package b.i.a.f.e; import android.content.Context; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IInterface; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import b.i.a.f.e.k.c0; import b.i.a.f.e.k.d0; import b.i.a.f.e.k.e0; import b.i.a.f.f.b; import; import; import java.util.Objects; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class b0 { public static volatile e0 c; public static Context e; public static final z a = new v(x.i("0\u0082\u0004C0\u0082\u0003+ \u0003\u0002\u0001\u0002\u0002\t\u0000Âà\u0087FdJ0\u008d0")); /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ public static final z f1342b = new w(x.i("0\u0082\u0004¨0\u0082\u0003\u0090 \u0003\u0002\u0001\u0002\u0002\t\u0000Õ\u0085¸l}ÓNõ0")); public static final Object d = new Object(); static { new t(x.i("0\u0082\u0005È0\u0082\u0003° \u0003\u0002\u0001\u0002\u0002\u0014\u0010\u008ae\bsù/\u008eQí")); new u(x.i("0\u0082\u0006\u00040\u0082\u0003ì \u0003\u0002\u0001\u0002\u0002\u0014\u0003£²\u00ad×árÊkì")); } public static void a() throws DynamiteModule.LoadingException { e0 e0Var; if (c == null) { Objects.requireNonNull(e, "null reference"); synchronized (d) { try { if (c == null) { IBinder b2 = DynamiteModule.c(e, DynamiteModule.f2979b, "").b(""); int i = d0.a; if (b2 == null) { e0Var = null; } else { IInterface queryLocalInterface = b2.queryLocalInterface(""); e0Var = queryLocalInterface instanceof e0 ? (e0) queryLocalInterface : new c0(b2); } c = e0Var; } } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } } } public static g0 b(String str, x xVar, boolean z2, boolean z3) { try { a(); Objects.requireNonNull(e, "null reference"); try { return c.V(new zzs(str, xVar, z2, z3), new b(e.getPackageManager())) ? g0.a : new f0(new s(z2, str, xVar)); } catch (RemoteException e2) { Log.e("GoogleCertificates", "Failed to get Google certificates from remote", e2); return g0.c("module call", e2); } } catch (DynamiteModule.LoadingException e3) { Log.e("GoogleCertificates", "Failed to get Google certificates from remote", e3); String valueOf = String.valueOf(e3.getMessage()); return g0.c(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "module init: ".concat(valueOf) : new String("module init: "), e3); } } }