = (JobScheduler) context2.getSystemService("jobscheduler"); if (a4.a == null || context2.checkSelfPermission("android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS") != 0) { jobScheduler.schedule(build); return; } Method method3 = a4.f1432b; if (method3 != null) { try { i = ((Integer) method3.invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue(); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { if (Log.isLoggable("JobSchedulerCompat", 6)) { Log.e("JobSchedulerCompat", "myUserId invocation illegal", e); } } method = a4.a; if (method != null) { try { ((Integer) method.invoke(jobScheduler, build, "", Integer.valueOf(i), "UploadAlarm")).intValue(); return; } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e2) { Log.e("UploadAlarm", "error calling scheduleAsPackage", e2); } } jobScheduler.schedule(build); return; } i = 0; method = a4.a; if (method != null) { } jobScheduler.schedule(build); return; } T.d.setInexactRepeating(2, elapsedRealtime, Math.max(p.f1559s.a(null).longValue(), currentTimeMillis2), T.u()); return; } } j2 = 0; if (j2 == 0) { } } } z2 = true; if (!z2) { } long a22 = this.k.o().f.a(); long a32 = this.k.o().g.a(); max = Math.max(K().w("select max(bundle_end_timestamp) from queue", null, 0L), K().w("select max(timestamp) from raw_events", null, 0L)); if (max != 0) { } j2 = 0; if (j2 == 0) { } } @WorkerThread public final void x() { U(); if (this.r || this.f1540s || this.t) { this.k.g().n.d("Not stopping services. fetch, network, upload", Boolean.valueOf(this.r), Boolean.valueOf(this.f1540s), Boolean.valueOf(this.t)); return; } this.k.g().n.a("Stopping uploading service(s)"); List list = this.o; if (list != null) { for (Runnable runnable : list) {; } this.o.clear(); } } @WorkerThread public final zzn y(String str) { a4 T = K().T(str); if (T == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(T.M())) { this.k.g().m.b("No app data available; dropping", str); return null; } Boolean z2 = z(T); if (z2 == null || z2.booleanValue()) { return new zzn(str, T.v(), T.M(), T.N(), T.O(), T.P(), T.Q(), (String) null, T.T(), false, T.H(), T.g(), 0L, 0, T.h(), T.i(), false, T.y(), T.j(), T.S(), T.k(), (!da.b() || !this.k.h.u(str, p.f1558j0)) ? null : T.B(), (!t8.b() || !this.k.h.o(p.J0)) ? "" : a(str).d()); } this.k.g().f.b("App version does not match; dropping. appId", q3.s(str)); return null; } @WorkerThread public final Boolean z(a4 a4Var) { try { if (a4Var.N() != -2147483648L) { if (a4Var.N() == b.a(this.k.f1567b).b(a4Var.o(), 0).versionCode) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } else { String str = b.a(this.k.f1567b).b(a4Var.o(), 0).versionName; if (a4Var.M() != null && a4Var.M().equals(str)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } return Boolean.FALSE; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused) { return null; } } }